Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 15 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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You know I was thinking this was just a refurb and didn't really see why everyone was so "I gotta ride Hulk for the last time!"... Now I realize that it may be more significant than I thought.. And I am going to really miss "I think it's going to work this time!".. To me that was the highlight so to speak of the ride, u waited for that line because soon as u heard that.... Gone
Hello friends, long time lurker here.

Anyway, I want to say I agree completely with Grumpy and everyone else about the audio. I wait in line to hear Banner tell me how screwed I am. The whole experience: thumbs up from the gamma gurus, slight but substantial incline, daylight at the end of the tunnel, spinning tires, green lights. I'll admit I despise the second half of the ride but God I really think it may be my favorite coaster period. Something about it welcoming you in the morning, roaring at you all day for just one more. I'm not sure if I'm just a launch fanatic or what but still choose this over Kingda blah, maverick (great ride) and especially the De-Dueling-Dragons.

Speculations/hopes/dreams for future hulk: Not sure if it's lims they're planning on using or what but how about up that anticipation a little more but holding you in the tube stopped before launch for 10-15 seconds. Setup in the line better what exactly is going on, why we're there strapped into crazy dr banners machine and how it's definitely, 110 percent going to work. Hold us at a stop up that lovely 33 degree incline and have some even more legendary audio with 4k screens of Bruce talking to us, technological looking things, beeping flashing blah blah. Then you guessed it something went wrong. Entire interior of the tube lights up red with skull and cross bones, alarms, and one last effort from banner. Additionally, on board audio with a soundtrack for the whole ride maybe using that classic hulk tune, outside of launch tube changing color as launch happens to let the whole park know how happy I'm about to be, train lights for sure, color changing lights on the entire track that move with train (getting wishful). And a queue overhaul of course, but I'll spare my ideas for that.
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Boomerang coasters are usually regular sitdown coasters and go backwards through inversions. But then, I think
Yes, but with a suspended coaster like Batman your head is closer tot he rails, minimizing the extremes of motion. The farther away from the rails your head is, the more you feel the stress and the more stress your neck is subjected to.

Boomerang coasters are usually regular sitdown coasters and go backwards through inversions. But then, they are not as fast as Hulk and there are only three inversions.
Anyway, good point of the difference of force depending on how close you are to the rail. Maybe that is why the Giant Boomerangs are inverted, as are (I think) most shuttle coasters these days.
Not true. Goliath at Six Flags New England (a transplant from Magic Mountain) goes 65 mph... but then again Goliath isn't a sitdown, it's inverted.
Just did a quick wiki on the giant boomerangs, seems they had a lot of trouble with them. Anyway, the not so fast I meant for the regular model. The giant ones look fun though :)
Just did a quick wiki on the giant boomerangs, seems they had a lot of trouble with them. Anyway, the not so fast I meant for the regular model. The giant ones look fun though :)
I will say as far as operationally, the coaster I mentioned (Goliath) breaks down A LOT. So there's definitely trouble in that regard.
I will say as far as operationally, the coaster I mentioned (Goliath) breaks down A LOT. So there's definitely trouble in that regard.

That's disappointing. I know that Goliath is a rebuild and they were supposed to make engineering changes in the rebuild to make it more reliable. Six Flags got screwed over with those coasters. They bought and installed three of them and all three of them were operational disasters.
Been lurking for a while since returning and I have a question: where do we stand with the track? Is a refit with a new identical track, or are they doing a refurb on the old one?
Somewhere I saw a picture that showed how some tracks have yellow markings on them, so probably it is only a few pieces that are being replaced. They'll probably upgrade to magnetic brakes as well.
Im staying in the Royal Pacific and was in the car park when I heard a rather recognisable roar. Seems like they were testing it again.

This is killing me. Knowing the very limited info that I know, I cannot figure out why they would be running the trains at all. Is this happening off hours? Perhaps they are running new train silhouettes/cutouts? I am baffled.
That's what baffled me as why would they need to cycle the trains when I assume they wont have upgraded anything yet? Unless the new launch system has been installed already?