Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 34 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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from @bioreconstruct.
Why do you think they are removing the track in this manner? I would have thought they would just loosen the bolts. Perhaps too many layers of paint to bugger around with, with all the cranes/equipment sitting there costing money?

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from @bioreconstruct.
Why do you think they are removing the track in this manner? I would have thought they would just loosen the bolts. Perhaps too many layers of paint to bugger around with, with all the cranes/equipment sitting there costing money?

The bolts have been on there for what 16-17 years now? Probably more work than it's worth to try and loosen the bolts.
from @bioreconstruct.
Why do you think they are removing the track in this manner? I would have thought they would just loosen the bolts. Perhaps too many layers of paint to bugger around with, with all the cranes/equipment sitting there costing money?

More than likely to avoid damage to the concrete footings, Those studs go down deep and the slightest movement would ruin it.
so I guess they are going to use the same footings.
This all looks so unusual... and is! Lord knows what guests must think.

My BIL and SIL thought it was going away for good. They came home and told my husband about "Abby Go" going away. That is what we call it because when Abby first started riding coasters she pointed up to The Hulk and Said "Abby Go". She was just 2 and 36" lol That is actually what brought me back here because I knew there was no way they would get rid of it all together. That and Savannah went to daycare for the first time that week and I had time.
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Hulk remains will become Toy Story Land's Slinky Coaster at DHS. "Hulk sad that Hulk will be wimpy Disney coaster now" (Hulk quote)...:(
Lol..I swear twitter is just amazing about hulk refurb. They really make me want to just slap them with a hot right hand lol.
Lol..I swear twitter is just amazing about hulk refurb. They really make me want to just slap them with a hot right hand lol.
Esp. The drunk@disney guy! I believe he really is drunk@Disney when he tweets those ridiculous opinions of what hulk will become. Even though I think it's just a way to get us hulk fans in an uproar, he still gets to me :bang:
These photos evoke such a strong emotional response from us becuase they are actually a realization of our worst nightmare. Everytime you get on a rollercoaster a little voice in your head says "what if it breaks?" and this is what you envision.
from @bioreconstruct.
Why do you think they are removing the track in this manner? I would have thought they would just loosen the bolts. Perhaps too many layers of paint to bugger around with, with all the cranes/equipment sitting there costing money?


No way would anyone cut loose a steel structure this way. If you need to reuse the anchors and they are painted over you hit them with a torch and burn off the paint spray them with penetrating oil and nut runner them off. If the bolts are spinning in their setting you flush off the nuts to free the structure. A good iron worker could be done before the riggers even got the piece hooked up to the crane :)
I wish there was a picture of this from further back but my guess is the don't have the clearance to lift the structure up and over the studs. they need to cutting it off the base, than slide out the track piece, than go back to run off the nuts to remove the remaining base. Unless there is a reason that they needed to gain access to the inside of that support.
Thanks bioreconstruct, I were over to look at all his pics and never mind what I said they are doing a slash and burn removing all the supports by cut them off at the base to expedite the track removal. Either they are not reusing the concrete piers and are demoing them out so there is no need to save the anchor bolts or if they are reusing the piers they will go back through and run off the nuts with nothing in the way.
OK, who here isn't stoked about what we know? New Track. New Trains with on-board audio complete with under butt subs and lap bars only. Potter level queue/preshow. New faster and quieter launch.

Oh wait. They are adding more SCREEEENNZZZ!!!!!! Epic Fail!!!!!!!!! I'ma gonna go to DizneyWhirl!