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Universal Great Britain

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In today's earnings call, Comcast execs were asked directly about future investment and whether they would continue to build new theme parks. The person asking specifically mentioned the possible park for the UK as an example. They wanted to know if it would continue non-stop after Epic Universe, or if we would get a "spending holiday" from it.

The answer given was that spending would remain elevated with Epic Universe, as well as the already under construction Universal Kids and Horror projects, as we head into 2025. Then spending will decrease. But, if these projects work out and return an investment "we'd be excited in the years to follow—can't predict when—to continue to give the parks & experiences business whatever capital it requires."
Sounds like a “ya of course we will” answer. Unless Epic severely underperforms I’m sure they’re good to go.
I’ve been thinking.

Cannibalising your own product isn’t a bad thing so long as it leads to growth. Apple have famously done this many times; the iPhone replacing all the iPods sales for example.

If UGB opened with Potter and it led to a reduction in attendance to the Studio Tour this isn’t necessarily a bad thing; because although UGB might steal some of the customers it will attract new ones too and so grow the total market and lead to higher revenue and profits.

The only difficult thing here is how WB and Comcast work it out between them with regards to profits and licensing.
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I’ve been thinking.

Cannibalising your own product isn’t a bad thing so long as it leads to growth. Apple have famously done this many times; the iPhone replacing all the iPods sales for example.

If UGB opened with Potter and it led to a reduction in attendance to the Studio Tour this isn’t necessarily a bad thing; because although UGB might steal some of the customers it will attract new ones too and so grow the total market and lead to higher revenue and profits.

The only difficult thing here is how WB and Comcast work it out between them with regards to profits and licensing.
The difference is Apple could just discontinue the iPod. Universal’s not going to shutter their theme parks, and if they reduce spending within them the guests are in trouble.

That’s why I’d imagine great care will be taken to ensure the new park offers significantly unique experiences (at least compared to the Florida parks).
The difference is Apple could just discontinue the iPod. Universal’s not going to shutter their theme parks, and if they reduce spending within them the guests are in trouble.

That’s why I’d imagine great care will be taken to ensure the new park offers significantly unique experiences (at least compared to the Florida parks).
I don’t think anyone would suggest shuttering parks. But the drop of a few hundred thousand international visitors to Orlando if it means millions of UK and European visitors will flock to UGB shouldn’t stop universal from making UGB as expansive as possible. IMO.
I don’t think anyone would suggest shuttering parks. But the drop of a few hundred thousand international visitors to Orlando if it means millions of UK and European visitors will flock to UGB shouldn’t stop universal from making UGB as expansive as possible. IMO.
"A few hundred thousand" is 20% of all the Brits going to Florida.

We need to stop perpetuating this idea that Potter needs to prop up this park.

Universal have done the maths and believe they pull in 5m+ visitors without anything being cloned from Orlando so why can't anyone here?
"A few hundred thousand" is 20% of all the Brits going to Florida.

We need to stop perpetuating this idea that Potter needs to prop up this park.

Universal have done the maths and believe they pull in 5m+ visitors without anything being cloned from Orlando so why can't anyone here?
Not a single post I’ve read here wants to clone any attractions. But major IP will clearly be needed and Potter is arguably the best suited to a UK park. Not sure why you’re so disagreeable on that outside of your wanting not to give money to a “hate witch”. Warners’ agreeability can easily be resolved through profit sharing agreements or similar arrangements discussed previously.
Not a single post I’ve read here wants to clone any attractions. But major IP will clearly be needed and Potter is arguably the best suited to a UK park. Not sure why you’re so disagreeable on that outside of your wanting not to give money to a “hate witch”. Warners’ agreeability can easily be resolved through profit sharing agreements or similar arrangements discussed previously.
Are millions going to flock to visit askaban prison then, or the Weasley house? There would be no Hogsmeade, no Forbidden Journey, no Hagrids, No gringotts no Diagon Alley yet you remain convinced that this is something that is still viable. No one has come up with a convincing plan of what's left in the IP that would have the same draw as everything in place in Orlando. Many people have also repeatedly said that Brits aren't going to Florida specifically for Potter, it's not a driving factor in choices. It's clearly mostly Americans who went wild for this stuff and that's not going to get them crossing the Atlantic to come to UK

Warner already have profit sharing agreements with Universal and yet they are still nervous about any more Potter attractions in UK.

I refer to Jo Rowling as a hate witch, because that is exactly what she is, I'm not really sure why that's being raised like it's some kind of point because it has no relevance to the viability. Potter is abdead horse for this park that you continue to flog over and over, I'm saying come up with some new material.

I would love to hear about what other Nintendo stuff could feature in this park that's not going to Orlando. I'd love to hear what ideas everyone has for the wealth of IP Universal has, I've pointed everyone in the direction of looking at what Uni movies do the best in Europe for ideas, since everyone keeps saying keeps saying they will tailor to the market, but instead we keep getting the same conversations repeated.
My issue is not with Rowling, it's just very very boring reading the same posts over and over again. You must have some new ideas surely?
Admin, is tommyhawkins in charge of what can be discussed in this thread? Or are people allowed to discuss what they like? He seems to be under the impression it's the former. It's making the tone of the thread very unpleasant. He is insulting people's opinions and ideas (without coming up with any of his own).
Are millions going to flock to visit askaban prison then, or the Weasley house? There would be no Hogsmeade, no Forbidden Journey, no Hagrids, No gringotts no Diagon Alley yet you remain convinced that this is something that is still viable. No one has come up with a convincing plan of what's left in the IP that would have the same draw as everything in place in Orlando.

Warner already have profit sharing agreements with Universal and yet they are still nervous about any more Potter attractions in UK.

I refer to Jo Rowling as a hate witch, because that is exactly what she is, I'm not really sure why that's being raised like it's some kind of point because it has no relevance to the viability. Potter is abdead horse for this park that you continue to flog over and over, I'm saying come up with some new material.

I would love to hear about what other Nintendo stuff could feature in this park that's not going to Orlando. I'd love to hear what ideas everyone has for the wealth of IP Universal has, I've pointed everyone in the direction of looking at what Uni movies do the best in Europe for ideas, since everyone keeps saying keeps saying they will tailor to the market, but instead we keep getting the same conversations repeated.
My issue is not with Rowling, it's just very very boring reading the same posts over and over again. You must have some new ideas surely?
Sorry but I’m not actually here to entertain you I’m here to objectively discuss (debate in this case) what should go into UGB.

The potter locations that could still be exploited have been discussed only a page or two ago so I’m not going to repeat them. As to you describing it as a dead horse - objectively speaking that’s clearly not the case based on how popular potter attractions are in every single major universal park. The debate about gender that Rowling is involved in is far more nuanced than people on twitter would let you believe and I’ve no interest in it an anyway. I stand by my comment that it would seem perverse to have potter in every park apart from the UK park.

LOTR would also be great for a uk park. Yes, I’d love to see Nintendo (Pokémon would be especially popular and a personal wish too).

Some universal IP I’d love to see that hasn’t been in a park so far is something based on pacific rim, I think there’s a lot that can be done for an immersive ride in that context. I think you’ll see universal emphasise the Britishness of the park to differentiate it from other areas. A James Bond stunt show would also fit well.

I essentially want a UK version of epic universe and I’d personally be over the moon. To do it best you need to license IP from other places, as they’ve done with all their other major parks... Warner might be a tough negotiator but all the other British IPs are at companies that would be delighted to have attractions based on their IP.

The choice and execution of IP will be the difference between a truly spectacular park and a good park. Like I said all of Universals major parks have licensed IP and I can’t see them attracting 5m plus visitors per annum without doing the same in the UK.
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Like I said a while ago I’m okay with them not having Potter at first and would prefer them (if it’s popular which I truly believe it will be) to do something Potter related that’s based around the TV show.

More locations will be introduced and it’s going to be stylistically different so won’t be stepping on anyone’s toes. It’s not going to copy what’s down the road at the studio tour and I assume Warner is going to have a whole host of new branding and merchandising deals for this new TV show.

But I’m not psychic, maybe it’ll flop. But based on Hogwarts Legacy sales and the fact HBO are doing it and investing in it properly I have faith it’ll be good.

But this is years down the road and I’m all pottered out atm with these conversations, going round in circles haha.

Domestic guest attendance of 5 million should be the minimum imo. Alton towers achieved over 3 million in 2010, they’ve yet to reach that high again but that year they had a fair few things going on round the park.

If 3 million is achievable at a park in the middle of nowhere, that’s difficult to get to then this should have no problem doubling that figure imo.

Better transport links and UK population has grown by 6 million from 2010 to now. By time this opens I’d it’s most likely going to be 8/9 million just in population growth alone.

Then you have the brand, the location and ease of access. For me (living not far from Alton towers) it’s straight down the A50 to East Midlands airport then straight onto the M1. Ridiculously easy to get to.
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In today's earnings call, Comcast execs were asked directly about future investment and whether they would continue to build new theme parks. The person asking specifically mentioned the possible park for the UK as an example. They wanted to know if it would continue non-stop after Epic Universe, or if we would get a "spending holiday" from it.

The answer given was that spending would remain elevated with Epic Universe, as well as the already under construction Universal Kids and Horror projects, as we head into 2025. Then spending will decrease. But, if these projects work out and return an investment "we'd be excited in the years to follow—can't predict when—to continue to give the parks & experiences business whatever capital it requires."
Hmmmmmm, this doesn't sound overly promising imo. Sounds more like they MIGHT consider another park in a few years time IF the new investments return a profit. If they don't, well I guess this will never happen. Also sounds like this park may be a quite a while away until anything is even remotely announced, as was my initial thoughts. This means there's a high chance of this project getting derailed over the course of the next few years before anything is even announced. Hopefully I'm wrong :confused:
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Hmmmmmm, this doesn't sound overly promising imo. Sounds more like they MIGHT consider another park in a few years time IF the new investments return a profit. If they don't, well I guess this will never happen. Also sounds like this park may be a quite a while away until anything is even remotely announced, as was my initial thoughts. This means there's a high chance of this project getting derailed over the course of the next few years before anything is even announced. Hopefully I'm wrong :confused:

I don’t read it like that. They’ve already stated 2030 in other communications and that’s overly optimistic imo.

It’s 2025 next year and planning in the UK could take 2 years easily with the constant back and forth between stakeholders. That easily takes us up to 2027 where a couple of years of low ish spending would have occurred and the success of EU will (hopefully) be clear to see.

It’s not a no and that’s the main thing.
Does anybody think there's any reasonable chance Epic and Universal Kids will be anything but a roaring success?

It's about the most optimistic answer they could have given as part of an earnings call without promising anything they might not be able to keep and not stressing out the big institutional shareholders who want to press out every last dime of the companies they own.
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Does anybody think there's any reasonable chance Epic and Universal Kids will be anything but a roaring success?

It's about the most optimistic answer they could have given as part of an earnings call without promising anything they might not be able to keep and not stressing out the big institutional shareholders who want to press out every last dime of the companies they own.
Given the online hype for both new parks I can’t see them being anything other that successful. Especially Epic. The thought of a brand new 400+ acre park with great IP built from the ground up with modern tech is mind blowing to anyone considering a trip once it opens.

I’m also bullish on UGB being built. I just hope they give it the same amount of major IP, investment and attention as they have with Epic.
Someone I know well who lives fairly locally messaged me last night saying they had been in touch with their local village councillor.

Apparently, the parish councillor has had a number of meetings with Universal last year. So this has been going on for months in secret until a certain YouTube video made the world aware.

Universal have a very clear idea of what they would like to build and quoted 20,000+ construction workers would be required, as well as 8,000 locals to work there and keep it running. They think it will take 7 years to build, and there would be an additional 10 year period after where further investment would be introduced as well as reinvestment of what is there.

They have said they are not making a decision until Autumn (Fall) this year and ARE looking at other sites in the UK and Europe.

This is because aside from the planned East West Rail upgrade, the Wixams Train Station being built AND the A421 upgrade at the Black Cat junction, Universal are in major talks directly with the UK government regarding M1 - A1 infrastructure, which to me sounds like it’s about the A421 again, as that connects both.


Now I’m not sure on the numbers quoted and a few other bits, I really wouldn’t know. But if I think about it, to hit 5m annual visitors, that’s like 14,000 people every day getting in and out of the area. The volume increase in traffic in the A421 as a % I wouldn’t know.

The current A421 is a dual carriageway, and this upgrade at the Black Cat is on the junction and beyond. They are not adding extra lanes near the Universal land or anywhere along that stretch, so if just one single car breaks down on the A421 bringing it down to one lane, with all the extra theme park traffic, it’d be absolute curtains for the surrounding road network and town. I believe when this happens now it is a massive issue.

So sadly I’m starting to think that the entire A421 will need an extra lane at a minimum, which basically makes it a motorway. So now we might need a dual carriageway / motorway conversion just for this to happen, which is why Universal are talking direct to the Gov, I guess potentially to see if the UK gov are game for this or not. With Universals leverage being thousands of jobs, tax contributions, and billions in investment in the UK for the future.

Other than points I’ve reference previously in posts with links, I don’t have anything solid to link to, so this is essentially passed on information and my own opinion.
Someone I know well who lives fairly locally messaged me last night saying they had been in touch with their local village councillor.

Apparently, the parish councillor has had a number of meetings with Universal last year. So this has been going on for months in secret until a certain YouTube video made the world aware.

Universal have a very clear idea of what they would like to build and quoted 20,000+ construction workers would be required, as well as 8,000 locals to work there and keep it running. They think it will take 7 years to build, and there would be an additional 10 year period after where further investment would be introduced as well as reinvestment of what is there.

They have said they are not making a decision until Autumn (Fall) this year and ARE looking at other sites in the UK and Europe.

This is because aside from the planned East West Rail upgrade, the Wixams Train Station being built AND the A421 upgrade at the Black Cat junction, Universal are in major talks directly with the UK government regarding M1 - A1 infrastructure, which to me sounds like it’s about the A421 again, as that connects both.


Now I’m not sure on the numbers quoted and a few other bits, I really wouldn’t know. But if I think about it, to hit 5m annual visitors, that’s like 14,000 people every day getting in and out of the area. The volume increase in traffic in the A421 as a % I wouldn’t know.

The current A421 is a dual carriageway, and this upgrade at the Black Cat is on the junction and beyond. They are not adding extra lanes near the Universal land or anywhere along that stretch, so if just one single car breaks down on the A421 bringing it down to one lane, with all the extra theme park traffic, it’d be absolute curtains for the surrounding road network and town. I believe when this happens now it is a massive issue.

So sadly I’m starting to think that the entire A421 will need an extra lane at a minimum, which basically makes it a motorway. So now we might need a dual carriageway / motorway conversion just for this to happen, which is why Universal are talking direct to the Gov, I guess potentially to see if the UK gov are game for this or not. With Universals leverage being thousands of jobs, tax contributions, and billions in investment in the UK for the future.

Other than points I’ve reference previously in posts with links, I don’t have anything solid to link to, so this is essentially passed on information and my own opinion.
Great info thanks.

Does anyone know how many people Epic Universe is going to employ as a way to compare the size of the park they are planning for the UK?
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Great info thanks.

Does anyone know how many people Epic Universe is going to employ as a way to compare the size of the park they are planning for the UK?

Some articles online say 14,000 jobs for epic universe. On top of 25,000 employees universal already has. So unfortunately that points at UGB being smaller.

7 years construction so 2031 at the earliest.

I used to live near Bedford, I do remember traffic at the Black Cat roundabout being bad. Hopefully UK government gets on board with significant road improvements. Autumn this year for the decision is exciting.
Someone I know well who lives fairly locally messaged me last night saying they had been in touch with their local village councillor.

Apparently, the parish councillor has had a number of meetings with Universal last year. So this has been going on for months in secret until a certain YouTube video made the world aware.

Universal have a very clear idea of what they would like to build and quoted 20,000+ construction workers would be required, as well as 8,000 locals to work there and keep it running. They think it will take 7 years to build, and there would be an additional 10 year period after where further investment would be introduced as well as reinvestment of what is there.

They have said they are not making a decision until Autumn (Fall) this year and ARE looking at other sites in the UK and Europe.

This is because aside from the planned East West Rail upgrade, the Wixams Train Station being built AND the A421 upgrade at the Black Cat junction, Universal are in major talks directly with the UK government regarding M1 - A1 infrastructure, which to me sounds like it’s about the A421 again, as that connects both.


Now I’m not sure on the numbers quoted and a few other bits, I really wouldn’t know. But if I think about it, to hit 5m annual visitors, that’s like 14,000 people every day getting in and out of the area. The volume increase in traffic in the A421 as a % I wouldn’t know.

The current A421 is a dual carriageway, and this upgrade at the Black Cat is on the junction and beyond. They are not adding extra lanes near the Universal land or anywhere along that stretch, so if just one single car breaks down on the A421 bringing it down to one lane, with all the extra theme park traffic, it’d be absolute curtains for the surrounding road network and town. I believe when this happens now it is a massive issue.

So sadly I’m starting to think that the entire A421 will need an extra lane at a minimum, which basically makes it a motorway. So now we might need a dual carriageway / motorway conversion just for this to happen, which is why Universal are talking direct to the Gov, I guess potentially to see if the UK gov are game for this or not. With Universals leverage being thousands of jobs, tax contributions, and billions in investment in the UK for the future.

Other than points I’ve reference previously in posts with links, I don’t have anything solid to link to, so this is essentially passed on information and my own opinion.
A few weeks back I gave a timeline for including the NSIP(planning stuff) seven years total would include all the work that you've spoken about last year and now as well and still only a build time of about 4-4.5 years to be open summer 2030.

I was being very conservative before, I would look at least 20k per day, but on most days of the week, during term time at least how many are staying on site or travelling by train?
Some articles online say 14,000 jobs for epic universe. On top of 25,000 employees universal already has. So unfortunately that points at UGB being smaller.

7 years construction so 2031 at the earliest.

I used to live near Bedford, I do remember traffic at the Black Cat roundabout being bad. Hopefully UK government gets on board with significant road improvements. Autumn this year for the decision is exciting.
So if we assume a proportional relationship between size of park and employment opportunities that would give a park just over half the size of Epic. Slightly disappointing but understandable when you’re new to a market. The 10 year plan to add investment hopefully means that if it’s a success it will be expanded on.