Personally, I don't count TWDA as an.."OFFICIAL" maze, as it is a full on attraction. Besides, it seems like that it'll probably open sooner than September (thank John once more for knowledge on Auditions..). I do think that we'd be getting six full mazes, and TWDA to fill in as our Seven houses for HHNXI, but in-terms of IPs..that may be both easy; and hard. I think that as said, this year will have both coasts getting a diverse list of IPs (Sans TWD, Purge, and Conjuring); but I think that we're going to get some exclusive IPs that would add as an incentive to try in going to both coasts.
I think Exorcist is VERY possible for us having as an Exclusive (like AWIL and FVJ) for this year, I also think that Preacher has the more likely chance of being exclusive here also, so it can be tested in its popularity as a house. And, I think that as said; FVJ and Dark Krampus being Hollywood exclusives. Atleast, in my opinion.