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The Acolyte (Disney+)

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Each to their own and happy some are liking this - I really wanted to.

Not that IMDB is a sure fire mark of quality... but the ratings are pretty brutal, currently the lowest rated live action Disney SW show:

The Mandalorian 8.6
Andor 8.4
Ashoka 7.5
Bobba Fett 7.2
Obi-Wan Kenobi 7.1
The Acolyte 3.6

Episode ratings:
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Each to their own and happy some are liking this - I really wanted to.

Not that IMDB is a sure fire mark of quality... but the ratings are pretty brutal, currently the lowest rated live action Disney SW show:

The Mandalorian 8.6
Andor 8.4
Ashoka 7.5
Bobba Fett 7.2
Obi-Wan Kenobi 7.1
The Acolyte 3.6

Episode ratings:
View attachment 22209
im trying to look around the different reviews, havent watched it, but ive heard some really really terrible things about episode 3 lol
I would love to hear someone who likes this show and why.....also why did it cost so much?

Episode 4 had one action shot.....felt like a filler episode

Also they had a cameo from a character was used to not be born yet.....I get it they didn't want to use Yoda but there are 4 other jedi's from the prequels that are alive and could have used them but choose not just feels lazy and like the writers have ZERO passion for star wars. Like its not a huge deal but once again if you are just throwing characters in a show because feels like you just don't care about the series at all

I think the reason I don't like the writing is the simple emotions these characters have. Many characters feel like teenagers who just are moody or one note.

If you like the show...please tell me why? This reminds me of Halo...another show forced into a bigger series and I really dislike that you can't criticize the show or else you hate woman or a racist....thats not why people loved Rogue one because it was written well and started a woman and had many POC as main characters but was also well written, exciting and most well acted. SO I dislike the lazy excuses some of these shows take...."well its just you don't like women" screw that we don't like lazy writing and boring characters
Haven’t started watching this yet and I guess im in no hurry to now. A real shame they seem to have botched it as I was excited for this project.
I was hoping it would be good

the First High Republic book was super good....but then the books after just didn't hit the same..

After this I do not want them touching the Old Republic, they are clearly not ready to handle that time period
I guess I'm the odd one out because I've been loving this show lol. It is what it is
What do you enjoy?

Like I think the costumes and aliens are great. But what about this do you enjoy? What characters are you enjoying? What part of the story is pulling you in?

I'm just curious, not attacking or anything
Haven’t started watching this yet and I guess im in no hurry to now. A real shame they seem to have botched it as I was excited for this project.
There's some hints in the opening episode that this could've been a fun take on "Quintin Tarantino's Star Wars." An homage to cheap 70s cinema the way the original was inspired by cheap 40s/50s cinema. But they have 4+ hours to fill, action scenes are pricey, so that's broken up with typical Disney+ filler scenes which ruins any momentum.

Then episode 3 goes all MST3k, and I almost could embrace the series on that level, but episode 4 is pure, action-less filler. Not good, but not so bad as to be mockable.
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I only know why is happening on this show from many reviews and from videos people make .
what I can see is that it doesn't follow star wars lore or that its breaking a bunch of stuff.
I read something negatively about the Jedi in general. I heard that character motivations dint make sense. I heard that the show contradicts mainline star wars stuff.
I haven't watch it but it sounds like it's not a good star wars story?
if you haven’t watched it, maybe you don’t need a take on it. certainly not one that’s just regurgitating the takes of others.
true that's true, but the spoilers I saw were extremely questionable and unbelievable. I couldn't believe some stuff I saw
what I can see is that it doesn't follow star wars lore or that its breaking a bunch of stuff
Eh, it’s biggest sin is it uninteresting and/or half-baked. I’m not precious about the lore
I read something negatively about the Jedi in general.
TBD. Seems like it’s poorly setting up for that
I heard that character motivations dint make sense.
Motivations change on a dime with no rhyme or reason
I heard that the show contradicts mainline star wars stuff.
That was overblown.
ok I figured it out

the thing that REALLY bothered me of the question I had.
are they putting the Jedi in a negative light? they were going to take the girl by force? the spoilers I saw were making the Jedi look pretty bad. is that really happening? like they were careless or something?
ok I figured it out

the thing that REALLY bothered me of the question I had.
are they putting the Jedi in a negative light? they were going to take the girl by force? the spoilers I saw were making the Jedi look pretty bad. is that really happening? like they were careless or something?

Watch. The. Show.