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Future of Dragon Challenge?

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I'd be sad to see DC go, but with the re-ride line gone and having to wait in a long line just for lockers before waiting in line for the ride (and fighting the crowd in that area in general) I guess I wouldn't be too sad. It's more trouble than it's worth now unless the circumstances are right.
Could they ever adapt the cycle coaster design to be a Broom or would it be too much work?


But in theory yes. They can do that. Shape it like a broom add a large seat on it with back support and lock with a handle to hold on to. The problem is foot and leg though with a broom as if it is essentially like the movie then your legs would dangle. If your legs dangled then it would have to be extremely tame and no close encounters with another track for liability and safety reasons.
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If it's a coaster retheme I could see a quiddtich theme easily. Not sure what they would do with the castle queu though.
The only thing that satisfies my heart is the thought of another coaster prospect here with added theming. I personally think that DC is great. The grounds of the coaster are lackluster but the coasters themselves are phenomenal. I'd hate to see them go.

I was also heartbroken to see JAWS go but am more than satisfied with what replaced it. A new coaster with max theming makes my heart a little more excited about the prospect. We shall see.
I remember walking out of the ride a few years ago thinking "man they really should tear this thing down and build a completely new coaster". Never saw a point to it without the dueling. Excited to see what they have planned, even if it's not a whole new ride.
In a park cramped for expansion space, and expecting increased attendance in future years, its difficult to rationalize a single ride occupying 6 or 7 acres of precious space. Especially if it's just an average, not an icon ticket selling, attraction.
Whenever anyone mentions the park being cramped for space I just laugh...and think about smaller parks with less acreage that have done so much more(Disneyland, anyone?)...why not build attractions over and around each other?
And then I think about that huge lagoon...they could totally add more if they ever built anything out towards the water. (Of course there are still expansion pads elsewhere in the park, and a very ugly unused amphitheater sitting in Toon Lagoon.)
Whenever anyone mentions the park being cramped for space I just laugh...and think about smaller parks with less acreage that have done so much more(Disneyland, anyone?)...why not build attractions over and around each other?
And then I think about that huge lagoon...they could totally add more if they ever built anything out towards the water. (Of course there are still expansion pads elsewhere in the park, and a very ugly unused amphitheater sitting in Toon Lagoon.)
Universal has space. People exaggerate it but they're fine.
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With 6-7 acres, they could use that space for:
Great Hall show/dining experience
an E-ticket themed coaster (either Quidditch or an actual Triwizard Tournament)
a D-ticket family dark ride (maybe a ride in the Ford Anglia?)
an Azkaban show/walkthrough
recreation of Forbidden Forest

As long as DC's replacement increases the theming and adds more capacity to IOA, I wouldn't mind seeing it removed. I'd rather see its plot used for HP 3.0 than LC. Save that for either Seuss or an LC revamp.
I would be happy for the attraction to go, after recently being diagnosed with diabetes and suffering my first hypo oddly I thought it felt like when I get off DC. Thats the way I described to wife and she knew exactly what I meant.
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The TRON coaster at Shanghai Disneyland is a motorbike coaster right? That one seems pretty cool.

I still don't think DD is going but if it is... it'll probably be a dark ride (or two) taking its place, I think.
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Pretty sure there was a GhostRider motor bike concept at one point, and then Nick Cage happened....
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I'd be sad to see DC go, but with the re-ride line gone and having to wait in a long line just for lockers before waiting in line for the ride (and fighting the crowd in that area in general) I guess I wouldn't be too sad. It's more trouble than it's worth now unless the circumstances are right.
Re-ride is still there. Lockers are indeed horribly cramped.
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