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Theme Parks & Shopping Districts Reopening General Thread

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Disneyland's situation was a bit different though, as their theme park opening dates were only proposed and still pending government approval, and that approval decision has been delayed - so it wasn't necessarily Disney making this call.

It would likely take a similar decision from the Florida government to postpone WDW's plans, and I'd be surprised if that happened... :shrug:
Yeah. It puts pressure, sure, but in the end of the day; the bottom line is going to depend on if TWDC pushed the Orlando opening of their parks, due to the case spike.

And to speak about it, no, I do not see any SoCal theme park opening in July. Especially not USH, if the Layoffs effect positions that will affect how the park handles certain things.
Yeah. It puts pressure, sure, but in the end of the day; the bottom line is going to depend on if TWDC pushed the Orlando opening of their parks, due to the case spike.

And to speak about it, no, I do not see any SoCal theme park opening in July. Especially not USH, if the Layoffs effect positions that will affect how the park handles certain things.
I was always surprised they were aiming for so early in CA with the strict phases they had in place. Much harder to get approved than in Florida. Even still, I don't think it's all too smart to be opening in FL in July, but it is good for the CMs at least (Although they are at a higher chance of getting the virus by being at a theme park every day).
Disneyland has indefinitely delayed their reopening:

It's only CA at the moment, but it wouldn't surprise me if Florida pulled the plug as well.

Like others have mentioned, that's not, "we don't think it's safe to open" it's "the state won't tell us the rules in time for us to open when we want to". It's a completely different situation than Florida. DL wants to open. The state is the holdup.
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And Disneyland Staff was protesting. Now Disneyworld staff is as well.
Walt Disney World employees petition to delay reopening as coronavirus cases surge in Florida
Read the story. It is another false headline, here is a quote from the article
"As with many online petitions, it is difficult to determine if signees are actually Walt Disney employees or if the petition is union-backed. There is no mention in the petition itself of any affiliation with an employee union."
Like others have mentioned, that's not, "we don't think it's safe to open" it's "the state won't tell us the rules in time for us to open when we want to". It's a completely different situation than Florida. DL wants to open. The state is the holdup.
Thank goodness California has some sense. I was planning a late June/early July Orlando universal trip, but I can’t trust state leadership. Constant corruption.
Disneyland has indefinitely delayed their reopening:

It's only CA at the moment, but it wouldn't surprise me if Florida pulled the plug as well.

Ohhh god, well there goes 2020. I really do hope the parks can reopen before this all ends.

I'm not saying life isn't more important but you can go to things and not get the virus, I've been going to the beach for 4 weeks now and haven't gotten it. Guess the Government is going to have to extend the payment for people and hope the economy can recover quickly after all this.
Thank goodness California has some sense. I was planning a late June/early July Orlando universal trip, but I can’t trust state leadership. Constant corruption.

Make no mistake, there is absolutely nothing corrupt about what Universal is trying to do. To put it very bluntly, the opinion of DeSantis and company have nothing to do with any of the measures Universal put into place. They (probably more strictly than anywhere you would visit in your everyday life) follow the guidelines set by agencies like the CDC and EPA.

Talk of parks not being opening is essentially wasted breath at this point. Without extreme government intervention which is wildly unlikely at this stage, you'd be dooming the millions of people in and around the parks that rely on their attendance and income to survive. It's easy to point to Disney and Comcast as mega corps, but there are real people that make the machine work. And many more that rely on those employees to buy food at their restaurant, pay rent in their apartment building, etc.

There's a certain amount of calculated risk we all accept in life. If not... Speed limits would be under 10 mph everywhere, alcholo and tabacco would not be sold, fast food would probably cease to exist. And it seems that Universal has done all that can reasonably be expected to remove risks. And for those that can't accept whatever level of risk is left, the parks essentially will be closed until sometime in 2021 or beyond.

Now do I believe it's the job of dedicated fans like us to be the watchdogs and push Universal to go above and beyond the guidelines it puts out to keep everyone safe? 100%. And I think that's where updates like the faceshields come from. They aren't being ignorant. They are listening.
Make no mistake, there is absolutely nothing corrupt about what Universal is trying to do. To put it very bluntly, the opinion of DeSantis and company have nothing to do with any of the measures Universal put into place. They (probably more strictly than anywhere you would visit in your everyday life) follow the guidelines set by agencies like the CDC and EPA.

Talk of parks not being opening is essentially wasted breath at this point. Without extreme government intervention which is wildly unlikely at this stage, you'd be dooming the millions of people in and around the parks that rely on their attendance and income to survive. It's easy to point to Disney and Comcast as mega corps, but there are real people that make the machine work. And many more that rely on those employees to buy food at their restaurant, pay rent in their apartment building, etc.

There's a certain amount of calculated risk we all accept in life. If not... Speed limits would be under 10 mph everywhere, alcholo and tabacco would not be sold, fast food would probably cease to exist. And it seems that Universal has done all that can reasonably be expected to remove risks. And for those that can't accept whatever level of risk is left, the parks essentially will be closed until sometime in 2021 or beyond.

Now do I believe it's the job of dedicated fans like us to be the watchdogs and push Universal to go above and beyond the guidelines it puts out to keep everyone safe? 100%. And I think that's where updates like the faceshields come from. They aren't being ignorant. They are listening.
Yes....Universal is evidently safer than going to many of the supermarkets and Big Box stores in Florida. Are they closing? Of course not. The world has to go on, covid or not. This is not the first pandemic to hit the US. It's just the first one since 1968 that has a lot of fatalities. The 2008 pandemic mostly skipped here, but it hit other parts of the world quite hard. And selected areas of the world often get hit hard with other communicable diseases that kill large numbers of people most every year. But they all ultimately reopen their economies. Americans are kind of spoiled since we don't often face those rampant disease scenarios. Time will turn things around ultimately. It always does...That said, I'm not about to attend a theme park or any large crowd areas, mostly due to my age. But that's my personal choice. Others should be allowed to make their own choice, and of course the economy ultimately has to go on, risk or not. There's really no choice there. Two of the states experiencing rapid growth of infections, California & Washington, had the longest and strictest lock downs. So, 'long' lock downs aren't the answer either.
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So, you have been tested once a week for the past four weeks? If no, then you have no idea if you have it and have been spreading it. That is what asymptomatic means... no symptoms. Silly thing to say.
I mean I'm wearing a mask and not within 6 feet, I'm also working at home.

So don't know who I'd be passing it to. I'll be honest if something changes but as long as your acting smart, you don't have to get it.

Its when you don't wear masks and are standing too close talking and hugging people where you are risking getting it or don't wash your hands when you get home.

Also I plan on going every weekend, do I get tested every week then?
I mean I'm wearing a mask and not within 6 feet, I'm also working at home.

So don't know who I'd be passing it to. I'll be honest if something changes but as long as your acting smart, you don't have to get it.

Its when you don't wear masks and are standing too close talking and hugging people where you are risking getting it or don't wash your hands when you get home.

Also I plan on going every weekend, do I get tested every week then?

A virus doesn't really care if you're "acting smart" of not. The more you are out and about, the more likely you are to be exposed. It's that simple.
A virus doesn't really care if you're "acting smart" of not. The more you are out and about, the more likely you are to be exposed. It's that simple.
So should everyone test weekly? Monthly?

Unless you guys have some new Date i thought 6 feet apart, outside (specially a windy area like the beach) and a mask on its like under a 1 percent change I'll get it.
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So should everyone test weekly? Monthly?

Unless you guys have some new Date i thought 6 feet apart, outside (specially a windy area like the beach) and a mask on its like under a 1 percent change I'll get it.

I think what Teebin was trying to say was unless you are being tested, you have no idea if you are an asymptomatic carrier or not. You gave anecdotal evidence about going to the beach often but not catching the virus. The underlying point here is without proper testing you cannot know.
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I think what Teebin was trying to say was unless you are being tested, you have no idea if you are an asymptomatic carrier or not. You gave anecdotal evidence about going to the beach often but not catching the virus. The underlying point here is without proper testing you cannot know.
I guess but feels more like some people just want you to sit at home and do nothing at all.

If im not being an idiot you can still do things, it can be done. Once again going to the beach or parks you have a slim chance of getting it. Unless you guys have evidence against that
I guess but feels more like some people just want you to sit at home and do nothing at all.

If im not being an idiot you can still do things, it can be done. Once again going to the beach or parks you have a slim chance of getting it. Unless you guys have evidence against that

Yes, if you live alone and the only place you ever go is to the beach by yourself then you are probably fine.

However, I assume you might have gone into a store, a grocery, drug, convenience, and that perhaps there were moments that some lame idiot not wearing a mask was in one of those at the same time as yourself.

If you never go into interior commercial spaces then you are doing a far better job of it than I!
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Yes, if you live alone and the only place you ever go is to the beach by yourself then you are probably fine.

However, I assume you might have gone into a store, a grocery, drug, convenience, and that perhaps there were moments that some lame idiot not wearing a mask was in one of those at the same time as yourself.

If you never go into interior commercial spaces then you are doing a far better job of it than I!
I have only seen one person in a store without a mask on and stayed far away from them.

I know some of you are doing this with good intents but it does also shed light on why others are done with a lock down. they do everything the Doctors say but its not enough. If i was saying I'm not wearing a mask and refuse to social distance I get it but if you follow the rules you should be fine enjoying life outside every once in a while still.
I have only seen one person in a store without a mask on and stayed far away from them.

I know some of you are doing this with good intents but it does also shed light on why others are done with a lock down. they do everything the Doctors say but its not enough. If i was saying I'm not wearing a mask and refuse to social distance I get it but if you follow the rules you should be fine enjoying life outside every once in a while still.

I actually do go outside without a mask on... I stood 6’ from construction workers outside without a mask on the other day. I go for hikes not wearing a mask but have one with me in case I encounter others on the trail. It’s the interiors that really scare me, period. That said, from day to day, I have no idea if I have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and have become infected.
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