Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 94 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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That's the idea. They want people walking by the next ride thinking, "Man we need to come back for that!"

What will be interesting is if/when they finally start on Park 3. I have to assume CityWalk or one of the parks will get a preview center since Park 3 construction won't be visible from the current resort

I hope they bring back the big egg timer.
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Between spring and fall when is your favorite time of year to come?
We try to come when it's not peak crowd times. In the spring we generally come sometime between the last week in April & the third or fourth week in May. During the fall anywhere between Labor Day & the middle of October. This year we're May 7 through the 17th and tentatively Sept. 24th to Oct. 8th. We only did the early Sept. once & it was a little too rainy & muggy, so we'll probably stay within the confines of late Sept. early Oct. We don't do late Oct., early Nov. since we drive down from Pittsburgh, and sometimes they get snow in the WV mountains at that time of year. We enjoy spring & fall equally, therefore we do both. Spring is good to shake off the winter doldrums. And going in the Fall seems to make a long winter shorter.
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We try to come when it's not peak crowd times. In the spring we generally come sometime between the last week in April & the third or fourth week in May. During the fall anywhere between Labor Day & the middle of October. This year we're May 7 through the 17th and tentatively Sept. 24th to Oct. 8th. We only did the early Sept. once & it was a little too rainy & muggy, so we'll probably stay within the confines of late Sept. early Oct. We don't do late Oct., early Nov. since we drive down from Pittsburgh, and sometimes they get snow in the WV mountains at that time of year. We enjoy spring & fall equally, therefore we do both. Spring is good to shake off the winter doldrums. And going in the Fall seems to make a long winter shorter.

We usually go two or three times a year. We went for a week at the end of January. We are going back for another week beginning October 9th. Looks like we will just barely miss you this year!
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We usually go two or three times a year. We went for a week at the end of January. We are going back for another week beginning October 9th. Looks like we will just barely miss you this year!
We had a great time with you & your wife in Sept. 2014 at Duff's. Sorry we're just missing you this time. Looks like the Pirates & Cardinals are going to be battling each other right down to the wire again. That has become a great rivalry.
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Fallon and Fast/Furious.

I've always been told the contract includes one more major Potter attraction so there's that too.

If there is another Potter atttraction, and I certainly think there will be. Whats the general opinion? Will they create a new Harry Potter land for it, or place it in Hogwarts, or Diagon Alley?

Sorry, guess that's getting off topic...
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Fan request has always been Ministry of Magic - particular the battle in Dept of Mysteries.

The "solution" would be on the Fear Factor plot so it can in London but not within actual Diagon Alley.
I'd personally rather have a non-HP thing in the FFL plot, such as James Bond or even Doctor Who. But if we had to get Potter, MOM would have potential.
Can someone explain what this hour glass/egg timer was?
Used at the preview centre to countdown to the opening of IOA. Was the biggest hourglass in the world at the time, I believe.

That certainly is a neat piece of kit, my geeky side would love to know more about how egg timers on that sort of scale are made, physically they are amazing objects when you consider the weight involved and calculations involved.

As a loose segway to get it back on topic and while we're discussing sand within containing instruments (yeh that's a thing), has it been established whether any of the hulk track/supports will be hollowed out or filled? Not sure if this was a rumor or fact.