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Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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I adore those ride vehicles (third time I have said that today). Thanks UC for keeping us in the 1930's and on a grand and mysterious adventure!!!

Yes, I love that they came out and confirmed it's set in the 30's. Hoping for a radio playing some old-timey music somewhere in the queue!
Yes, I love that they came out and confirmed it's set in the 30's. Hoping for a radio playing some old-timey music somewhere in the queue!

I'm excited to experience all parts of this ride, not just the ride itself! Talk about hype! :happy: I love that they're setting this in the 30's--there's so much potential there for theming and such--and that the queue itself is going to get hearts pumping for the actual ride. I'm not too worried about whether this is child-appropriate since we don't have kids and don't go to Universal parks for kid experiences, but I imagine they will make a secondary queue to bypass what some might consider "scary" effects. As for ride heights/fear level, I think it all depends on the kid. I was small for my age, so couldn't get on a lot of rides when I was younger, but I wasn't scared by much and loved any kind of thrill--intense, scary, whatever--so it really sucked to not be able to go on those kinds of rides even though I was old enough (being short sucks :p) and felt brave enough (and had parental consent from my awesomely understanding & laid back parents) to try them. Maybe it was the way I was raised (sisters who are 10+ years older than me, older parents, etc...), I don't know.

On the other hand, not having children and so not having those built in "my kid is screaming but, damnit, we're doing this anyway" blinders that a lot of parents seem to have these days, being stuck on a ride with a terrified, screaming child would seriously ruin the experience for us. Maybe the queue is going to be meant as a way for parents to gauge if their kids are old enough and calm enough to handle the experience before they actually get on the ride? All theme parks have child swap these days, so the freaked out little one could avoid it if just the queue had them screaming.
Back to the ride and this infamous queue... Will the ride interact with the queue in some way? Not just letting the guests standing in line see the ride vehicles going around the track or whatever, but having part of the ride interact with the queue (startling animals into running towards the queue or attacking the queue; ride vehicle potentially have a near collision with the queue as it tries to escape rampaging animals; ride triggering some effect in the queue as it passes by; people in the queue being able to change what's happening around the ride vehicle--anything like that?) in a way we've never seen before? Making the queue experience more immersive and exciting for people stuck in those long wait times seems to be a big consideration for all the parks these days, and I could see Universal doing something just as exciting with the queue as it's planning to do with the ride. Having some sort of advanced interaction between ride and queue would be amazing.
LISTEN TO TEEBIN YALL!!!! By the way, natives in the queue sound like the pop up ghosts in the haunted mansion. Hidden in random locations to make children cry lol. Guys, the first thing we ever knew about this ride is that AAs will be used in full force, this is the result of a bad question and an awkward answer. A truck that small (seen in the concept art) can't and won't fit 72 freakin people. It's going to have a really good capacity but that's insane on every level. Use yer minds

We can assume after looking at the concept art that the King Kong rock will be the entrance to the queue of the ride. My question is what is Universal going to to with the rest of the land that will be part of skull island. Yes there isn't a lot of land because the ride is gigantic, but there is a good amount for some decent surprises, rock work, food stands, or even a gift shop? Anyone have any insight on this.
I think I'm more excited for the queue than the actual ride.

But i was thinking, I would think they would have a live crew member on board as i bet you some dumb kids or some dumb parents are going to lean their kid outside the vehicles. I mean hopefully Comcast and Universal have thought about that.
^ A few days ago, I told people to not expect a gift shop, but more like a gft shp. Food or bev is unclear.

The biggest news right now is that the exterior theming of this building and the total outdoors site is probably 50% complete at this point... there is so much more coming... and will continue to be over-the-top. The standbye queue will be epic in length when fully deployed and travels so far that you could change your mind at one point and get on a log flume ride instead. :wave:

Finally, I can confirm that this attraction is designed with an indoor bypass track should a storm approach. Keep in mind you will not get to see the grand approach to the torch-lit temple and epic doors if you decide to ride during a rain storm. I personally would never attempt to ride in those conditions.
So this is everything that we kwow about SKULL ISLAND: REIGN OF KONG:

• The “revolutionary” ride vehicles: The vehicles are jeeps, similar to the trams of the Studio Tour in California or the Kilimanjaro Safari Expedition at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. They have ceilings which indicates that the majority of the action is going to happen beside us not in front of us. The choice of this type of vehicle indicates that the ride is not going to include coaster parts too (a la Escape from Gringotts). The capacity of the vehicle is huge with 72 seats available per jeep. That’s similar to the capacity of The Great Movie Ride (68) at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Mike Meyers says that “the ride vehicle is one of the biggest Universal Orlando has built” and it certainly is. In conclusion, this vehicles are like nothing Universal has done before so don’t expect any Spiderman/Transformers or Gringotts type of ride.
• 3D or real sets: Some insiders said that the ride will be composed of 70% sets and 30% screens which differs with the recent rides opened by Universal that can be described as the total opposite (70% screens, 30% sets). The real sets will probably include a massive King Kong AA as rumors suggests. For the other part, the screens will probably be represented by the 360 experience copied from the California Tram Tour. "We will have incredible 3D imagery but it’ll be so much more than that. We’re going to have vast sets, great characters, a complete immersive environment for the guests," said West. Robert Niles from Theme Park Inside writes that “the blueprints we've seen call for a show scene with a massive set of screens on either side of the ride track, as found on the Kong encounter on Hollywood's Studio Tour. However, the next scene includes plans for a massive Kong animatronic, as we saw years ago in the old Kong ride and Kong encounter at Universal Studios Florida and Universal Studios Hollywood, respectively. Kong appears on the right side of the ride track as ride vehicles curve around Kong to their right, allowing a long moment with the Big Ape”. [HASHTAG]#Excitement[/HASHTAG]
• Duration of the ride: “It will be one of the longest rides we’ve ever done” says Mike West. Universal rides usually last between 4 and 5 minutes, being Dudley Do Right’s Ripsaw Falls the longest ride with 6 minutes. King Kong will probably be on par with that ride. Again, don’t expect any Gringotts or Spiderman type of ride! This is going to be totally different!
• Live drivers: This is one of the most interesting rumors around the attraction. Mike West confirmed today that “crew members will be driving the vehicle but they won't be the wise-cracking guides found on the '90s rides at the theme park. It's not a Jaws kind of attraction"
• The façade: The artwork shows that it will include a King Kong face rock formation just above the riders’ entrance. Mike West said that the temple entrance will have “beautiful wooden doors and flames shooting on each side”. That sounds AWESOME.
• The opening: Summer 2016
• Outdoor scenes: One of the biggest rumor was that this groundbreaking new attraction was going to include outdoor scenes (the combination between indoor and outdoor has never been done by Universal). Now is confirmed that Skull Island: Reign of Kong will include outdoor sequences. Mike West revealed that “When you get on the expedition trucks, the first part is outdoors approaching the 72-foot-tall great wall. These marvelous huge wooden doors swing open and you enter to find great chasms and caves."
• The queue: Expect an ultra-immersive queue. Mike West describes the attraction as “a combination experience of walking through the queue and then the ride”. The queue WILL be important. Mike West said that "You'll come upon dense jungles," as you enter Skull Island and make your way through temple ruins, and along the way you'll encounter hostile natives. Cryptic messages along the way will warn of unimaginable giant creatures. So by the time you get to board the expedition vehicle your anticipation is peaking."
• Height restriction: “It’s really a very dramatic physical environment that you’re immersed in,” West said. “It’s an intense, thrilling ride. But not so thrilling that it will traumatize young children. It was conceived for the whole family. Kids will be in awe.” Minimum height will be 34 inches, which will allow many 2- and 3-year-olds to ride. This is another very important difference with the other recent simulator rides that Universal has opened. Both Spiderman and Transformers have a 40 inches height restriction. 34 inches is the minimum height restriction at any ride at Universal Orlando Resort (even The Cat in the Hat has a bigger height restriction!).
Strange thought process I know, but I got strangely really excited at the panning shot of the lighthouse and the naming of Islands of Adventure in the video. It made the idea of walking into IOA for the first time with a brand new ride open seem like much more of an imminent prospect, as if watching the months of construction wasn't enough to tell me there was a new ride coming to IOA :lol:

Strange to think though, that the time period from Forbidden Journey to Kong opening will be just over half the time period from the park opening to Forbidden Journey. The time has flown since 2010.
^ A few days ago, I told people to not expect a gift shop, but more like a gft shp. Food or bev is unclear.

The biggest news right now is that the exterior theming of this building and the total outdoors site is probably 50% complete at this point... there is so much more coming... and will continue to be over-the-top. The standbye queue will be epic in length when fully deployed and travels so far that you could change your mind at one point and get on a log flume ride instead. :wave:

Finally, I can confirm that this attraction is designed with an indoor bypass track should a storm approach. Keep in mind you will not get to see the grand approach to the torch-lit temple and epic doors if you decide to ride during a rain storm. I personally would never attempt to ride in those conditions.

A possible short cut to Dudley? This ride has it all. Thank you for confirming the bypass it's so cool that they're going that far ahead with plans. Will the standby queue be comparable to gringotts by itself or gringotts extended length wise?
A possible short cut to Dudley? This ride has it all. Thank you for confirming the bypass it's so cool that they're going that far ahead with plans. Will the standby queue be comparable to gringotts by itself or gringotts extended length wise?

Dudley was only a joke in that the queue goes that far east if necessary. If they are using the full standby queue then the first parts might be a bit dull, but it will get better and better the closer you get to the 30 minute mark (est) and get better from there. So, standard major attraction queue fare. I wouldn't attempt to compare this to Gringotts as there is no comparison to the subject matter.

I personally would enjoy this queue to Gringotts but only because of the lost civilization nature of it all.

Finally, although Gringotts has epic sets in the ride... everyone just wizzs by them. On this ride, we will be traveling 5 mph through set after highly themed set. Like the outside, the same thing is being done on the inside, with what appear to be alters and deities and all kinds of creepy. And the effects once those doors close behind you should give everyone goosebumps if they push it to the max.

This could be one of the best attractions, in a location that I least appreciate. That should tell you everything.
Dudley was only a joke in that the queue goes that far east if necessary. If they are using the full standby queue then the first parts might be a bit dull, but it will get better and better the closer you get to the 30 minute mark (est) and get better from there. So, standard major attraction queue fare. I wouldn't attempt to compare this to Gringotts as there is no comparison to the subject matter.

I personally would enjoy this queue to Gringotts but only because of the lost civilization nature of it all.

Finally, although Gringotts has epic sets in the ride... everyone just wizzs by them. On this ride, we will be traveling 5 mph through set after highly themed set. Like the outside, the same thing is being done on the inside, with what appear to be alters and deities and all kinds of creepy. And the effects once those doors close behind you should give everyone goosebumps if they push it to the max.

This could be one of the best attractions, in a location that I least appreciate. That should tell you everything.

That's great news, get to appriciate the skull island scenery way more, can't wait to see more in the future. By the way because nobody said it yet, I can speak on the behalf of the entire website when I say thank you so much for all you've done today teebin. The endless amounts of questions, people asking for confirmation and so much more must've been beyond overwhelming for you but you handled it like a pro and made this already special day even more special. Let's all give my bro dweebin a round of applause here. We love ya buddy
A possible short cut to Dudley? This ride has it all. Thank you for confirming the bypass it's so cool that they're going that far ahead with plans. Will the standby queue be comparable to gringotts by itself or gringotts extended length wise?

so by 2016 Universal could have the top 4 rides in Orlando...incredible run by UC
so by 2016 Universal could have the top 4 rides in Orlando...incredible run by UC

Well this one seems like it's gonna top everything period. I can really see this being the Spider-man or FJ of this new era of theme parks. Looking at their work in the past few years it's pretty remarkable, unbelievable that this is probably gonna blow all that away
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