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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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Wasn't it rumored that the NBC Media center would be the new entrance for ET when it was undergoing a refurb to the Garden of Allah? It could be possible that the building itself was prepped ready for an ET queue and that eventually Universal could move the media center somewhere else...

Like you know... that new NBC building down a few blocks...
Wasn't it rumored that the NBC Media center would be the new entrance for ET when it was undergoing a refurb to the Garden of Allah? It could be possible that the building itself was prepped ready for an ET queue and that eventually Universal could move the media center somewhere else...

Like you know... that new NBC building down a few blocks...
Back when people were saying that the Spongebob Store would be staying I thought the current KidZone Pizza Place would be a good area for a new ride entrance. I can see them making an addition to the Media Center or taking out a small chunk of it. It definitely won't go to the Fallon show building. There's nowhere for it to go.
Not necessarily. I'll edit this post with a general layout.
Nevermind, I'm making a new one.

This is the current queue/exit layout with the load and unload areas also mentioned.
Blue = queue
Red = exit
Green = ride track
Buildings: 1 - Shop, 2 - Pre-Show (Spielberg Spiel), 3 - Passport Registration, 4 - Load/Forest queue, 5 - Unload

This is one of my proposed new layouts for the external queue and exit. This proposal assumes the Spongebob Store building will be demolished due to SNW construction. The new pre-show and Passport Registration would be in that black outlined portion of the queue just after the forest. Hopefully this pre-show will make more sense. I was thinking something along the lines of the E.T. speaking with the help of the kids from the movie.
Dark Green = outline of forested area (This would be similar to what USH did to their Shrek 4D queue when WWoHP opened there.)
Yellow = proposed new entrance courtyard
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Then they are going to be against screens for years after the scores come back for Fallon and FF
I doubt they'll go fully against screens. I'd expect rides similar to PoTC in Shanghai DL. It uses screens when necessary, such as big transitions and fast paced character movement, but surrounds the screens with physical sets. The screens are integrated into the sets and not the sets around the screens.
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Of course. Mainly just joking because I'm afraid those rides aren't going to score well with most. FF more than Fallon due to the IP.
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Do people score spider man bad ever? The reason that ride is so good is largely because of the seamless transition between the sets and 3d. 3d in any ride can have a place if done right. Pirates shanghai is not better because of lacking 3d. It is better because the ride was designed around physical sets integrated with screens. You could argue 3d would enhance the ride for most apart from the anything 3d haters.
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*dies of boredom watching the Switch announcement* Are we sure they shouldnt have piggy-backed on Super Nintendo World for hype..?
Super Mario Odyssey looks incredible. Everything else is mostly Japanese stuff that's not for me. For Bethesda I'd rather have Doom than Skyrim. Zelda will be my go to fantasy open world.

This probably would've been a bit better if there were separate events for each region. I'd rather have Reggie on stage. There probably would've been more focus on the western third party games which we did see in that sizzle reel rather than the Japanese ones if that were the case.
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