I got a feeling that next year at WrestleMania 30, is the last time some of these part timers will headline WrestleMania. I'm talking about Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Lesnar. So WWE needs to start grooming some of these guys for the big time cause WrestleMania 31 will be lacking star power if they don't.
Personally for 30 I think it would be great if it's Punk and Cena in the main event. Those guys would tear the house down and always put on a classic. It would only work if they stay away from eachother for the rest of the year though. However, in June WWE is having their PPV in Chicago and the prospect of Punk/Cena in Chicago 2 seems to good to pass up. Hopefully one of these scenarios plays out, I just want to see Punk finally get the last match at WrestleMania