Jurassic World VelociCoaster Construction Thread (Opening June 10) | Page 33 | Inside Universal Forums

Jurassic World VelociCoaster Construction Thread (Opening June 10)

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Just because the land is where it is doesn't mean that the entrance would have to be where Dragons' is.

Well, I went with FF because I don't see anything else that could be done in the Hogsmeade setting that'd be worthy to replace Dragons. And a Shrieking Shack attraction would be crap next to Dragons. The Shrieking Shack is a creaky old building that's not even really haunted :p It's just interesting to look at, that's all.
Not to sound like an Intamin fanboy after the Gringotts discussion, but an Intamin Mega-Lite or mine train like Thunderhead Falls (a famous No Limits creation) could be great. I could see this as a fun journey through the ole amber mines.

Maybe they will hide the Potter show building behind one of these:


That's at my home park!
Not to sound like an Intamin fanboy after the Gringotts discussion, but an Intamin Mega-Lite or mine train like Thunderhead Falls (a famous No Limits creation) could be great. I could see this as a fun journey through the ole amber mines.


Maybe they will hide the Potter show building behind one of these

Perfect! That'd be 6 out of 8, correct? :lol:
^Carowinds. It's Intimidator (the B&M 232' coaster, not to be confused with Intimidator 305, the Intamin giga coaster at King's Dominion).
^Carowinds. It's Intimidator (the B&M 232' coaster, not to be confused with Intimidator 305, the Intamin giga coaster at King's Dominion).

I guess I would have to consider Carowinds my home park growing up. I am from Southern West Virginia, 3 Hours from Carowinds. I started going there in 1978 and in High School, our 'Band Trip" every year was to Carowinds. I have spent a LOT of time in that park.
If there was any island that a big roller coaster would fit, it would actually be Jurassic Park. It's the only island themed to actually be a tourist attraction. John Hammond himself said that as Jurassic Park grew, he would add thrill rides because "every park has rides". I mean, it would be more thematically appropriate than a big green roller coaster placed above a 'city' or a tangled mess of track outside a wizard village. And they could really go big with it too, and make the end scene have to do with a dinosaur cutting the power or messing with the track or something, and that would be where it sets itself apart from other roller coasters. IMO it could work.

I hope Dragons aren't going anywhere. I don't think they're gonna be taken out either. It's very rare to see a theme park replace big coasters like that, least of all two. As sad as I am that they don't duel anymore, they're both still awesome coasters. All I'm hoping for now, is for them to spruce up the theming a bit more. At least the indoor queue and ride vehicles. If they spruce up the outside, like add trees, etc. in the area where the coaster runs, that's be awesome too.

Probably because the queue is a mile long, the coaster trains eat up riders and there are two tracks. Meaning double the amount of riders-per-hour than a normal B&M invert would get.

And taking Dueling Dragons out of Islands of Adventure would be like taking Space Mountain out of Magic Kingdom.
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I'm not too thrilled about the idea of a large roller coaster being placed in Jurassic Park. However to be fare there was a roller coaster in Jurassic Park called the Bone Shaker. Its not mentioned in the movie but it is featured in the Game. It doesn't hide the fact that the ride is a roller coaster like the "amber mine" would try to do. After watching the video from the game I could actually see something like this work in IOA if they aren't doing the Amber Mine coaster.



I do love the new idea of a walk thru though. I would love to see a walk thru similar to the Pangani forest and Maharajah Jungle trails at Animal Kingdom. Of course instead of real animals though we'd see Animatronic Dinosaurs behind the Electric Fences. I wish that the Raptor Containment Pin wasn't featured on the River Adventure already so that it could be part of a walk thru trail attraction. I would also like to see a large Electric fence constructed in front of the T-Rex and Spinosaur photo ops and them placed behind it. I'd actually be fine with the Spinosaur leaving all together since it wouldn't have been in any of the "Parks" anyways.

I'm very excited to see whats coming for Jurassic Park. Before the Wizarding World it was my favorite Island and with some TLC I think it could be once again.
And taking Dueling Dragons out of Islands of Adventure would be like taking Space Mountain out of Magic Kingdom.

That's an interesting comparison. Disney taking Space Mountain out would be due to it reaching its expected life, it wouldn't be taken out because it is iconic to the Disney Kingdom-park experience. Universal taking DD/DC out would be due to ridership and the need for space (not iconic to the IOA experience), it wouldn't be taken out because it has a good 10-15 years left before it becomes a problem for the park.

The queue length for DD was due to industrial engineering dictating how long of a queue would be needed per the rides throughput, you're exactly right Bryce. Funny too, since wouldn't you think a higher capacity ride needs less of a queue? I understand though, late 90's a B&M invert was all the rage, especially two unique ones that dueled.
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What is exactly is a hypercoaster i'm genuinely curious. I want to know more about theme park lingo, so I'll probably be asking these seemingly stupid questions because I'm literally sitting here confused as heck about what you guys are talking about, and I'll still want to make an input but I need to know what I'm talking about first so

Yeah hypercoasters guys those are?
200ft to 299ft I believe is considered a hyper
The height definition is in play when speaking categorically and encompasses all designers and manufacturers. B&M have a specific model known as the Hyper Coaster, which people have pointed out have been built under 200' and I believe there is also now one that surpasses 300'. Categorically people would call that a giga coaster (300' - 399') but is still a B&M Hyper Coaster.
That's spot on lazyboy, as usual. The hyper/mega model for B&Ms is distinguished in almost every instance with the "lap bar on an arm" restraint. RCDB started referring to it as a Mega coaster instead of Hyper because height was no longer the defining characteristic.
I said this in a post before but i think a coaster mixed with dark ride elements would be such a great idea. That's what im atleast anticipating now that the Dark Ride was scrapped.
If there was any island that a big roller coaster would fit, it would actually be Jurassic Park. It's the only island themed to actually be a tourist attraction. John Hammond himself said that as Jurassic Park grew, he would add thrill rides because "every park has rides". I mean, it would be more thematically appropriate than a big green roller coaster placed above a 'city' or a tangled mess of track outside a wizard village.

Sorry to go so far back but I had to pick up on this point. While I get what you're saying, the experience of JP in the IOA sense is so much more of immersion within the environment than of being true to the 'park' of Jurassic Park as a tourist attraction within itself. People identify it more with a lush tropical environment, cut off from everywhere else - this is why people complain so about the FJ show building, so while a coaster might technically be 'appropriate', from a guest experience PoV it would be bad.

And while we're here, for the record, DC being right next to Hogsmede does annoy me. But ho hum, oh for the days of it being in LC! But that's another story... And Hulk fits with the non-naturalistic stylings of the rest of the island. It is meant to be exaggerated and not a realistic rendition of a city.
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