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Frozen Ever After

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To me DL is sacred grounds. Replacing anything (as tiny as it is) over there is like taking down a national monument. Not only for me but for locals too. SW works better in DCA and there is so much worthless crap waiting to be replaced at that park, it's just begging for it. DCA is the ugly little brother to the most successful theme park in history. It needs all it can get
Everybody's talkin' bout' capacity and DCA, but to be brutally honest something that should be the biggest concern with SWL looming ahead is traffic flow. To be blunt, traffic flow in DL is god friggin' awful. An' unless something is done with that, when SWL opens we're gonna' have a new standard for absolute clusterf**k. Traffic flow has to be improved by any means nessicary in DL, but it feels like a higher up or two just wants the park stuck in the past...a dated past that just wasn't made to handle today's crowds.

Now this I can get behind. Frontierland has awful traffic flow. And theme wise, SWL doesn't fit at all. They should've taken out the Submarines and/or the lake next to it for SWL. There's plenty of room there and it's wide open for traffic.

And to bring it all back to Frozen... Toontown is way beyond it's prime. I'm sad to see CarToon Spin go, but if Frozen has to go somewhere, way in the back away from everything else and not causing a CF is as good a place as any.
To me DL is sacred grounds. Replacing anything (as tiny as it is) over there is like taking down a national monument. Not only for me but for locals too. SW works better in DCA and there is so much worthless crap waiting to be replaced at that park, it's just begging for it. DCA is the ugly little brother to the most successful theme park in history. It needs all it can get

Hold on. All I ever hear about on here is how you have to take out classic rides to make better e-ticket rides. That parks get stale and it is a negative that Disney depends on nostalgia. But when it comes to DL all the sudden it is the opposite and Disney can't take anything out (even if it is one thing for an ENTIRE land) of DL to put some high tech non-stale e-ticket rides? Really? I personally feel like for some of you no matter what Disney does it will be wrong and Uni would have done it better. I love Uni, I love Disney, heck I love Sea World. But I see all their faults and all their pluses. All 3 parks have pluses and minuses. But you have to be willing to give credit where credit is due and slam them when they are being idiots. But you shouldn't contradict your own arguments just because it is a different park.
SDMT is a major E ticket? Come on we're just looking for excuses.

Izzy is right. They ride the wave of spend for awhile and reap the rewards.

And the arguments grow ever weirder. DLR is seeing no spend... save for the DCA redo. And SWL. And Arendelle. Except for all that.

I'm not a "Disneyland-er." I love Disneyland, yes. But I'll be dropping $4500 this year on two vacations to UOR. I'd love to see new rides in DLR. But I know how businesses work. You don't drastically try to beef it up all at once when you're already #3 in the world. They overhauled DCA in a huge way. I understand why they want to leave it be, business wise, for awhile.
The question you posed was this: When's the last time #1 and #3 opened a new attraction? The last time I checked, SDMT is an attraction, no?
And the arguments grow ever weirder. DLR is seeing no spend... save for the DCA redo. And SWL. And Arendelle. Except for all that.
As already noted, the DCA redo has long come an gone and Arendelle won't start until after Star Wars. Plans for that aren't even finalized.
As already noted, the DCA redo has long come an gone and Arendelle won't start until after Star Wars. Plans for that aren't even finalized.

So they take the giant elephant in the room, the failure of DCA, pump 1-2 billion in it. 4 new attractions (one of them is one of the best dark rides in the country), increase visitors 30%, and crack the top ten in the world.

Then they turn their eyes toward DL itself which hasn't seen an E-ticket in 20 years, start construction on a new land that includes 3 new attractions and a new E-ticket based on the most popular movie in the world.

But they aren't spending. Seven new attractions (2 e-tickets and 5 sub-tickets) in 7 years is more than they've done in the last 20.
You are making a lot of assumptions on timelines. We know literally nothing on Frozen out there and the timeline for SWL could change if there's construction delays.

And I don't really consider 4 rides in a park that desperately needed them a big feat. Much like I don't consider the DHS redo a big feat. It's simply necessary as both parks were on the brink of floundering if they didn't do something.
You are making a lot of assumptions on timelines. We know literally nothing on Frozen out there and the timeline for SWL could change if there's construction delays.

And I don't really consider 4 rides in a park that desperately needed them a big feat. Much like I don't consider the DHS redo a big feat. It's simply necessary as both parks were on the brink of floundering if they didn't do something.

Do you consider the first phase of HP a big feat? Because you could say the same about IOA. The two Uni parks were in a lot of trouble before HP came along. I say give credit where credit is due and the fact that in the next 5 years they are fixing 2 out of their 4 parks to me is huge and a great sign of good things to come. Just like HP was a sign of good things to come. MK to me is fine right now and their last additions fixed some of their issues. They still have a huge hole when it comes to Tomorrowland and that should be the next thing addressed in MK. Epcot also needs a redo, but I am hoping the success of AK and DHS redo projects will spawn Disney to do more like the success of HP spawned Uni to do more.
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I have never been to the CA parks, but reading about HP opening up over there it sounds like all the CA parks have traffic flow issues too. I imagine all those parks have less land to work with?

Let's just say Minion Mayhem... and formerly T2:3D.. are built on top of a parking garage.
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Do you consider the first phase of HP a big feat? Because you could say the same about IOA. The two Uni parks were in a lot of trouble before HP came along. I say give credit where credit is due and the fact that in the next 5 years they are fixing 2 out of their 4 parks to me is huge and a great sign of good things to come. Just like HP was a sign of good things to come. MK to me is fine right now and their last additions fixed some of their issues. They still have a huge hole when it comes to Tomorrowland and that should be the next thing addressed in MK. Epcot also needs a redo, but I am hoping the success of AK and DHS redo projects will spawn Disney to do more like the success of HP spawned Uni to do more.
I give credit in all cases in that the projects do what they were intended to do: Revitalize the park.

Hogsmeade is great and has really changed the theme park world as far as themed environments go. I also sort of worry that Potter may have changed the game in a way that prevents creativity and solely revolves around IPs.

Again, Potter did what it was intended to do and it did so by not really doing much to the existing area tbh. Light rethemes to Dragon Challenge, Hippogriff and Three Broomsticks. FJ was the only real "expansion" during that whole construction.
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You are making a lot of assumptions on timelines. We know literally nothing on Frozen out there and the timeline for SWL could change if there's construction delays.

And I don't really consider 4 rides in a park that desperately needed them a big feat. Much like I don't consider the DHS redo a big feat. It's simply necessary as both parks were on the brink of floundering if they didn't do something.

I'm not counting Frozen. I'm saying if SWL opens in 2017, then in 7 years there will have been 2 new E-tickets at the resort (one in each park) plus 6 sub-ticket attractions (3 in each park).

And I never said it was a "big feat." They did what they had to do. But apparently adding a new ride doesn't count if you need it.
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I'm not counting Frozen. I'm saying if SWL opens in 2017, then in 7 years there will have been 2 new E-tickets at the resort (one in each park) plus 6 sub-ticket attractions (3 in each park).

And I never said it was a "big feat." They did what they had to do. But apparently adding a new ride doesn't count if you need it.
Oh it certainly counts. It's just that when I look at the history of IOA and DCA, the only additions of any magnitude to the parks have been the ones we are currently talking about (Obviously Kong is being built now though).
Oh it certainly counts. It's just that when I look at the history of IOA and DCA, the only additions of any magnitude to the parks have been the ones we are currently talking about (Obviously Kong is being built now though).

And the sad part for IOA is it was really only one ride. I agree, with you there. But it is a business and both businesses knew they could ride out the high for a certain period of time and that is what both IOA and DCA are doing right now.
Oh it certainly counts. It's just that when I look at the history of IOA and DCA, the only additions of any magnitude to the parks have been the ones we are currently talking about (Obviously Kong is being built now though).

Right and I don't disagree. I believe that the approach was "Let's fix what's here rather than add gems to crap." Because DCA was absolute crap. So they brought in WoC, RSR & Cars Land, re-vamped the pier, re-vamped the entrance, dropped in a mediocre C-ticket and voila. They have a base now. Turning their attention now to SWL for a year and a half. After that we'll see. I'm not giving them a free pass by any means. If they get SWL open by 2017 I'll tip my hat to them.

Hopefully our version of Frozen will be from scratch and much more than an overlay.