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Test Track 2.0

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Saw another short review posted on TPR.

I was able to ride it 7 times today at cast preview. I second everything the person above me said about the ride. I do want to express concern about the q-line, though. It really is smaller than the original line and I'm wondering how many people will it hold. (Or, if there will be a extended queue line outside the building.).

I do think it's amazing though, the entire queue line has been re profiled and it makes you try to wonder where everything used to be.

Random spoilers and funny story:

I miss the heat detection display at the end. Also, techno sound effects are reused from Mission: Space. (Say hello to the noises that play when you press a button on the control panels.) No more track "B" /sad. Fast Pass and Single Rider do NOT have the ability to make their own car, if you get these you will bypass the pre-show/event. Either way, it was a fun ride. Some will like it, some won't. However, I think for the GP, this is more impressive than the first rendition.
From Disney Parks Blog

New Test Track Costumes Unveiled at Epcot This Week
We have another update on the progress of the reimagined Test Track – Presented by Chevrolet at Epcot to share with you today. Guests visiting Epcot this week can spot Cast Members sporting new Test Track uniforms. (Cast members will be on hand at the attraction only to answer questions, as Test Track doesn’t grand open until December 6).


Walt Disney Imagineering costume designers worked in collaboration with Chevrolet to design costumes that reflect style and technical innovation. Elements of the automobile design experience in the attraction are found in the colors of the costume, while the silver/gray base color was chosen to represent one of the many colors of Chevrolet automobiles. The blue and black accents found in the Test Track graphic reflect the field testing required of all new vehicles and the color changes that take place inside the car while experiencing the attraction.
Sigh. This is one of those "no matter how much you try to add sweetener, it's still cheap and disgusting black coffee" ordeals. Same with the toothpick canopy. I just wish they hadn't skimped on actually using a true design process to create the uniforms. Just because your design loosely interprets elements from the theme, doesn't mean that it's a good design.

I really am looking forward to the interior of the attraction, though. From what we've seen, it's a legitimate improvement, and I can only hope that it can fully suppress all my disgust towards the entrance and costumes... :/
Review from MarkTwain over at WDWMagic. Probably the most practical review I've read so far.

Rode it a couple of times tonight... it's a trip. We joked that whoever designed it was on acid, and I mean that in the best way possible. It definitely had a Tron-like feel with an emphasis on dark shapes and neon lighting. The whole experience is pretty abstract visually; not a lot in the way of physical set pieces per se (although there is one very cool SSE '94 style model city you drive by), but lots in the way of visual effects like laser scans of your car, lightning strikes, projections of lines, etc. It seems very narration-focused; I didn't understand much of what was going on my first time on it because I was more focused on the scenery and the movement of the car, but when I rode it my second time I realized the narrators were describing everything that was happening.

It looks like the effects are the same for every car in terms of physical ride experience, but how your personalized virtual car would have performed in each test is ranked alongside other riders on a screen after each scene. Pretty cool concept but it wasn't working when we rode; they were just displaying default example cars. I'm sure it's one of the things they'll get working for the finalized version.

In general, I loved it. It was interesting to see how WDI could bring its recent focus on interactivity to the table and impact ride experience in a truly meaningful way, without overpowering the ride (SSE), feeling fake (M:S), or turning the ride into an all-out video game (TSMM). This is something I never, ever thought I'd say about Test Track, but it is clear that it is now one of Epcot's forerunners in actually delivering on Future World's theme and visual style, alongside Spaceship Earth and the Land building. More bizarrely still, upon reflection, it occurred to me that this is my favorite of any of the three attractions that occupied the Transportation pavilion, and I've been on all of them (and dearly loved World of Motion). So that right there is an accomplishment. Kudos to everyone involved.

Sounds like the ride is still very much being worked on, though the increase in CM previews is a positive.
Great review.

But it sounds to me, like the ride will have more detractors now than ever before. Citing the lack of practical scenery, dark scenes, and reliance on narration. A confusing first experience will only further some people's dislike of the ride, and it will never get a fair chance.

To me personally, though, that review is extremely encouraging. Better news than I was expecting.
According to CMs, the test report screens are now working. These are used after each test to show the rankings of the vehicles designed by the riders in the car.