Keep in mind with Jack that he's not a draw to Joe Schmoe flipping through channels...even LESS so for the other Icons. This is a commercial to draw people to the event. Particularly the horror fans. And probably one of the #1 horror tropes is Scary Clowns. So he works. Old Lady in a rocking chair, Roman Polansky, Hot Ginger in a Green Dress, and Tree-Man don't have the same instant recognition and understanding.
You were expecting something else...Fair enough. We have the IP announcement videos that has the happy go lucky / wiseass Beetlejuice you were looking for. It exists, just not in this add because it doesn't fit. Going from Beetlejuice to Leatherface is a huge jump and doesn't make for a very cohesive story.
The fact that it had the Billie thing that wasn't pulled, clearly shows it was shot earlier. It's not cheap to do these and the imagery is still really freaky and spiders crawling out people's mouths is VERY popular. If you weren't uber nerds like us knowing that her house was originally RUMORED to be coming, you wouldn't pick up on it. Officially, Billie has never been announced to ever have anything at the event. That's just another horror trope. Feel like it's been an album cover in the past. Too lazy to look it up. The "Billie Font" could easily be from the movie Zodiac or The Ring (typing off the cuff, might be wrong, but I do visualize a similar font when thinking about it...didn't google anything). It's nothing tied completely to a single entity unless you want it to be. The guy who was carving into the cell wall looked like the blind guy from whatever sequel that just came out or maybe Michael Rooker's character from Suicide Squad, or any crazy babbling freaky homeless guy from countless horror movies. Again, a horror trope for horror fans.
And Beetlejuice is relatively considered to be a family friendly movie. Having him in a prison with bloody bars isn't something that the IP would want associated with it. That's business as usual and probably something negotiated in the contract for using it. There have been IPs that haven't appeared on the "IP group shirt", Beetlejuice wasn't called out for Marathon of Mayhem v2.0 so maybe there's something with that, etc.
I think the commercial is great for what it is and works really well. Throwing 20 different characters into a commercial for the general public would just confuse the hell out of everybody...and they want to SCARE the hell out of everybody with the ad

A lot of people, myself included, think Lights, Camera, Hacktion is confusing and throwing too many un-related things into a zones. The Weeblewobble Soap People, Extras from Grease, and Mask-Wearing Chainsaw Dude who isn't Leatherfact? To throw all the icons into an ad for the general public would cause that kind of confusion but exponentially higher.