Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 121 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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Yeah, that's why I said "HHN isn't really known for making sense." However, I think after having basically all of their original scarezones this year be anniversary stuff (Terra Queen, 30th Anniversary, Best of Scarezone), I feel like they'd want at least one original that has nothing to do with the past. A new original concept. LiTC can go to the 30th anniversary zone and Vamp 55 to the best of scarezone zone. That's probably why it says "Select Cuts By Meety Meetz (the houses) and Vamp 55 (the zones) on the poster. It's referencing the best of scarezones zone and the 30th anniversary zone, not the unknown original.
Terra Queen sadly resorted to a zone but it what it is, 30th Anniversary is what you imagine it to be, it's Icons: HHN, 20 Years of Fear, every anniversary generic scarezone, nothing big there it's the usual with them. Best of scarezones is tricky because they've have had a lot of interesting bad ones and select good ones and wait for it of course a returning zone from the previous year make an appearance as well. The unknown one, idk what you're talking about, where is this unknown one supposed to be placed? Sting Alley?
Terra Queen sadly resorted to a zone but it what it is, 30th Anniversary is what you imagine it to be, it's Icons: HHN, 20 Years of Fear, every anniversary generic scarezone, nothing big there it's the usual with them. Best of scarezones is tricky because they've have had a lot of interesting bad ones and select good ones and wait for it of course a returning zone from the previous year make an appearance as well. The unknown one, idk what you're talking about, where is this unknown one supposed to be placed? Sting Alley?
Based on HNN, the unknown original looks like it's rumoured to be in New York. 30th Anniversary is Plaza, Creepshow is San Fran, Terra is Central Park, and Best Of is Hollywood.
Based on HNN, the unknown original looks like it's rumoured to be in New York. 30th Anniversary is Plaza, Creepshow is San Fran, Terra is Central Park, and Best Of is Hollywood.
And you're going by the spec to be 100% official. You do know things could be falsified to protect the real locations right?
And you're going by the spec to be 100% official?
Never said that. I'm always for saying that nothing is confirmed unless by Uni themselves. But assuming that they are doing 5 scarezones like they said, and we are fairly confident on the 4 we're given...what is the 5th. That's my question. I also don't care much about the location, just what the scarezone is.
I just think it's just best to firmly wait till the powers of be Universal to really confirm things, I love the spec map don't get me wrong but to immediately assume by the spec map immediately that's true, is eh, I'd wait till it comes from Universal's team first. Nothing is official and confirmed till they do it. People can be right and people can be wrong and people can be lucky to know what is what but till Universal spills the beans, it's just spec nothing more.
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To be fair I can understand the scarezone confusion. What the spec map said and what people like Legacy said was originally planned for 2020 was different. IIRC it was said the Unknown Original was going to be in Hollywood and the Best of Scarezones was going to be in New York for 2020. Also, I agree that Creepshow probably won't be a zone this year, so it will be interesting to see what replaces that.
I just think it's just best to firmly wait till the powers of be Universal to really confirm things, I love the spec map don't get me wrong but to immediately assume by the spec map immediately that's true, is eh, I'd wait till it comes from Universal's team first. Nothing is official and confirmed till they do it.
Well, we all know that by now. We've seen the spec maps be wrong in the past. But as it stands right now, we know they have 5 scarezones planned. Even assuming that HNN is correct about the 4 they guessed, which is not certain, that still means we have one scarezone to speculate on. All I'm asking is this: What do we think will be in that scarezone since it is likely an original idea that does not rely on past originals from HHN?
To be fair I can understand the scarezone confusion. What the spec map said and what people like Legacy said was originally planned for 2020 was different. IIRC it was said the Unknown Original was going to be in Hollywood and the Best of Scarezones was going to be in New York for 2020. Also, I agree that Creepshow probably won't be a zone this year, so it will be interesting to see what replaces that.
I wonder if they have the budget to get another IP on board this year though. I can see a switch in locations happening to put Creepshow's scarezone closer to the house but I think they'd either need to keep Creepshow or have only originals as scarezones.
I wonder if they have the budget to get another IP on board this year though. I can see a switch in locations happening to put Creepshow's scarezone closer to the house but I think they'd either need to keep Creepshow or have only originals as scarezones.
Or just keep everything original, they don't need ips to flood the streets when they have it all covered in the houses, there's no need for another ip but of course that wouldn't stop em from making an original inspired by an ip type zone like they've been done a few times before.
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Or just keep everything original, they don't need ips to flood the streets when they have it all covered in the houses, there's no need for another ip but of course that wouldn't stop em from making an original inspired by an ip type zone like they've been done a few times before.
There is that, but assuming they already have the stuff for a Creepshow IP (I remember hearing the scarezones were at least partially built, if not finished), why waste any money trying to change it? They could work out a deal with Creepshow and just continue as planned.
Or just keep everything original, they don't need ips to flood the streets when they have it all covered in the houses, there's no need for another ip but of course that wouldn't stop em from making an original inspired by an ip type zone like they've been done a few times before.
I REALLY hope they go all original. I don't think it's completely out of the question since we had an all-original zone year as recent as 26. Then again, they could always "Purge" one of the zones...
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There is that, but assuming they already have the stuff for a Creepshow IP (I remember hearing the scarezones were at least partially built, if not finished), why waste any money trying to change it? They could work out a deal with Creepshow and just continue as planned.
Or just take the set pieces and placed them in the house apart of the set, they could easily write a new scarezone, they have ideas, they always have ideas for zones, just some are better than others, it could easily be replaced with anything else.

I REALLY hope they go all original. I don't think it's completely out of the question since we had an all-original zone year as recent as 26. Then again, they could always "Purge" one of the zones...
Well if they had New York but New York is going to be busy this year and I don't think they wanna chance the space.
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Or just take the set pieces and placed them in the house apart of the set, they could easily write a new scarezone, they have ideas, they always have ideas for zones, just some are better than others, it could easily be replaced with anything else.
I don't they'd do that. I know they have ideas, but as it stands...do they have budget? I heard that they were given the budget to replace Eilish and maintain the houses. I don't think they have enough for a scarezone.
I don't they'd do that. I know they have ideas, but as it stands...do they have budget? I heard that they were given the budget to replace Eilish and maintain the houses. I don't think they have enough for a scarezone.
What was Mardi Gras? What was the money made from Mardi Gras going to?
Well if they had New York but New York is going to be busy this year and I don't think they wanna chance the space.
I feel like out of all the places they would want to have scarezones this year, NY would be the one they would most definately use. It's the widest and probably the largest, meaning distancing will probably be much easier. I could see NY being used more than something small and cramped like Central Park or San Fran.
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I feel like out of all the places they would want to have scarezones this year, NY would be the one they would most definately use. It's the widest and probably the largest, meaning distancing will probably be much easier. I could see NY being used more than something small and cramped like Central Park or San Fran.
Hence why its where the 30th Anniversary zone was supposed to be, rumoredly and I'm sure Universal's Classic Monsters were going to be featured as well, by the looks of the Tribute Store, it seemed fitting, since it could easily themed by it, just a hunch.
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