Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 114 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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I wish I could go on roller coasters like that. But I don't want to end up having to :poop:
For years I thought they would make me sick but the twists and upside down's stabilizes the feelings you have while working with the G's and negative G's. In other words dont even think about it. The nauseous feeling is mind over matter. You body will respond to the event happening to it with adrenaline and the entire thing will breeze by as a success.
Ever since I went to Cedar Point a couple years ago, the coasters here are like babies to me now. If height is a factor, just remember that Hulk is 110 ft. and Dragon Challenge somehow is 125ft. Cheetah Hunt is 102ft. but with a 130ft. drop, yet that seems small to me as well. Ah, coaster statistics, love them.

I've spent most of my life going to Orlando parks and riding the coasters so when I went to Magic Mountain last year, it was eye opening. I've never screamed on a coaster before but at the peak of Superman I couldn't help myself.
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I liked your post but then the link was broken. So I had to unlike it.
Roller-Coaster Ride Could Affect Your Ears
Try that. I hope I've redeemed myself.

I've spent most of my life going to Orlando parks and riding the coasters so when I went to Magic Mountain last year, it was eye opening. I've never screamed on a coaster before but at the peak of Superman I couldn't help myself.
Same here, I had been to non Orlando parks before, but that was when I was little, so Cedar Point was something else when I went when GateKeeper opened.
I love the launch. If you focus on a spot near the end of the tunnel, next thing you know, you're there.

I would call the launch on RnRC a lot more extreme than the Hulk. You can also see the track ahead of you riding Hulk which means you can anticipate the forces a lot easier.

Being shot straight is a lot less scarier to me than being shot up. You really feel that Hulk boost because it's an unnatural angle.
Being shot straight is a lot less scarier to me than being shot up. You really feel that Hulk boost because it's an unnatural angle.

Well RnR Launchs to 57mph in 2.8 Seconds, Hulk Launches to 40mph in 2 seconds. I'd assume hulk uses more force slightly as it's uphill, but the overall sensation perception is down to the individual.
Well RnR Launchs to 57mph in 2.8 Seconds, Hulk Launches to 40mph in 2 seconds. I'd assume hulk uses more force slightly as it's uphill, but the overall sensation perception is down to the individual.

And hopefully when hulk returns it will be 0-50mph in 1.5 seconds. Uphill definitely makes the launch more intense due to the nature of the forces. RNR does not seem faster to me at all let alone 20 mph.
I don't think you can boost speeds and still keep the same circuit. Assuming the trains are heavier, you would increase the force, but not the speed.
Dude I don't think you get how roller coasters work lol
I assumed the addition of multiple sets of trim brakes coming after the launch may have suggested something like that and thought I read on here previously talks about increased speed. But it may have just been strictly launch intensity. My bad guys...
I don't think you can boost speeds and still keep the same circuit. Assuming the trains are heavier, you would increase the force, but not the speed.
Well can we potentially assume a higher top speed of the ride (i.e. bottom of the zero g roll) due to increased train mass (PE=mgh, thanks physics)?
Why would you increase the launch only to hit the breaks immediately?
Simply so they can advertise it as being faster. The general roller coaster riding public probably cares more about that than new story line and maybe even on board audio.
Edit: For instance, Makos entire marketing campaign of "nothing faster"
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