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USF Project?

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Reliable Insider statement compilation in chronological order (Most paraphrased unless wording seem key):
First day thread came to be:

Hasta la Vista Baby. (Ryan) [Seems to allude to T2 3D]

Quint said possible non WWOHP show replacements.

Disneyhead said show then possibly MoM

Joe on 25 July said I know something that wasn't for FFL or Shrek but they are tight lipped on. He clarified one project between now and nintendo opening.

Fast Forward to Aug 14

August 14 Jungle Skip said we have seen a bit of movement here. Keep your eyes peeled (for the record i haven''t heard anything just chatter). [Quinn's note: I think wording might be key]

Jungle Skip: I'm REALLY interested in what shakes out over the next few days (weeks?). This is all so bizarre. Feels like Transformers all over again.

DH: My guess is Panda replacing Shrek [Jungle and Dave's statement seen to suggest a park transfer from another Universal park which could leave it being the dreamworks theatre as well as Quint liking all those posts regarding it)

Ryan hits on T2:3D again

Jungle then states: Here's where I'm at right now:

Something is happening. The location of that something is set. It potentially effects HHN and the park at large.

With that being said, there's so many pieces of different people's stories that don't match up with each other. In light of that, I'm not sure anyone really knows the full story, so I'd be cautious of taking anyone's story at face value.

I'm neither. There's one situation where if it happens it would be baffling, but it's not as huge a deal as some are making it out to be.

Ryan then says in response to this:

I guess I'll ask the obvious: is it the same attraction closing in every story, and I'm guessing it depends on how and what is exactly affected?

Jungle replied
Yea; more or less

Nick C then asked:
Do you know if it would affect HHN on-stage or off? There's quite a few spaces backstage I can think where HHN could be affected without even affecting guests. Specifically near T2 and Horror Makeup.

To which Jungle replied:

Then Ryan stated with FFL closing would effect HHN

However then JUNGLE mentioned:
Yea, it's always kind of been my thought as well. Plus, if they demolish Fear Factor, there's no reason they can't build another live show venue in Terminator or another location.

Andy then says:
Fwiw I think it will be a mixed bag for whatever it is. Think about Great Movie Ride for example. Some people are like meh bring on the next thing, some are bummed but understand its time, and some are pretty heartbroken.

Jungle then mentions he can't tell us much because all the leaks came from the same person.

[FLL comes up again and Andy states this regarding Potter]

Personally I hope not. After this interactive coaster is complete I honestly don't want any more Pottah for at least 5 to 7 years other than refurbs and updates. Its time for Universal to leave its crutch and go outside their comfort zone again. Nintendo is one thing but I want more Marvel, Seuss, Dreamworks, Jurassic World, or hell even a Walking Dead style attraction before anymore Potter.

[suggests it not Potter at all since he is in the know why would he hope its not Potter]

Brian states no one will be outright with whats going on and will leave us in the dark.

There's a reason it's not being outright said. By anyone.

It's not going to get answered. Posters are just shooting in the dark at this point, and those who know are trying at best to answer what they can without showing their hand.

So even if a poster gets it right, it's not going to get answered, and no one is getting steered into any direction other than what's been posted to help narrow down choices. Be happy it's something instead of nothing.

EDIT: And if you'll notice - the few people that started the discussions and had an idea about it have been quiet since everyone started "Is it this?"

lots of convo about B&T and future potter then MIB gets mentioned for removal

Jungleskip states:
There's no way they're ripping out 2 things. Not with KidZone closing at the end of the year
Then he also made this statement

Let's just say things got a whole lot more interesting. And potentially controversial. I would have some popcorn ready. Potentially very soon.

Alexshow asked on what scale from Shrek4d to jaw closing would he rate the closing?

Jungle said We are going to have some doozies. He clarifies with this statement:

1) If the info I have is true y'all won't have to wait long

2) Like a lot of the Disney replacements, some won't be happy

3) Also like the Disney projects, they will be upgrades

4) Orlando Theme Parks be crazy

Legacy said whatever is being announced isn't as momentual as it was thought to be and it was inevitable but Universal is doing it right.

This prompted a response from Jungle stating:

This. They're doing this right and giving fans a final chance, more than most of their recent closures.

Also, my "hold onto your butts" comment was about something else, not what should be announced today. Dunno when we'd hear about that tho

I ask:
So was Bill and Ted ending affected by the future announcement or was it independent of this annoucement?

Jungle states:
It's a different thing than losing FFL/B&T

With his next response being
There's (allegedly) something else closing in the imminent future.
Bill and Ted official annoucement drops

Joe states:

Leave this thread for discussion of unannounced USF projects besides Nintendo.

And as a quick note, this all developed quickly. I personally report smoke when I see it. I can't always pinpoint the reason why or where it's from but I want to inform everyone. I also am very cognizant of reporting false fires.

There is a lot in motion around the resort, calm down.

Joe then states:

What I think we'll see:

-KidZone and FFL get demolished post HHN
-F&F will "open" fairly early in 2018
-MoM will be scheduled to open in 2019, though it may not be until late that year
-This other beloved Universal classic (Classic in this sense is defined as pre WWOHP) will close once MoM opens

Then when someone freaked out with MIB becoming Potter
They're not gonna replace MIB with anything Harry Potter

Andy states:
You can pretty much skip this thread for a bit

Doctor who was mentioned and Brian G after awhile went
Alright, enough Dr. Who.

Then after a lot of speculation and chatter this piece came about from Andy:

IMO I don't think the FFL stage is going anywhere fwiw
[i think the wording is key here. Stage.....]

Joe then states
I've heard enough things to believe USF is getting a new attraction (of some scope) before Nintendo opens.

Andy States
Fwiw I'm a huge HHN fan and the closing of Bill and Ted is pretty epic. And to find out amidst an already tough year in advertising and marketing hurt a bit more imo.

Regardless several people have straight up made themselves look silly and ill INFORMED during this and it's been amusing to watch.

For those stating another announcement is imminent then they simply don't get it. Nothing else will be announced before or during HHN. The event is too critical and in no way will they let anything take it's thunder right now. The new POTTAH coaster announcement was a knee jerk reaction imo that probably came from way up top due to Disney's massive D23 announcement.

All in all this thread is bogus for now and I wouldn't try to build off of much of anything here as most of this is literally grasping at straws. Let's just enjoy the Haunt Season and be excellent to one another this HORRAH NIGHTZ.

Now after HHN is a totally different ballgame imo...

And then lastly...he tells us to follow the breadcrumbs......
Reliable Insider statement compilation in chronological order (Most paraphrased unless wording seem key):
First day thread came to be:

Hasta la Vista Baby. (Ryan) [Seems to allude to T2 3D]

Quint said possible non WWOHP show replacements.

Disneyhead said show then possibly MoM

Joe on 25 July said I know something that wasn't for FFL or Shrek but they are tight lipped on. He clarified one project between now and nintendo opening.

Fast Forward to Aug 14

August 14 Jungle Skip said we have seen a bit of movement here. Keep your eyes peeled (for the record i haven''t heard anything just chatter). [Quinn's note: I think wording might be key]

Jungle Skip: I'm REALLY interested in what shakes out over the next few days (weeks?). This is all so bizarre. Feels like Transformers all over again.

DH: My guess is Panda replacing Shrek [Jungle and Dave's statement seen to suggest a park transfer from another Universal park which could leave it being the dreamworks theatre as well as Quint liking all those posts regarding it)

Ryan hits on T2:3D again

Jungle then states: Here's where I'm at right now:

Ryan then says in response to this:

Jungle replied

Nick C then asked:

To which Jungle replied:

Then Ryan stated with FFL closing would effect HHN

However then JUNGLE mentioned:

Andy then says:

Jungle then mentions he can't tell us much because all the leaks came from the same person.

[FLL comes up again and Andy states this regarding Potter]

[suggests it not Potter at all since he is in the know why would he hope its not Potter]

Brian states no one will be outright with whats going on and will leave us in the dark.

lots of convo about B&T and future potter then MIB gets mentioned for removal

Jungleskip states:

Then he also made this statement

Alexshow asked on what scale from Shrek4d to jaw closing would he rate the closing?

Jungle said We are going to have some doozies. He clarifies with this statement:

Legacy said whatever is being announced isn't as momentual as it was thought to be and it was inevitable but Universal is doing it right.

This prompted a response from Jungle stating:

I ask:

Jungle states:

With his next response being

Bill and Ted official annoucement drops

Joe states:

Joe then states:

Then when someone freaked out with MIB becoming Potter

Andy states:

Doctor who was mentioned and Brian G after awhile went

Then after a lot of speculation and chatter this piece came about from Andy:

[i think the wording is key here. Stage.....]

Joe then states

Andy States

And then lastly...he tells us to follow the breadcrumbs......
Nice compilation.:thumbsup: And there was a lot involved in those comments,... some misunderstanding of what is happening, some real info, some misdirection, some guessing & conjecture, and perhaps two different events happening not relating to one another. Plus some people are just passing on info they heard second/third/fourth hand and not necessarily reliable.
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Yep. And as I've said before, that's why I like to keep the discussion flowing on these threads, even if it goes off topic for a bit. The more talk, the more chance someone gives out a bit of info they weren't going to give...And, on a similar vein, a good point was brought up in a PM I had with a prominent Forum poster the other day. Sometimes the Insiders will release misleading or false information to divert attention from themselves and their sources. I've been told this a few times privately. So, that always needs to be considered when sorting out what's solid info, what's conjecture, and what is intentionally false. I think this thread has a combination of all three. All in all, it adds some fun to the whole process. :)

I will agree with this lol
There are several really good people to listen too floating around. Issue is, the bread crumbs they leave are most of the time much too small for most and they simply pass right by the clues given. I actually enjoy going back to the beginning of a rumor and rereading the entire thread. Its shocking to see how many pieces come together as time goes on.

My favorite was me responding to someone asking if HHN26 would have an icon and me saying "There's a Chance".

Also wow great recap @quinnmac000, we heard something about a classic attraction closing that weekend but didn't know what yet. Some heard B&T final year but were working on sources. I heard ET was closing but that turned out to be bunk.

As for the new attraction to come, I heard a new show in the front portion of the park. To keep it vague as not to out anyone.
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Just did the T2:3D attraction, in case that's next to go. After seeing the real T2 in theaters earlier today, (one of my favorite movies, so great to see it in theaters for the first time,) I thought I'd keep the saga going and watch the only other sequel I consider canon.

It's a shame the digital conversion is blurry half the the time during the 2nd act though. At least the T-1-Million scene at the end still looks good. Who woulda thought switching away from film would ruin the attraction.

I do like the re-done preshow video though. (Especially since they tweaked it again to remove Genesys references.) it's just super.


Will I need anything to drink with the replacement?

If T2 is going, a part of me isn't shocked. What I am curious, is what could replace it.

I'd be sad to see it go but it's also in rough shape from the last time I saw it. Looked like the 3D was just bad, or the film was blurry or something but the quality just looked poor. Half the effects like the motorcycle and fog weren't working properly if at all, the Arnold double really didn't look like Arnold at all...if it was still in top condition I'd say keep it, but knowing it's a 25+ year old property and the attraction itself is over 20 years old now, I just can't see them keeping it for much longer or investing what they need into it to keep it running at top quality.

It was nice to see Terminator 2 in theaters too, even if it had to be 3D. Not quite T2:3D at Universal though.
I'd be sad to see it go but it's also in rough shape from the last time I saw it. Looked like the 3D was just bad, or the film was blurry or something but the quality just looked poor. Half the effects like the motorcycle and fog weren't working properly if at all, the Arnold double really didn't look like Arnold at all...if it was still in top condition I'd say keep it, but knowing it's a 25+ year old property and the attraction itself is over 20 years old now, I just can't see them keeping it for much longer or investing what they need into it to keep it running at top quality.

It was nice to see Terminator 2 in theaters too, even if it had to be 3D. Not quite T2:3D at Universal though.
All the effects are working today. And Arnold looked great. Just the digital blurry movie in the middle of the show is all that's wrong. Unfortunate.
With losing the Graveyard Review theater, the Animal Actors theater, and possibly the FFL theater, I push for a full blown Broadway tour quality theater space to replace T2.

This would be a great excuse for Universal to up their live entertainment department with real world ethos as opposed to Six Flags/BG style entertainment.
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All the effects are working today. And Arnold looked great. Just the digital blurry movie in the middle of the show is all that's wrong. Unfortunate.

To be fair the last time I rode it was in January and for half the shows the fog never reached the back, seats didn't drop, and/or no motorcycle.
With losing the Graveyard Review theater, the Animal Actors theater, and possibly the FFL theater, I push for a full blown Broadway tour quality theater space to replace T2.

This would be a great excuse for Universal to up their live entertainment department with real world ethos as opposed to Six Flags/BG style entertainment.
Well, a show of some type, replacement would eliminate one 3d screen attraction complaint. More balance to the park....Love Terminator, but it wasn't in very good shape when I attended it in May.
With losing the Graveyard Review theater, the Animal Actors theater, and possibly the FFL theater, I push for a full blown Broadway tour quality theater space to replace T2.

This would be a great excuse for Universal to up their live entertainment department with real world ethos as opposed to Six Flags/BG style entertainment.
This is such a great idea! It would also compliment the Horror Makeup theater nicely making a little theater complex. I would love to see it be a reproduction of some of the classic movie theaters of the past. One of my favorite theaters has always been the Paramount Theater in Austin, something like that would be a fitting tribute to film history and provide a great venue for live shows.2aaf6747251242092e81ec8de08a923f--austin-texas-dallas-texas.jpg
I would think, they would do a double-power punch if T23D would go for a large stage show.

Osaka and Singapore use their Pantages as actual theaters, with no Horror Make-Up attatched. If they wanted too, they could do a massive broadway style theater, have the lobby in Pantages/Horror Makeup, and the massive building into T2.

Just food for thought.

Edit: Doing a size comparion if you include T2, Horror Make Up, and the store attatched to T2, and it's fascinating when compared to the Hyperion in California.

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