Ugh. My chest STILL hurts like hell from X2. Not even ibuprofen helped. *sigh* Dear SFMM, fix your

Okay here's Part 2 from yesterday...

Coaster Project 2026... its so crazy seeing the treeless mountain of dirt in person. The last shot is from Goldrusher (lift hill 2). If the line for Full Throttle hadn't been long, I'd have gotten an even better view.

Rode "Teen Titans", the ride cycle felt "too short". But it's still a fun classic flat ride.
DC Universe overall feels so open/empty without "The Flash Speed Force" & restrooms. It definitely feels & looks like an unfinished land. Unfortunately.

They really need to plant palm trees in the grassy areas of Wonder Woman's queue/station. It looked unfinished. Not a fan of the open-air staircase/load platform. It very much gives strong "backstage, not for guests" vibes. Free locker system is nice though
In regards of the other half of DC Universe (aka Metropolis), Justice League severely needs to get extensive maintenance. It's in really bad condition, but at least no more 3D glasses. Rooms need sound proofing. Switchbacks need added to the former pre-show rooms to handle crowds & allow continuous flow. Ride is great, but so flawed.

Love this coaster & it's apocalyptic theme. Plus the cushion seats are great, especially since you get thrashed around so much. Just wish they had effects like fog/fire/lighting.

STILL. HATE. THE. REPAINT! The neon green & orange makes it look like "sponsored by Nickelodeon". Wish they had gone with more of a jade green for the supports like the entrance sign received. I didn't get a picture, but the trains are also a shiny metallic color giving a very elegant Asian vibe. They're gorgeous.

This is so awful & unacceptable. I want my Viper arch back. This sign is so tacky & doesn't fit. I wish they'd retrofit the trains to have cushioned seats, seat belt & lap bar for a more pleasant experience. Besides, still NOT as painful as X2.

They've got too many coasters now to feature lol.. I didn't get a pic of the other set of coaster arches due to people in the way.

Kinda love the 80s/videogame style shirts for Viper & Tatsu. In love with the Asian inspired black Tatsu shirt too. It's great seeing the rides have merch again. Especially a variety.