Going to *buuuuummmmpp* this thread..
The space was used well, the park needed a family dark ride, yay animatronics.
*activates ride-op mindset*
HOWEVER, the queue is awful. I don't care how "cute" people think it is, it is a TERRIBLE use of the space. All of the oversized hard plastic furniture is severely unnecessary. Especially with the limited space of the building. Theme the crap out of the walls, add a custom queue video that sets up the "pet adoption" gimmick with a 30min loop (or hell, just show the films). There is so much wasted space that could've been used for switchbacks.
When dealing with such a limited amount of space, sacrificing a proper queue to have a themed walk-through to get to the ride itself was a poor decision. While the animatronics are great, they're an unnecessary maintenance addition to worry about (just like Max & Duke in the living room being MIA).
I'm just glad I didn't have to wait longer than roughly 10mins. /End queue rant
The ride is "cute", but it doesn't fully deliver.

There is A LOT going on in the ride, but it's just chaotic nonsense that isn't exactly cohesive storytelling. Kids will like it only because cute animals. The overall experience is poorly thought out. Of course, all I could think about was "MIB: Alien Attack" at Universal Orlando. There are some very similar NY scenes, just without the proper kinetic energy (or occasional spin for added thrill). They could've done better with this IP. To be fair, I'm not a fan of this loose Homeward Bound knock-off movie, but I did enjoy the sequel more.
The "box" ride vehicles are a slight misstep. But we all knew it was going to be when we got the TM Preview in SS29 during the Dec 2019 holiday season. They had one of the ride vehicles on display.
They did a great job with the screen & projection integration. The animatronics are also great. The A/C is wonderful. The overall ride itself leaves something to be desired.
Ugh... I'm offended. Clearly if I'm a dog, I should at least be a huskie! My face isn't this round either!

I didn't even get adopted! *sigh*
anyway, enjoy some Chloe the cat content

/the end