Volcano Bay Construction & Preview Discussion | Page 312 | Inside Universal Forums

Volcano Bay Construction & Preview Discussion

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YES! Volcano Bay, here I come!!

Those streams look pretty big. Like knock you off your feet big!

I like to think that when most people test something, they build up gradually but Universal just went for max at the get go.

I can't imagine this will be the normal and merely just testing at this stage.
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Seems like the normal amount of water to me. The only reason I'd think they'd have to tone it down is because of winds. Also, it does flow directly into the wave pool.
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The OU video appears to show one of the falls coming down at a 30 degree outward angle instead of straight down. Not sure what to make of that.
I think that may need to be "adjusted" but they could be going for a shower in the pools.

Left side of the circled section in the art above looks like it shoots out some. Bet they just have to toss a rock in the stream or something.

You ever do streams and water features?
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I have a rant too,

You know that PowerBall thing? I play and play and never win! Don't they know I need to have a private island with hot and cold beach girls bringing me rum drinks in my beach chair??

I mean I put my money in the same as any other joe and do I win? Heck NO! It is always some schmoo in Altoona PA that I see waving his big check around! Really what is the matter with Joe Camel in Florida?? My money not good enough for them??

Where is the justice? I can't have what I want. Don't really need it but I WANT IT!!

/Rant over
One thing I've noticed is mostly everything in real life has a darker color/shade then it was in the concept video, does anyone know why?
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I would be surprised if the streams off the waterfall were accessible to guests and not just scenic. Water falling from that height can be pretty dangerous.

The falls will go into a small lake before cascading into the wave pool. See here.


Yeah, there seems to be more water to come out of the "faces" towards the bottom half of the mountain.

It's a standard forced perspective trick. Have a few tiers and add more and more water to it to make the small streams on top seem faster away.
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