Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 23 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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I have wondered, but would it be possible to go 5 or 6 in a row to add capacity?
Judging by what Teeebin said, though, and the rumor of new restraints I think it probably is just because the restraints are slightly wider hence meaning a slightly wider train.
But what about heaver trains with heavier Americans :bolt:

Pirates is not alone with its troubles hey :lol:

I think it is a wheel base issue. The new trains probably have a wider wheel base and B&M refused to modify.

The only B&M model which uses a different track gauge is the Dive Coaster. Other than that they're all the same, so unless they're creating a brand new model for them (unlikely) this seems, well, unlikely.
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The only B&M model which uses a different track gauge is the Dive Coaster. Other than that they're all the same, so unless they're creating a brand new model for them (unlikely) this seems, well, unlikely.
Since the dive coasters have both 8 and 6 abreast, do they each have their own different track gauge?
Track will not be staged at Universal Studios. That would be impractical and illogical. The distance, Hogwarts Express and numerous speed bumps around the backstage road would be difficult to navigate. The track will be staged somewhere near IOA if prestaged at all and be brought in through the security entrance behind HULK.

Maybe not currently, but when they start to bring in the new track it will be put there.
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Track will not be staged at Universal Studios. That would be impractical and illogical. The distance, Hogwarts Express and numerous speed bumps around the backstage road would be difficult to navigate. The track will be staged somewhere near IOA if prestaged at all and be brought in through the security entrance behind HULK.

I've been told otherwise.
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Thats a trailer mounted generator of sorts, you can see the hitch. And its a sunbeam rental you can clearly see that. So I am going with the above that its for lighting or other equipment

It's sunbelt, and it's an air compressor, not a generator. Likely using air tools to do whatever work they need to do and no local air supply available.