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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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I see it the other way around. Zelda to replace Lost Continent, Pokémon with it's own land in Park 3.

1) Pokémon is WAY more popular
2) Lost Continent could be an easy transition to Hyrule.
I think Pokémon would work better in that spot since Hyrule would have too much of an aesthetic similarity to Hogsmeade.
Way I see it is: Sindbad area is rethemed to Castle Town, and Sindbad becomes a Link vs Ganon stage show, PF is knocked down and replaced with a ride.
Lon Lon Ranch (flat rides, animals, etc.)

Castle Town with the Temple of Time (E Ticket), Milk Bar, Potion Shop, Regular Shop, Mini-Game shops, etc.

Hyrule Castle with main restaurant, a huge banquet hall with all you would expect in such a setting plus M&Gs.
They called Hogsmeade "The Wizarding WORLD of Harry Potter" originally and still put another land in another park. :tongue:
And it's still called that just with "Hogsmeade" or "Diagon Alley" at the end of it.

Here I bet it'll be no different;
"Super Nintendo World: Mushroom Kingdom"
"Super Nintendo World: Hyrule"
"Super Nintendo World: Pokémon(?)"
Honestly could care less about Japan, since Universal seems to focus more there. But on the positive side, good to see they are actually serious about the detail to such a tremendous property that will outshine potter. They have to get this right.

If anything they focus the most on Orlando.
The crowds weren't nearly as intense as they were anticipating. Even though there's an attendance bump coming obviously, they desperately overshot their expectations and right now the blame seems to be on how old the land is in the grand scheme. Luckily guest spending is at the high it should be, however.

Still, I think this shows the problematic issues with direct cloning things attached to immense hype. Sometimes it helps to tweak things slightly.
Nintendo won't be opening 6 years after the original anywhere unlike HP.
Or they're just not in the plans anymore.

I would expect to see multiple tracks represented in the ride.

This. Remember, this is more or less the general idea, not necessarily what we should expect 1:1
I'd say Universal still does a good job of being close to the art shown. It's mostly minor differences.
I think that Musroom House is a store. I associate that with the mushroom house from super Mario bros. 3 where you can get an item.
I hope that theme plays in the stores.
I see it the other way around. Zelda to replace Lost Continent...
This is what immediately came to mind for me, too.

...Sindbad becomes a Link vs Ganon stage show, PF is knocked down and replaced with a ride.
I'd probably reverse that. I would imagine that Nintendo wouldn't be thrilled by the idea of a traditional stunt show, but Poseidon's Fury has the potential to be converted into a really cutting edge and unique show. Imagine that big ancient temple facade changed into Hyrule Castle. Then Sindbad and maybe Dragon Challenge could be demolished to make way for a ride. Or, if they really wanted to get ambitious, combine the two areas, make PF into the next level queue/pre-show experience that leads into the ride where Sindbad is now.
Then don't make it a castle. Make it Kokiri Forest or a Wind Waker aesthetic. Plenty of different opportunities.
Hyrule Castle is the central point in most games as well as whatever town that surrounds it. It's one of the icons of the series. It's like if they decided to forgo Peach's Castle. As great as Wind Waker is it's only one game and Kokiri Forest wouldn't have the same wide appeal. It's like if phase 3 of Harry Potter was announced and it was Privet Drive.
I'd probably reverse that. I would imagine that Nintendo wouldn't be thrilled by the idea of a traditional stunt show, but Poseidon's Fury has the potential to be converted into a really cutting edge and unique show. Imagine that big ancient temple facade changed into Hyrule Castle. Then Sindbad and maybe Dragon Challenge could be demolished to make way for a ride. Or, if they really wanted to get ambitious, combine the two areas, make PF into the next level queue/pre-show experience that leads into the ride where Sindbad is now.

IDK how they'd use DC land for that considering HE is between them, and Sinbad isn't big enough for a ride. If they don't want a straight forward stunt show, make a dramatic retelling of the story of the Hero of Time put on by a bnch of Hylian actors

Hyrule Castle is the central point in most games as well as whatever town that surrounds it. It's one of the icons of the series. It's like if they decided to forgo Peach's Castle. As great as Wind Waker is it's only one game and Kokiri Forest wouldn't have the same wide appeal. It's like if phase 3 of Harry Potter was announced and it was Privet Drive.

Nah, can't agree at all with this. Hyrule Castle isn't close to a feature player in most of the Zelda games. After Ocarina only 2 Zelda games have featured Hyrule Castle as a centerpoint. Meanwhile, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, and Skyward Sword all more or less ignored it save for a few moments here and there, and Breath of the Wild looks to do the same. I'd argue it's far from the most important aspect of the series. That would be Link, Zelda, and Ganon. Put them in there, and build an adventure fantasy world around them, and you have more than enough
Nah, can't agree at all with this. Hyrule Castle isn't close to a feature player in most of the Zelda games. After Ocarina only 2 Zelda games have featured Hyrule Castle as a centerpoint. Meanwhile, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, and Skyward Sword all more or less ignored it save for a few moments here and there, and Breath of the Wild looks to do the same. I'd argue it's far from the most important aspect of the series. That would be Link, Zelda, and Ganon. Put them in there, and build an adventure fantasy world around them, and you have more than enough
You still need a recognizable location easily translatable to a theme park. Most of the areas from the games you described only appeared in those games and never again. Hyrule Castle has consistently appeared in multiple games of the series not to mention the role the town played in Ocarina of Time, consistently called the best game in the series. It's not the most important thing in the series but it's an important landmark that has appeared more times than others except maybe Death Mountain. You also need a town with plenty of shops like Universal loves to do.
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You still need a recognizable location easily translatable to a theme park. Most of the areas from the games you described only appeared in those games and never again. Hyrule Castle has consistently appeared in multiple games of the series not to mention the role the town played in Ocarina of Time, consistently called the best game in the series. It's not the most important thing in the series but it's an important landmark that has appeared more times than others except maybe Death Mountain.

Zelda's my favorite game series. I think you're overvaluing the castle, TBH. You could do the Deku Tree as a land mark, which would be just as iconic from OoT. I don't think anyone would go through a Zelda area and say "Where's Hyrule Castle?" like they would if they went through a Harry Potter land and said, "Where's Hogwarts/Gringotts?"
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You still need a recognizable location easily translatable to a theme park. Most of the areas from the games you described only appeared in those games and never again. Hyrule Castle has consistently appeared in multiple games of the series not to mention the role the town played in Ocarina of Time, consistently called the best game in the series. It's not the most important thing in the series but it's an important landmark that has appeared more times than others except maybe Death Mountain. You also need a town with plenty of shops like Universal loves to do.

What I would be curious is with Breath of The Wild and what exactly could they offer there. I don't think its impossible that Nintendo could push Universal to focus more potential Zelda movements more on BoTW's surroundings in places and iconic locations. Who knows, but I would be curious about that as of now..
IDK how they'd use DC land for that considering HE is between them, and Sinbad isn't big enough for a ride. If they don't want a straight forward stunt show, make a dramatic retelling of the story of the Hero of Time put on by a bnch of Hylian actors
Honestly, now that I'm looking at satellite imagery, I'm surprised that the Sindbad plot is is almost as large as Poseidon's Fury, if you include the area around the Mystic Fountain. You could nearly fit something the size of the Forbidden Journey show building there. Especially if DC does get demolished at some point and they reroute the Hogwarts Express queue closer to Hogsmeade (which I would love to see them do to give it something more of a show experience the way it does on the London side).
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What I would be curious is with Breath of The Wild and what exactly could they offer there. I don't think its impossible that Nintendo could push Universal to focus more potential Zelda movements more on BoTW's surroundings in places and iconic locations. Who knows, but I would be curious about that as of now..

Let's say they even did focus on BotW and made the Castle Town...the BotW aesthetic would do enough to differentiate it from Hogsmeade
Then don't make it a castle. Make it Kokiri Forest or a Wind Waker aesthetic. Plenty of different opportunities.
I don't think Kokiri Forest would work as an icon. When you think Zelda, the general aesthetic you think of is Ocarina, and to go Wind Waker would be a bad idea in trying to incorporate the main focus of the franchise. When you think of the main icon present in most Zelda games, it's Hyrule Castle and the castle town.
Zelda's my favorite game series. I think you're overvaluing the castle, TBH. You could do the Deku Tree as a land mark, which would be just as iconic from OoT. I don't think anyone would go through a Zelda area and say "Where's Hyrule Castle?" like they would if they went through a Harry Potter land and said, "Where's Hogwarts/Gringotts?"
The Deku Tree/Lost Woods/Kokiri Forest doesn't have the Temple of Time. I'm just going with the area that makes the most sense for a theme park.
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Let's say they even did focus on BotW and made the Castle Town...the BotW aesthetic would do enough to differentiate it from Hogsmeade

It would do quite a bit to make itself stand out against Hogsmeade, in a good way; while being as a good cohesive piece that doesn't cause enough of an issue between the two lands.

Zelda's my favorite game series. I think you're overvaluing the castle, TBH. You could do the Deku Tree as a land mark, which would be just as iconic from OoT. I don't think anyone would go through a Zelda area and say "Where's Hyrule Castle?" like they would if they went through a Harry Potter land and said, "Where's Hogwarts/Gringotts?"

I agree with this, quite a bit to be frank.

While, yes; Hyrule Castle has been featured in a few more Zelda titles, it wasn't exactly the big thing to speak of when it comes to Zelda. It's the world outside of Hyrule castle, how vast and different it is with many vast places to go. One thing I hope with Hyrule is that they don't restrain the area's size, allowing more of the scope of the wilderness of Hyrule be a major part; while giving way to villages and what-not.

Hell, BoTW seems to be doing something like that; being the largest map in the series, it allows the ability to see a world that is unique and large in the scope. I am very interested to see how they handle Zelda, when the time comes that they do that as a proper land for the IP.
I agree with this, quite a bit to be frank.

While, yes; Hyrule Castle has been featured in a few more Zelda titles, it wasn't exactly the big thing to speak of when it comes to Zelda. It's the world outside of Hyrule castle, how vast and different it is with many vast places to go. One thing I hope with Hyrule is that they don't restrain the area's size, allowing more of the scope of the wilderness of Hyrule be a major part; while giving way to villages and what-not.

Hell, BoTW seems to be doing something like that; being the largest map in the series, it allows the ability to see a world that is unique and large in the scope. I am very interested to see how they handle Zelda, when the time comes that they do that as a proper land for the IP.
I doubt they'll set aside the amount of land needed for wilderness. There'll be plenty of locations left out that people wish were in but I think most would agree on Castle Town being the focus. It makes the most sense and other areas can always be visited through an E Ticket ride.
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