In news that I was forced to hold out on, (Sorry in advance. A lot of hate is going to fly my way in a minute) HPFJ's ride profiling was briefly altered MASSIVELY and run for the past few days.
It was a complete reprofile designed to be less intense and easier on the stomach. The best way I can describe it was that it was slow as **** and felt cheapened. The Whomping Willow sequence was favorable though as the Willow moved in front of the RV again.
However if you didn't get to ride it the last few days, unfortunately you may never get to. Due to response from TMs and guests, as well as serious glitches with the profile, the profiling is being rolled back tonight.
Though, from what I've been told, it would appear the Creative is obsessed with this new profile and may try and get it back ASAP.
Profile was changed. It sucked for the ride system and for us. Its leaving tonight. May or may not come back.