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Disney's California Adventure Overhaul

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Ok question? Would you take 1 million and put it towards the Dragon's Challenge queue, or the 1 million to make the snow magically appear in FJ?

FJ. But that doesn't mean I have to appreciate what they did to DC. I'm not saying they should have taken the money from elsewhere. Every penny they spent at other places was worth it. But that doesn't mean I have to like DC. Just like Radiator Springs won't make people like the watered down Mater's.
If they built DC brand new, then no. This wouldn't be a big deal at all. But the problem is they took one of the most elaborately themed parks of the park and took a giant dump on it. It's not even decent, it's bad.

No, it's decent. Everyone just has their panties in a bunch because it's not the old one.

Could they have done a better job? Sure. But the fact remains the old queue wouldn't cut it with the current theme. But the current queue is serviceable, the new load station is pretty boss, and the begining of the queue is nice. Far from an overall "huge letdown attraction".
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No, it's decent. Everyone just has their panties in a bunch because it's not the old one.

Could they have done a better job? Sure. But the fact remains the old queue wouldn't cut it with the current theme. But the current queue is serviceable, the new load station is pretty boss, and the begining of the queue is nice. Far from an overall "huge letdown attraction".

Ta-DA :rep:
FJ. But that doesn't mean I have to appreciate what they did to DC. I'm not saying they should have taken the money from elsewhere. Every penny they spent at other places was worth it. But that doesn't mean I have to like DC. Just like Radiator Springs won't make people like the watered down Mater's.

Comparing a queue experience and ride experience are two totally different things. I'd get if the ride's lack of whatever due to budget constraints didn't sit well with people, but the queue is different. DC's queue does it's job to the best of it's abilities. I'd be more upset at the disregard of the coaster's color scheme then the queue itself, but it's still the same ride either way. With Mater, the ride experience is going to be a lot different now.
No, it's decent. Everyone just has their panties in a bunch because it's not the old one.

Could they have done a better job? Sure. But the fact remains the old queue wouldn't cut it with the current theme. But the current queue is serviceable, the new load station is pretty boss, and the begining of the queue is nice. Far from an overall "huge letdown attraction".

No. It's not. There is way too much dead space and nothing to keep your interest for an extended period of time once you actually get inside.

No it would fit. I agree, they did the load station right. They did a good job outside the queue building too like I said. But compared to what we had, yes it was a let down.

--- Update ---

Comparing a queue experience and ride experience are two totally different things. I'd get if the ride's lack of whatever due to budget constraints didn't sit well with people, but the queue is different. DC's queue does it's job to the best of it's abilities. I'd be more upset at the disregard of the coaster's color scheme then the queue itself, but it's still the same ride either way. With Mater, the ride experience is going to be a lot different now.

Obviously Mater is a different sitaution. But Jymmymack said "elaborate themeing for this attraction got widdled down to the bare bones" and to me that is exactly the treatment DC got.
It takes an extended period just to walk through the thing. And it gets in the 30s and 40s sometimes. Not that I ever wait they long.

As stated before, the issue isn't the theming, but what was in it's place before. It was beautifully themed, and no one is arguing that it was a shame to see it go, but let's be honest here. Universal over-compensated the queue. I remember back on IOAC (in it's heyday) that some people loved Dragons simply on queue alone. The attraction should be the star, not the queue. There was no reason for it be a mile-and-a-half long other than the fact Universal can say "hey, this queue is a mile-and-a-half long". At the end of the day, you're still riding Dragons. Even if it was black walls with lights, you'd still be in that line. Your ride experience isn't impacted because of the queue.
As stated before, the issue isn't the theming, but what was in it's place before. It was beautifully themed, and no one is arguing that it was a shame to see it go, but let's be honest here. Universal over-compensated the queue. I remember back on IOA (in it's heyday) that some people loved Dragons simply on queue alone. The attraction should be the star, not the queue. There was no reason for it be a mile-and-a-half long other than the fact Universal can say "hey, this queue is a mile-and-a-half long". At the end of the day, you're still riding Dragons. Even if it was black walls with lights, you'd still be in that line. Your ride experience isn't impacted because of the queue.

Maybe it was over-done in the first place. But that doesn't mean what we have isn't under-done. Obviously it was under done for all the right reasons, but the fact is what we have is lack luster. And now they've screwed themselves with the long queue. Because if it's about half the size, what they put in is more than enough. But it looks like crap so spread out.

I shouldn't have said "huge letdown attraction". Because it's not. Sorry. And no, the actual experience of riding the coaster is no different. But the overall experience is what made it great to me. We still have a really good coaster, but no longer a great attraction expreience.
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Maybe it was over-done in the first place. But that doesn't mean what we have isn't under-done. Obviously it was under done for all the right reasons, but the fact is what we have is lack luster. And now they've screwed themselves with the long queue. Because if it's about half the size, what they put in is more than enough. But it looks like crap so spread out.

I shouldn't have said "huge letdown attraction". Because it's not. Sorry. And no, the actual experience of riding the coaster is no different. But the overall experience is what made it great to me. We still have a really good coaster, but no longer a great attraction expreience.

And that's the difference between this and Mater. Mater's ride expereince is going to be a lot different.
And that's the difference between this and Mater. Mater's ride expereince is going to be a lot different.

Right. I never meant to imply that these were the same situations. Just that they are both disappointing losses due to the budgets of other attractions being built.
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Besides we're mad about Mater's but Joe Parent of Kid Who is Obsessed With Cars probably never saw the concept art and won't even notice that Mater's is watered down. Its a sad fact but we theme park enthusiasts are never Disney or yes I'll even say Universal's target audience. Its the large masses who won't care or mind that the ending of the Little Mermaid ride is missing or that you can see Hogwarts from JP.
40mph is cool for a family ride, and doesn't this track have different angles than TT, too?

As for Mater's, I thought you were riding on / riding behind Mater?

I suppose you're right about the speed. I had thought there was a straight away, but then I remembered that the straight away is actually the bunny-hop section :doh:

You are being pulled by the cow-tractors.
I have to disagree and say some attractions absolutely do begin with the queue. Dueling Dragons had one of the best, most elaborate queues in any theme park anywhere and it did set it apart from other unthemed steel machines. I would say it was an attraction on it's own, a "castle tour" before we had one in FJ... Hell, it was one of the queues I'd tell people not to Express their first time so they wouldn't miss it.

Downplaying how great the queue for Dueling Dragons was doesn't do anything for what's there now. Mind you, the new queue does have some flashes of brilliance with the dragon shadows flying above the tent and the Goblet of Fire, but overall, it's a huge downgrade. A huge, huge downgrade, albeit the one and only qualm most of us have about Potter's addition.
I have to disagree and say some attractions absolutely do begin with the queue. Dueling Dragons had one of the best, most elaborate queues in any theme park anywhere and it did set it apart from other unthemed steel machines. I would say it was an attraction on it's own, a "castle tour" before we had one in FJ... Hell, it was one of the queues I'd tell people not to Express their first time so they wouldn't miss it.

Downplaying how great the queue for Dueling Dragons was doesn't do anything for what's there now. Mind you, the new queue does have some flashes of brilliance with the dragon shadows flying above the tent and the Goblet of Fire, but overall, it's a huge downgrade. A huge, huge downgrade, albeit the one and only qualm most of us have about Potter's addition.

No one is arguing your point... :lol:
No one is arguing your point... :lol:

Well you're saying the ride experience isn't impacted but the experience overall definitely is. If Dueling Dragons was metal switchbacks leading up to the loading station, it would not have been considered half the attraction that it was.
The bottom line with Disney, is they allow the imagineers and other departments to practice schizophrenic perfectionism. They waste money this way constantly.

They have an especially horrid track record with themed payment. Pour and jackhammer the same pavement three nights in a row because it isn't quite right. Huge pavement project where the contractor sits around all day because the imagineers are arguing on what stamp tool they decided on. That behavior eats up tons of cash.

Then Disney sends imagineers to the opening of a new attraction at Universal so that they might figure out how they built it for so little money. There comes point when 'very good' should be good enough.