Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 354 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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The red carpet event is on the 18th at night, with 19th being a media preview of Diagon, and 20th the media leaves. It won't be live, and I would say it's far from guaranteed it's officially open the 20th.

Also, this was sent into Parkscope by @braindud92, so I want to give props out him.

Yup, @braindud92 found it on what looked like a mobile app. Found it on the TV guide network. The description for the show clearly says it is a live event covering the OPENING of the land:

Title: Live From the Red Carpet: Diagon Alley
Premise: Coverage of the red-carpet opening of Diagon Alley at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Florida.

You don't air a show on network TV (or even list it on a public TV schedule) calling it the OPENING if you are not planning on OPENING right after (in this case, the next day)
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Ooooooh... a loyal and true Potterist. We welcome those that can remind us of the books and how it is written. Thanks!

Thanks! I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, but I'll take it! :lol:

Wait, are you saying Harry Potter has books? I thought it was just a movie! ...Just kidding. I didn't remember because I've only read that book once, the day it came out, and have never really wanted to reread it. and you're right, but I think because he was under the imperius curse and he wasn't doing it of his own free will I wouldn't consider him one. I can't remember how he got out of Azkaban, was it a mass breakout?

Yeah, it was a mass breakout. I probably wouln't remember it, either, but I finished this semester last week, and I've just finished reading the book today, so it's all pretty fresh :peace:
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Can't imagine Universal will be thrilled if it is the opening and the cat is out of the bag.

Although I suppose any publicity is good publicity!
It should be an epic opening ceremony then, if they are going to cover it on TV. Ive only seen bits and pieces of the opening for phase 1, and it looked pretty neat.
Yup, @braindud92 found it on what looked like a mobile app. Found it on the TV guide network. The description for the show clearly says it is a live event covering the OPENING of the land:

Title: Live From the Red Carpet: Diagon Alley
Premise: Coverage of the red-carpet opening of Diagon Alley at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Florida.

You don't air a show on network TV (or even list it on a public TV schedule) calling it the OPENING if you are not planning on OPENING right after (in this case, the next day)

Well put, I only point out that the event IS NOT live, as the actual red carpet event is on the 18th. I think Seth Kubersky can confirm this...

Keep the enthusiasm tepid here guys till we know more, most E! Red Carpet events focus on the celebrities and interviews more than the actual event.
Well put, I only point out that the event IS NOT live, as the actual red carpet event is on the 18th. I think Seth Kubersky can confirm this...

Keep the enthusiasm tepid here guys till we know more, most E! Red Carpet events focus on the celebrities and interviews more than the actual event.

Oh, I totally doubt it is live (most live TV is never live anyway). However, this gives them time to do two things:

1) Edit it
2) Get the press out of the way and get everything prepared for the 21st. I am sure there will be a lot of prep work they will need to do on the 20th to prepare for the opening so this gives them time with nobody in the land. The TV show will air officially opening the land and then people will start showing up to camp out :D
GAH! I don't have cable :angry:

How are you connecting to the internet? I am sure E! or fans will post it on youtube.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks! I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, but I'll take it! :lol:

I worried that you might take it that way no matter how I said it. Not sarcastic at all. I like a good slap up the side of the head with facts.
Biggest confirmation of the 20th yet!!



EDIT: Granted, this most likely means a June 21st public opening...

Thanks very much for the heads-up! I've set my DVR :thumbs:

I'm not counting out that this might be pre-recorded coverage, but then again, couldn't it also be an additional event where only E! has the exclusive coverage of it? :shrug: Nah... It'll probably be recorded.
Find it funny that HTF posted this on twitter as a reply to Parkscope revolving around this E! Opening Event on the 20th:

@Parkscope did I mention I took the 21st off work about a month ago...

Universal just needs to come out with a date at this point! With people able to set there DVR's already for the E! show that clearly says OPENING in the description of the show (at least on the xfinity box I am on), the word is going to start spreading. First Variety reporting the 20th and now E! having a scheduled show on the 20th about the opening and nether source has changed it yet either means the PR department is failing BAD or they gave them the date and since the announcement is coming any day now, they don't want to make them change it.

Either way, with the date so close now (10 days!), I am not 100% sure it is going to be a TOTAL madhouse like Phase 1. With Phase 1, people had more than enough time to request off work and get airfare from around the world. With the date being only 10 days away now, most airfares "early saver" type rates are gone and most people can't get off work with such little notice unless they call in sick. It will be mostly the locals swarming the place from the 21st (if that is indeed the date) giving them a little over a week to deal with one "rush" before the people that booked the HP package arrive. Seems like a MUCH better way to help control the swarm compared to Phase 1.
I work for a new network called Fusion, and I can confirm that the red carpet event is on the 18th. On our schedules it even has a few hours that night and Thursday morning for "Live shots from Diagon" and "Live shots from London." Which could mean running a live feed to a control room somewhere. So that E! Program is definitely recorded. And everyone is scheduled to leave the 20th.
Great to Know man, But siriously; Universal needs to say it soon as it has gone to far.. But; Just a theory here but.. What if in the Trip Flip episode, they announce the
Opening date. Not bad advertising if they do that..
With the "big wigs" more active on site (at least visible with the walls now down), I think they are going to be doing whatever they have to do make sure this is 100% show ready in 6 more days! If they haven't been already, I think they will be putting a crew on the main ride nearly 24 hours a day to cycle it as much as possible. I also would not be surprised if tomorrow morning (or at least tomorrow night) the Dragon is done. That seems to be the only major area of concern at this point that is VERY visible.

To me, Universal would not have invited all these members of the press and they certainly would not have basically produced FIVE TV shows (Four for Tonight Show and one for E!) if they were not 100% sure EVERYTHING would be show ready and able to be ridden on the date they set. They also don't want to "sit" on this land if it is ready to take in guests. If the land is ready for soft openings (which at this point they have a few days), then it is ready for guests. Sitting and waiting to open the land to the public is costing them tons of money that they want to quickly earn back. Just think of all the money they have been paying out the last couple of days to the insane amount of TM's that are basically just standing around in costume. The land is either guest ready or its not, there can never be a "its 95% ready so lets soft open it" time. The faster they get the land open, the faster they can recover the MILLIONS of dollars they spent to build this amazing land so the faster they can just say "Its open" the better!

Great to Know man, But siriously; Universal needs to say it soon as it has gone to far.. But; Just a theory here but.. What if in the Trip Flip episode, they announce the
Opening date. Not bad advertising if they do that..

The Trip Flip episode tomorrow is a possibility but I don't see it being the official announcement. If anything, it will be the final announcement to make sure they covered all the bases (online, social media, and TV). I think the first place would be the new blog in the form of a video followed by all the social media and then ending with the TV episode. Of course, this is just wishful thinking, but they need to do it soon. The more places that start to say "Grand opening is the 20th", the more of a mess they will have on there hands if it is NOT the 20th. So far, two sources have basically said "The grand opening is the 20th". If more sources start to say it, the more people will think it is true which means the more people that will show up on the 20th demanding to be let in since multiple sources confirmed the date.
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