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Lionsgate World Resort

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Thoughts on SkyPlex?

  • I want it!

  • I have concerns, but still want to see it built.

  • I hate it!

  • I don't care.

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Are people really worried about sightlines?

This I can not understand.

Eye reception and brain perception and total distance actuality play a part in"How tall something is".

I can stand under the Orlando Eye all day long and look up and it doesn't seem that tall. There arent any other objects at the height or close to the height of it to bother my perception and my actuality of distance is true (being right under it).. There for my eyes receive it for what it is: only structure in a certain distance that tall in my view.

If i was in the middle of a forrest and the orlando eye was there and i stood under it the same way and looked up, depending on the height of the trees and whatever else around it could seem like the tallest thing in the world and alter my perception. If something towers over one or more things by a distance that greatly alter your preception by more than 35% it seems tall and bothersome depending on your definition.

If something towers by itself in the open with structures generally a considerably shorter height where your preception of view isn't aggrivated but solely focused on the structure itself it doesn't seam as tall because your actuality = your reception of what you are perceiving depending on your height and diatance away from the object.

At any rate Universal shouldn't be worried because anything closely in distance will be altered by several other things of significant height planned for the area.
Yeah, but if i'm Skyplex, i'm not taking Universal seriously until they file for it and go through the process. That was my point.
Yeah I agree, but my understanding is Skyplex is relying on a lot of outside investors to fund the project. Skyplex may be willing to call a bluff but others may not be willing to put their money on the line. Everything I've heard is that the financing for this is very shaky as it is.
Are people really worried about sightlines?

Sightlines keep being brought up because it's the only "reasonable" complaint. But at 100 feet taller and just a few blocks closer, it would barely have more impact than the Eye.

And this was never about competition with Skyscraper. No one in their right mind would decide between Universal's two theme parks and one really tall roller coaster. This is more about its proximity to Universal's undeveloped land, and in the nearer future, competition with CityWalk.
At any rate Universal shouldn't be worried because anything closely in distance will be altered by several other things of significant height planned for the area.
What if Universal doesn't even care, what if they have an IP in the works with very strict demands on how their property is presented and the IP holder is the one concerned with sight lines. Not saying this is true but Universal has a track record of working under very strict demands of IP holders. I think there are a lot of possibilities we may not be aware of, that's just one possible example.
What if Universal doesn't even care, what if they have an IP in the works with very strict demands on how their property is presented and the IP holder is the one concerned with sight lines. Not saying this is true but Universal has a track record of working under very strict demands of IP holders. I think there are a lot of possibilities we may not be aware of, that's just one possible example.
Yeah I agree, but my understanding is Skyplex is relying on a lot of outside investors to fund the project. Skyplex may be willing to call a bluff but others may not be willing to put their money on the line. Everything I've heard is that the financing for this is very shaky as it is.

You familiar with the ISquare Mall project about .20 miles away from Universal with the Ice Skating Rink, Rooftop Restaurant, Observation Deck, and multiple hotel rooms? Universal didn't oppose that and it's in city limits....wonder why... Hmm.

They are backed by billionaire investors 5000 miles away it got approval and may get off the ground. Skyplex has the backing whether it moves forward or not is for us to see.
You familiar with the ISquare Mall project about .20 miles away from Universal with the Ice Skating Rink, Rooftop Restaurant, Observation Deck, and multiple hotel rooms? Universal didn't oppose that and it's in city limits....wonder why... Hmm.

They are backed by billionaire investors 5000 miles away it got approval and may get off the ground. Skyplex has the backing whether it moves forward or not is for us to see.
Actually, Universal is also opposed to iSquare, too.
There were a few on the board that checked before their vote that it would not create a done deal. They were checking that some other caveats still applied... what are those caveats? Anyone know?
There were a few on the board that checked before their vote that it would not create a done deal. They were checking that some other caveats still applied... what are those caveats? Anyone know?
Those are just general caveats/conditions placed on all projects . These can include consistency with prior ordinances or other laws that must not be violated by the final product. They only added the height limit, wastewater requirement, and that last thing for this specific project.
Once again, let me state that I'm for this but concerned. With every large business, they are concerned about who their neighbors are. Not just for "competition" but for how their business will be impacted by a public perceptive. If this thing goes wrong, looks bad, has bad publicity, Universal is so close. Its like owning a beautiful house and someone buys the plot next to yours and builds a ridiculous 10 story house. And that owner of the beautiful house is the reason that neighborhood is even there. For example, I work at Publix and they really care about who their neighbors are. Publix refuses to build a store near certain types of businesses, especially if they are within the same shopping center.
Those are just general caveats/conditions placed on all projects . These can include consistency with prior ordinances or other laws that must not be violated by the final product. They only added the height limit, wastewater requirement, and that last thing for this specific project.

added the height limit to what end? They approved the 700' deal?
Wow, this really exploded! It'll be interesting to see how/if this proceeds. If Universal really wants this dead, I'm sure they can find other avenues. There's still the issue of financing, random inspections/minute government details, and the like.
The distance from this point of view to RRR will be about twice the distance from volcano bay and the proposed location. RRR is below 170 feet. Skyplex will be 600ft. While it may seem insignificant, it still is.

Universal Orlando is trying to avoid this from happening.


That hotel is 452 feet.

If this thing gets built I dont want tax payer money to fund this project. I know they said that but they are business people. Orlando doesn't need a Marlins Stadium 2.0
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But it's done and over with. The only way to stop this is the developers now, if tbey get funding, it getss built. And...Unicorp will get it's 400 foot Star Fyler as well. I'm still befuddled by the 'if Universal announces a bigger one" theory. Again, I ask, "Who will build it?" I am sure there's contracts in place with the Skyplex people and US Thill Rides and Intamin that protect them from basically having the rug pulled out from underneath them.

They want this to start quicklylike in early 16 so we'll find out if the financing is in place soon enough. They want a phased opening come 2018. If Universal magically had another company to build one you are looking at 5 years before it would be up and going in the most rosy of senarios.

Now we need to ponder if any flat rides are included like the recent animation shows. The drop tower is fairly easy for Intamin to pull off.
But it's done and over with. The only way to stop this is the developers now, if tbey get funding, it getss built. And...Unicorp will get it's 400 foot Star Fyler as well. I'm still befuddled by the 'if Universal announces a bigger one" theory. Again, I ask, "Who will build it?" I am sure there's contracts in place with the Skyplex people and US Thill Rides and Intamin that protect them from basically having the rug pulled out from underneath them.

They want this to start quicklylike in early 16 so we'll find out if the financing is in place soon enough. They want a phased opening come 2018. If Universal magically had another company to build one you are looking at 5 years before it would be up and going in the most rosy of senarios.

Now we need to ponder if any flat rides are included like the recent animation shows. The drop tower is fairly easy for Intamin to pull off.

I think the point wasn't that Universal was going to build a bigger coaster. Its that if they came out and said they were going to build a bigger one even if they never intended to, it might scare the outside investors out of the skyplex project.
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I think the point wasn't that Universal was going to build a bigger coaster. Its that if they came out and said they were going to build a bigger one even if they never intended to, it might scare the outside investors out of the skyplex project.
Exactly. That's what I also said a few pages previously.
I'm gonna be honest, I'm not convinced Universal cares about Skyplex outside of sightline intrusion on the new land acquisition. And even then, Skyplex's approval basically gives Universal carte blanche to do whatever they want on that land
That's an interesting angle. Just pure conjecture, Universal could have feigned opposition to open the floodgates to do build just about anything they want. A classic check, checkmate move.
I think the one fair thing to impose would be to make the owners have an insurance policy so that if the construction stops or if it bankrupts there is a fund to demolish it. Cause at that point I would be piised if I was universal if there is a 600 foot rusting pole just waiting to be blown down by a hurricane.