Halloween Horror Nights 2021 (USH) - News & Info | Page 15 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 2021 (USH) - News & Info

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As far as the possibility of a daytime event would go, I'll say while it's true that the orlando mazes were basically fine during the day, I think its sort of a different situation with Hollywood, especially given that all the ones orlando had open for 2020 were in some form of enclosed structure, and most of hollywoods aren't, meaning a majority of them would suffer really hard from light bleed unless they went really far out of their way to redesign them to minimize it. Like I know with early entry they've operated mazes in the daylight before, but thats only really acceptable because of the convenience of getting like half of the mazes done before the park is open, they're all still designed to be seen in the dark and I think that has a major effect on the quality of a maze.
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Here's a thought--Horror Night Nightmares when they had the speculation map from 2020 had Parisian..as an original. That original being All Hollows Eve.

If the plans for that are kept and assets are mostly recycled for that, that could be cheap for them. Could, in a guess.
If that is true, I assume we are getting no new IPs this year.

I kind of hope I'm wrong, but that would make sense if they reuse concepts and plans from last year to not spend the finances to brainscope a new maze altogether for that location.

That would mean--atleast for now:

Halloween 3 - Waterworld
All Hollows Evil - Parisian
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 73' - Mummy

That leaves us with two mazes left. One; if Beetlejuice gets used and none if Bride comes to Hollywood. The question on the table; is on the locations for both of them, if they even come to Hollywood at all. Would they spend the extra cost for the backlot to space things out?
I kind of hope I'm wrong, but that would make sense if they reuse concepts and plans from last year to not spend the finances to brainscope a new maze altogether for that location.

That would mean--atleast for now:

Halloween 3 - Waterworld
All Hollows Eve - Parisian
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 73' - Mummy

That leaves us with two mazes left. One; if Beetlejuice gets used and none if Bride comes to Hollywood. The question on the table; is on the locations for both of them, if they even come to Hollywood at all. Would they spend the extra cost for the backlot to space things out?
The way Murdy loves the monsters I’d be shocked if brides didn’t happen. Also think they will want to use the BJ IP while they have the chance
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The problem would be on locations. If I recall correctly; the rumors and speculation had piqued both BJ and Monsters at the Backlot. So if they would bring either one to the park; the question comes: would they spend the money to invest on new floor plans for Beetlejuice and Bride, to accomodate them into new locations? Would they use the backlot as a cost measure but to draw people out from all around the park?
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The problem would be on locations. If I recall correctly; the rumors and speculation had piqued both BJ and Monsters at the Backlot. So if they would bring either one to the park; the question comes: would they spend the money to invest on new floor plans for Beetlejuice and Bride, to accomodate them into new locations? Would they use the backlot as a cost measure but to draw people out from all around the park?
If it’s one or the other, I’ll take UM.
God I hope it’s not hill house
I don’t want HOHH but it is a Netflix property
Btw Alexander the Orlando mazes use pixel glass for the scareactors to jumpscare guests from a safe social distance. So Hollywood would do the same thing.
If it’s one or the other, I’ll take UM.

I think if their hedge bet is to cut costs where they can, getting rid of a third party IP (even Beetlejuice) may be a good option for the sake of allowing the cost of the event to go lower, and to allow them to put their efforts elsewhere. Could very much be wrong.

Btw Alexander the Orlando mazes use pixel glass for the scareactors to jumpscare guests from a safe social distance.

Oh I've known--I've seen the footage. And to state my thing: I can't see Hollywood having plexiglass, for the reason that is how Hollywood's scares..kind of make something like that not work in the grand scheme.
Oh I've known--I've seen the footage. And to state my thing: I can't see Hollywood having plexiglass, for the reason that is how Hollywood's scares..kind of make something like that not work in the grand scheme.
I could be wrong but I feel like there was a rumor some time last year about them needing to modify the floor plans to fit social distancing, so I feel like plexiglass isn't that much of a stretch.
It doesn't really jive with Hollywoods loud and in your face style of scares, but I think if it comes down to a choice between safety and scariness, they'd sacrifice some scares to make it safer.