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HHN 19 - Ripped from the Silver Screen

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From Screamscape.

(8/6/09) Screamscape sources have come forward with the names and basic themed of the unknown haunts. The Parade Building maze (codename: Flashlight) will indeed be themed as the haunted Universal Palace Theater and possibly use the name Silver Screams. Meanwhile the Disaster queue area (codename: Plea Sant Vielle) will indeed be given a quiet small neighborhood theme with various storefronts, and I’m betting a butcher shop may also be a big part of this. I’ve also heard that Fangoria is involved here in some fashion, possibly with the design, and the rumored name for this haunt is: Fangoria Presents: Leave It To Cleaver. Fangoria isn’t done there though, as they are also rumored to be involved with our last unknown maze in Sprung Two entitled, Fangoria Presents: The Spawning. I’ve still got no idea what the theme of that one may be yet however.
how do u people feel about fangoria doing haunts at hhn? is screamscape reliable with there info?

---------- Post added at 10:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

wait leave it to cleaver on no dont tell me a horror spoof of leave it to beaver screw that
Does gel lighting refer to like the scenic lighting they use for Horror Nights or am I completely missing the mark? I don't understand lol. :(

A "gel" is a theatrical thing. It's typically either a plastic or glass colored filter that attaches to the lens of a light fixture to change the color or brightness of the beam it casts. Some are solid colored, others are diachromic (where it's a different tint of color depending on the angle you look at it from).

For something like HHN, you get sort of the cheap-o approach of typically taping thin plastic gels to the inside of lights in the park. Although this is the cheap way, it makes perfect sense for something with such a limited run. The long-term benefit over a glass gel versus a plastic one is that the plastic will "burn out" (the color will basically melt off of them thanks to the heat created by the bulb) much faster than a glass - some of which last "forever" (though that in itself is not entirely correct either.)
how do u people feel about fangoria doing haunts at hhn? is screamscape reliable with there info?

---------- Post added at 10:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

wait leave it to cleaver on no dont tell me a horror spoof of leave it to beaver screw that

I'm not happy with Fangoria's involvement. I feel as if it shows a declining level of creativity and/or enthusiasm in the HHN departments.
how do u people feel about fangoria doing haunts at hhn? is screamscape reliable with there info?

Most of that is old news. Fangoria (Horror Magazine) is involved and dropped the ball exposing this months ago. I don't see how this is a decline. It's simply Fangoria sponsoring two houses. Lots of attractions long term or temporary have sponsors. I'll judge those houses once I've been in them a few times.

On the note of Screamscape you need to take them with a grain of salt. Pretty much everything there he said is accurate. Although at times it seems like the owner post whatever lands in his inbox. If you think it seems fishy then trust your gut instinct.
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I don't know much about Fangoria other than that they are a magazine and a website, but how would they contribute to the design other than having their name put on it. It seems just like Dinosaur being sponsored by McDonalds. Just a way to get some money.
Fangoria, back when people bought magazines was a big deal. But like a lot of magazines the internet kind of made it less important. I am glad that the people are having a tougher time with spoilers this year, those no life people must be going insane, not being able to find more out because of the changes in the laws.
Fangoria, back when people bought magazines was a big deal. But like a lot of magazines the internet kind of made it less important. I am glad that the people are having a tougher time with spoilers this year, those no life people must be going insane, not being able to find more out because of the changes in the laws.

...I resemble that remark. JK

Fangoria has become completely over shadowed by other Horror Outlets now and is no longer the big boy it once was. On the note of those no life fan boys go look at the 'Speculation Thread' on the Vault. They are on Speculation 4.0 I kid you not. Their 4th Speculation Thread, and that as is has 43 pages.
On the note of Screamscape you need to take them with a grain of salt. Pretty much everything there he said is accurate. Although at times it seems like the owner post whatever lands in his inbox. If you think it seems fishy then trust your gut instinct.

The Screamscape bashing does tend to get a bit old - not just on this site, but everywhere. The bottom line is Lance is as good as the information people give him. HE is not the news - he is the messenger. That said, he's actually *quite good* at filtering the news to typically only share stuff with actual merit.

Contrary to what every fanboy on every other site likes to say, Screamscape does *not* need to be taken with a grain of salt. It's a very good source of information.
I think a better way to put it is take any rumor with a grain of salt. Screamscape is just the messenger, you aren't supposed to kill them.
Hence the reason when I go to the Vault I look at none of the HHN post. I can only take so many people giving ideas that HHN used before and recycling them. I put an open challenge to anyone who got scared at HHN to come up to Atlanta and Do Netherworld with me. I will catch them before they run on to I85. On the Vault I meant.

Cause folks once you do that, HHN is not the same.

Taken in the Disaster queue area - Pictures courtesy of our correspondent Disneyhead








Hence the reason when I go to the Vault I look at none of the HHN post. I can only take so many people giving ideas that HHN used before and recycling them. I put an open challenge to anyone who got scared at HHN to come up to Atlanta and Do Netherworld with me. I will catch them before they run on to I85. On the Vault I meant.

Cause folks once you do that, HHN is not the same.


I think if HHN wasnt a constant train of people it would be A LOT better. I can see everyone jumping out before we even get to them.
I’ve got a little more juicy Haunt news for everyone today. First off, we’ve heard a few interesting rumors about The Spawning haunt in Sprung #2. It seems that some props used for The Fly segments at the Horror Make Up show may be put to use here, though the overall theme of this area may actually be a trip down into a dark nasty sewer. Silver Screams also may be a trip through horror films “greatest hits” as we’ve heard a little something about a Phantom of the Opera section.
I’ve also got some hot tips on possible Scare Zone themes and locations. A little something called Army of Darkness is possibly set for the New York area, and I can only hope that it may have something to do with the film. A “Cirque De Freak” theme may be used near the KidsZone area.
Finally we have another confirmation about a scary movie theater Usher character to be used as the Icon for the year. I don’t know if they have made a final casting call for who gets to play the character, but it was described to me as putting a modern day extreme Emo kid in a Tower or Terror Bellhop looking outfit. As for the website, no new updates, but it seems the three haunt theme clues given so far hint at Chucky (Insane) , The Spawning (Missing) and Leave It To Cleaver (Severed).

In a way i am not surpised there has been few website updatesOk in june they told us theme and what they are doing this year.They didnt do that last year untill the end auguest.Also they are doing the movies how much of a story line can they do with chucky saw and wolfmanm.We already know what those movies are about.Now if they did like last year and just waited untill the end of auguest to give out the the name and theme and all there would have been a storyline with a lot of website updates.