I haven’t gotten much about this year, so I don’t have a ton of insight into the validity of this “Eilish-like” rumor. I will say, however, Universal was willing to bring in such an unconventional IP like Eilish because she is one of the most popular artists at present. If you go by my
Tiers principals, Billie was a Tier 1 property (popular soft-horror).
So, anything that would be so unconventional that the HHN community would split on it would have to be either:
A.) Popular enough to warrant inclusion despite being too soft- horror;
B.) Nowhere near popular enough despite being true horror; or
C.) Popular and horror, but from a media the HHN-community tends to shun as an IP source (is it Metallica? I think the rumor is Metallica.)
I think anything else is fair game, honestly.