Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 35 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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OK, who here isn't stoked about what we know? New Track. New Trains with on-board audio complete with under butt subs and lap bars only. Potter level queue/preshow. New faster and quieter launch.

Oh wait. They are adding more SCREEEENNZZZ!!!!!! Epic Fail!!!!!!!!! I'ma gonna go to DizneyWhirl!

Quieter launch? But I liked it being loud. Is the on-board audio replacing it?
Disneyhead, are you certain about the restraints? It is a clamshell as well as a something that restraint the legs by the ankle, correct? Definitely would be awesome!
I do believe that it will have something that holds the feet too. I used the picture to emphasize the lack of anything above the waist. I couldn't find a pic of the new type of restraint they will be using.
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Ok, found exactly what I believe the new Hulk will have:


Notice that in addition to the clamshell lap bar and leg restraints there is also a lap belt.
As much as the coaster enthusiasts will love these supposed new restraints, I think the GP will be a little intimidated knowing that the only thing holding them in is a lap bar. I always here among friends that the one thing that scares them about riding coasters is that the restraint will pop open and they'll fly out. :lol: and I just shake my head...
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Ok, found exactly what I believe the new Hulk will have:


Notice that in addition to the clamshell lap bar and leg restraints there is also a lap belt.

That is pretty much what is on Diamondback, minus the ankle restraint, and there is no way I would ride that if it went upside down. I'm not scared of coasters, but thats not near enough of a restraint. I'm betting we will see the new vest style of restraints on Hulk.
Remember, gravity will keep you in your seat with a lap bar. The average tourist won't know that. Look at the Tempesto incident where a rider's shoulder collar came loose yet she was fine because the lap bar was still in place and the collar was merely for comfort.
Remember, gravity will keep you in your seat with a lap bar. The average tourist won't know that. Look at the Tempesto incident where a rider's shoulder collar came loose yet she was fine because the lap bar was still in place and the collar was merely for comfort.

In a regular looping gravity is what would pull you out, centrifugal force is what keeps you inside. (While regular acceleration keeps you pushed back against the seat). Of course most inversions are not simple loopings, but yes, regular lapbar does hold you in place and if the legs are restraint as well, then one cannot fall out. I can imagine why people might get frightened though, because whenever you pop out of your seat a little you always think you might fall out.
Thats not always the case. There are plenty of coasters where at times of an inversion where you feel your weight against the shoulder restraints. Banshee's last inversion is a big example of this. I can't recall if Hulk had moments like that or not, but I think the initial zero G roll it probably happens. I'm not sure how the launch will work exactly, but if, for some reason, it doesn't launch at full speed and it makes a slow pass through there, you will be hanging against whatever restraints they use. Seat belts can be loosened by the rider. Most everyone who enjoys airtime coasters, know that its not hard to get more space when they do their checks. And those clamshells are not that restricting even when tight. With ride-ops having to do thousands of checks a day, not every one is going out is going to be perfectly tight. If they are going to do a no shoulder restrain design, it will be significantly redesigned to take those risks out of it, but i'm still betting on the vests.
In a regular looping gravity is what would pull you out, centrifugal force is what keeps you inside. (While regular acceleration keeps you pushed back against the seat). Of course most inversions are not simple loopings, but yes, regular lapbar does hold you in place and if the legs are restraint as well, then one cannot fall out. I can imagine why people might get frightened though, because whenever you pop out of your seat a little you always think you might fall out.

In theory, yeah. But something that calms me a bit is that I cannot recall any great negative Gs on Hulk except a small one at the end of the break run out back. It is the negative that could propel someone from their seat if not fully secured in some fashion.
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Thats not always the case. There are plenty of coasters where at times of an inversion where you feel your weight against the shoulder restraints. Banshee's last inversion is a big example of this. I can't recall if Hulk had moments like that or not, but I think the initial zero G roll it probably happens. I'm not sure how the launch will work exactly, but if, for some reason, it doesn't launch at full speed and it makes a slow pass through there, you will be hanging against whatever restraints they use. Seat belts can be loosened by the rider. Most everyone who enjoys airtime coasters, know that its not hard to get more space when they do their checks. And those clamshells are not that restricting even when tight. With ride-ops having to do thousands of checks a day, not every one is going out is going to be perfectly tight. If they are going to do a no shoulder restrain design, it will be significantly redesigned to take those risks out of it, but i'm still betting on the vests.

Pushing against the shoulder harness does not necessarily mean you'd fall out if it was a lapbar, especially since you are in a seated position. In any case, I think the restraint by the legs should make it impossible for anyone to fall out.
Interesting sidenote: BGT's Scorpion has a regular lapbar and is looping.

In Walibi Belgium a looping coaster once got stuck upside down and no one fell out even though it was lapbar only. Still, must've been highly uncomfortable.
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