What's it like to go in person? I mean, except for the expensive seats I imagine you wouldn't really see that much.
What I'm afraid of is that from here on it'll be "Lol, Roman wins". Also, they need to minimize Roman cutting promos.
I'm hoping the Rumble will lead to Reigns vs HHH. Most likely HHH will interfere in the Rumble. I heard a rumor that after the Rumble it will be clear what the program for Fastlane will be, I assume this means a screwy ending, so Fastlane will be what determines Wrestlemania. Only thing is, that if they do HHH vs Reigns at Fastlane, then who would he fight at Wrestlemania. Lesnar again perhaps, but I'm hoping they'll instead go ahead with the Wyatt - Lesnar feud, heard this might actually be a Wrestlemania match.