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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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Do people score spider man bad ever? The reason that ride is so good is largely because of the seamless transition between the sets and 3d. 3d in any ride can have a place if done right. Pirates shanghai is not better because of lacking 3d. It is better because the ride was designed around physical sets integrated with screens. You could argue 3d would enhance the ride for most apart from the anything 3d haters.

Good examples of why Universal likes screen based attractions are the upgrades/conversions..
  1. Spiderman - they were able to upgrade the ride significantly when the upgraded the projectors/animations
  2. FJ Hollywood - removing 3d
  3. BTTF - Simpsons
I still agree they need to have a better mix of screens to sets moving forward.
Maybe tomorrow like when it was first announced a day after Kong.

If the reported rumor is true, it would make the most sense. They clearly didn't want any sort of announcement during last nights Switch reveal with some much riding on it, and today's Nintendo Treehouse event has kept the company in the forefront of the gaming news cycle. Announcing SMW tomorrow would keep Nintendo at the forefront of the news cycle for a third consecutive day, which would be a major marketing win for them.
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Monday may make more sense.

It'd give some breathing room for the Fallon announcement to sink in while giving the Switch a good amount of time in the spotlight for the weekend. It'd keep the flow of constant Nintendo new flowing with the new Direct next week focusing on Fire Emblem, as it'd give a full week's worth of Nintendo news to sink into.
Tomorrow's a Saturday. They don't really care about the news cycle. Plus, I think the Switch will keep the cycle for the weekend anyways.

Your crazy to think they don't care about the about the news cycle. Every company that makes announcements like this do. It's basically free advertisement, and they more mileage they can get out of it the better. And in the day of social media, it doesn't matter what day of the week the announce it. And let's not forget, this is Universal we are talking about as well... They are notorious for dropping announcements when you least expect them.

You may be right about the Switch dominating the cycle through the weekend, but another big announcement like SMW would insure it. The timing would be right with several key players they would want involved in such a reveal already Stateside due today's events.

It very well could not happen. In fact, I more inclined to think it won't if only not to get my own hopes up, but it's hard to ignore that it would make sense.

Edit: Alex does make a good point though. If the Switch dominates the news over the weekend, a Monday announcement would extend it over the beginning of next week as well.
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Should make a correction. I meant they don't care about the Saturday/Sunday news cycle. People don't pay as much attention to the news over the weekend and most journalists don't work weekends.

Friday evenings are one of the de facto dumping grounds for bad news that PR firms hope won't get much press. By the time the news has hit, the journalists are off for the weekend.
Should make a correction. I meant they don't care about the Saturday/Sunday news cycle. People don't pay as much attention to the news over the weekend and most journalists don't work weekends.

Friday evenings are one of the de facto dumping grounds for bad news that PR firms hope won't get much press. By the time the news has hit, the journalists are off for the weekend.
Very correct on all of that.
Funny you mention that because Universal loves to announce things between 11am-2pm.
Yes, that's a prime time to get the most media outlets to cover a story and give you the front stories. If you do a release too early or later in the day you get decreased coverage in that days' prime TV, radio, print, internet etc. , and your story gets pushed to a back page or secondary media mention for coverage . I used to do a lot of press releases and it always worked best if I used that time frame. Actually, the 11:00 AM frame worked the best....As an example for TV. If I called the TV assignment editors when they got to work early in the morning and told them I had a 11:00 AM press release, they would send a reporter to cover it. I'd usually get one of the lead stories on the noon news, and the early evening newscasts. And the story would still have legs for the 11:00 PM news and the next day early morning news......kind of works the same for the other media,
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I can see 2 things happening:

1) They just announce KidZone closure with the idea that Nintendo is replacing. (No concept art)
2) Announce KidZone closure, announce Nintendo with Concept Art.

... and I do expect the Orlando version to be the grandest since it has the most space.
Universal's MO has been to announce land closures way before they announce replacements. Jaws closed far before Diagon Alley was officially announced for the space (even though we all knew what was coming). I believe that Disaster went down before F&F was announced, but can somebody fact check that?
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Universal's MO has been to announce land closures way before they announce replacements. Jaws closed far before Diagon Alley was officially announced for the space (even though we all knew what was coming). I believe that Disaster went down before F&F was announced, but can somebody fact check that?
True, but I think a Nintendo replacement for this area is the worst kept secret to date.
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Universal's MO has been to announce land closures way before they announce replacements. Jaws closed far before Diagon Alley was officially announced for the space (even though we all knew what was coming). I believe that Disaster went down before F&F was announced, but can somebody fact check that?

Disaster's closure was announced with the announcement of a Fast and Furious attraction. It was announced before they revised it after Kong reviews. (Which is why they showed the queue itself and not the attraction)
Almost 11 am.... Hope today is the day.

Also, this has been a particularly tough Monday.. maybe its knowing my digital director will be out for the next 2 weeks meaning the next highest up (me) has to go to all client meetings, sales pitches, internals, etc. I HATE MEETINGS.

If I get through the next two weeks it will be a miracle, then I'm off to Beaver Creek for a long week and a half of skiing.. well deserved vacation after this hell.