Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 207 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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TheTimTracker posted a video from Saturday with a few good peeks over the walls.

London coverage from 2:02 to 4:15 and Hogsmeade from 7:42 to 8:38. But if you've got 18 minutes, the whole video is pretty entertaining.

TheTimTracker posted a video from Saturday with a few good peeks over the walls.

London coverage from 2:02 to 4:15 and Hogsmeade from 7:42 to 8:38. But if you've got 18 minutes, the whole video is pretty entertaining.

At 4:11 we see the first shot of the mysterious Leaky Cauldron door from the London side, which I still doubt will ever be used, other than maybe as an emergency exit or by TMs. Still, whether it'll be used or not, it's definitely another cool photo-op to have :cheers:

And on the subject of doors, functioning doors that actually open (unlike those thee front doors on Whyndham's), we have the door for 12 Grimmauld Place, which is always open in pics and videos. While I don't think it'll open for guests, I wonder if it'll play a part in the grand opening ceremonies, like, the actors coming out of there or something? Since the Knight Bus seems to be fixed to the ground, I don't think that's how they'll make their grand entrance for the ceremony.

We'll SOON find out! :happy:
I absolutely detest Fear Factor, but I really hope Bill & Ted finds another home if they get evicted. Not only is it absolutely the most hilarious show I saw (I only saw it twice, this year; I couldn't stop laughing at the Darth Vader/Spock joke), but it also fits HHN's theme.

Does anyone know what exactly is in that soundstage to the left of the library facade (New York)? It didn't look like it was used in HHN this year.

Fear Factor is a pathetic waste of time, space and talent. I'm kind of embarrassed for universal going to open this and having such an awful show next to it.

It makes me wonder why didn't they try to make a Potter show or something... Fear Factor needs to go seriously.

(Im sure Bill and Ted would find a new home somewhere else, Bill and Ted is NOT worth having that horrible show)
And on the subject of doors, functioning doors that actually open (unlike those thee front doors on Whyndham's), we have the door for 12 Grimmauld Place, which is always open in pics and videos. While I don't think it'll open for guests, I wonder if it'll play a part in the grand opening ceremonies, like, the actors coming out of there or something? Since the Knight Bus seems to be fixed to the ground, I don't think that's how they'll make their grand entrance for the ceremony.

We'll SOON find out! :happy:

I always imagined, since it's Diagon Alley, the opening, and thus the celebrity appearances, would be a little more action oriented. Universal does a good job of blowing out portions of walls to create "doors," (Disaster opening, Men In Black opening)so that's how I imagined it would go down. Didn't we see in pictures that the entrance into Diagon Alley was in the shape of a blasted out portion, anyway? To suggest a Dementor attack?

It's just a guess. I'd settle for them coming out the front door of Grimmauld Place, too!

I always imagined, since it's Diagon Alley, the opening, and thus the celebrity appearances, would be a little more action oriented. Universal does a good job of blowing out portions of walls to create "doors," (Disaster opening, Men In Black opening)so that's how I imagined it would go down. Didn't we see in pictures that the entrance into Diagon Alley was in the shape of a blasted out portion, anyway? To suggest a Dementor attack?

It's just a guess. I'd settle for them coming out the front door of Grimmauld Place, too!


I agree. I think we will get a little back story of why Diagon is open to Muggles and how the opening got opened. But maybe not.
just want to add that I don't like to watch the actual show Fear Factor (and clearly most people don't considering it's no longer on the air), and I woudl have no interest in watching the stage show...please burn it down UNI.
At 4:11 we see the first shot of the mysterious Leaky Cauldron door from the London side, which I still doubt will ever be used, other than maybe as an emergency exit or by TMs. Still, whether it'll be used or not, it's definitely another cool photo-op to have :cheers:

I don't know, I'm going to stick with my gut and say that that door will be open to the public, maybe only during slower times. It would make a great "easter egg" for fans to be able to enter through the secret entrance into LC and then into the passage with the brick wall effect, since we know there is a doorway from LC into the passage. It just seems too perfect not to be the plan.

If I remember correctly, the Three Broomsticks has several side and back entrance/exits open to guests.

And on a slightly related note, does anyone think there will be any outdoor seating for the Leaky Cauldron? There doesn't appear to be a spot for it from anything we've seen, but nearly every other restaurant on property does. Just something I hadn't thought of before.
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And on a slightly related note, does anyone think there will be any outdoor seating for the Leaky Cauldron? There doesn't appear to be a spot for it from anything we've seen, but nearly every other restaurant on property does. Just something I hadn't thought of before.

There's definitely no where to put outdoor seating but the Leaky Cauldron does have 2 floors if I remember.

Edit: Nevermind, the second floor was for the Inn.
I don't know, I'm going to stick with my gut and say that that door will be open to the public, maybe only during slower times. It would make a great "easter egg" for fans to be able to enter through the secret entrance into LC and then into the passage with the brick wall effect, since we know there is a doorway from LC into the passage. It just seems too perfect not to be the plan.

Gah! Two LC abbreviations in one resort. What are we going to do?! :lol:

I am not sticking up for the Fear Factor show, but I will stick up for Bill and Ted. If they get evicted from this theater, where will our boys go? The Animal Actors area is already a fustercluck during HHN so what other options are available?

The last time Fear Factor was rumored to be on the chopping block (that show really does have 9 lives), there was a rumor of using T:2, with dual casts to allow more or less continuous shows, offsetting the loss in capacity. A similar idea might work for Beetlejuice. Only real issue I can see would be the final show of the season.

And while this isn't really the venue, at this point B&T are about the most iconic component of HHN left. Closing in on two decades.
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