Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 69 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Looks like life preservers to me too. A lot of heavy equipment to work with near water, makes sense as a safety requirement.

This instantly sprang to mind reading this.

Although it makes perfect sense.


I've never noticed that the box section dips below the rails like that during the brake sections before.
Yes, where the box beam lowers is generally some kind of special track that requires extra space for equipment like brakes, kicker wheels, etc. In this case, that would be the trim/block brake before the turn to the transfer blocks. I believe there were 4 possible blocks prior to entering the station, which may seem like overkill, but probably helps a lot with dispatch timing while keeping things safe. There would be the tunnel, transfer track, the brake section next to the maintenance building, and then that first brake section at the end. I may be wrong and it may only be 3, and either the one before the turn isn't a block, or the entire length of the transfer table and shed may be one, but I seem to remember several rides where the train came to a complete (very brief, but complete) stop instead of just trimming before continuing the turn to the transfer area.
Yes, where the box beam lowers is generally some kind of special track that requires extra space for equipment like brakes, kicker wheels, etc. In this case, that would be the trim/block brake before the turn to the transfer blocks. I believe there were 4 possible blocks prior to entering the station, which may seem like overkill, but probably helps a lot with dispatch timing while keeping things safe. There would be the tunnel, transfer track, the brake section next to the maintenance building, and then that first brake section at the end. I may be wrong and it may only be 3, and either the one before the turn isn't a block, or the entire length of the transfer table and shed may be one, but I seem to remember several rides where the train came to a complete (very brief, but complete) stop instead of just trimming before continuing the turn to the transfer area.

It's been a long time since I've rode Hulk, but looking at the layout, the blocks would be the launch tunnel, midcourse, brakes before the turn into the station, and the whole final set of brakes, transfer track, and station. The trains should be able to be stopped anywhere in the final brake/transfer/station area and they should be able to stack three trains in that run. You can tell that the one before the turn is one as there are walkways and steps for evac. I think they could technically have 5 trains on the tracks without actually tripping any of the blocks. Not that it would be efficient or practical, but that suggests there are 6 possible blocks.
Umm..what the hell is going on? Waiting on track???

Considering how this project is a total renovation, it doesn't phase me a bit of the length of time taking to make new track, and the supports; especially if the work started maybe in November for creating it.

If anything, I am thinking Hulk will finish track/support work by mid-march, atleast as a guess.
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Heres the thing, B&M is in a way; a busy company. They can't just cater to one source, as that'd not be good for business, especially considering other parks wanting to work with them.

If anything, I am thinking Hulk will finish track/support work by mid-march, atleast as a guess.
Well I know they're busy now of course, that could just be one of the haults in production. It could be done.