Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 53 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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But how big will this expansion end up being do you know how many people would be there in just that one area? That would be a capacity nightmare for all the rides!!!
Just keep the park open. Probably add a night parade and maybe a nighttime spectacular as well.

But that would also mean closing down the animal-based attractions anyway, no? To my understanding it was because of them that the park closed so early.

Ah, whatever. I'm over-thinking this anyway. :lol:
They close the park now at dusk because,yes, they have to close the animal exhibits at night. But mainly because after they close the animal exhibits, the parks capacity is unworkable. When you have a half day park, then close have the attractions, you can't sell that as a real option to tourists.
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They close the park now at dusk because,yes, they have to close the animal exhibits at night. But mainly because after they close the animal exhibits, the parks capacity is unworkable. When you have a half day park, then close have the attractions, you can't that as a real option to tourists.

Okay, now that makes sense. Thank you. With that said, could the Avatarland expansion be enough to fit capacity? I find that a little hard to believe...
Well maybe it wouldn't be that bad, the only area that really wouldn't be open is Africa, Rafikis Planet watch, and the animal exhibits maybe nighttime hours could work out.
I could see it happening with some extra entertainment. Street performers, a parade, perhaps some kind of new show that could run all day (yes, I am looking at you, Pocahontas.) Little things like that.
Busch Gardens can manage to stay open all hours of the night and work around the animals and having to close their exhibits so I can imagine Ak could as well if they can manage to add enough rides, night time shows to make it a full day park. Granted also BGT does have a lot more rides than AK.
when does AK close? I havent been since EE opened, and I don't remember.

From what I do remember, I don't see why the park couldnt stay open later.

I also see "Pandora land" as a completely indoor environment, I dont see how it could work any other way thematically.
I want to say AK closes 5-6pm the times I have been there, and those were around non peak times. Also will vary during day light savings time. To be honest though we never stayed that late anyways so really didn't pay attention to the closing time.
I useally left at like 3 pm I never even cosidered to stay longer in the park than that but with Avatar coming I really hope we can have this to atleast be a full day park, because this park has potential to be great, Disney just hasn't showed us yet.
Ive only had the opportunity to see AK at night once running the Everest Challenge in May and will admit I enjoyed seeing that park at night, definitely has a whole different feel at ambiance at night. And riding Everest at night was such a better experience IMO than during the day.
If Disney learned anything from the DCA makeover, I hope it's how to turn a park into a true Disney park. I hope that if/when this project does happen, it includes some of the other little things that Animal Kingdom needs to come up to par.
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