Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 40 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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We call it :poop: on a stick, because that literally what it is.

Imagine compressed mixed minced lamb formed from goodness knows and mixed with goodness knows what, then stuck on a stick.

In the takeaway restaurants, I have never worked out how the are legally allowed to use them as it breaks every Food Safety law there is. There's gas burners behind the rotating stick so the outside get warmed and charred.

At the end of the night they put them away (presumably in the fridge), and the next day are heated all over again.

Repeat daily until all used. Given the size of them, they start off absolute massive, a good foot diameter and at least 4ft high so some places the same one must last at least a week.

The first few bites are quite tasty, then a few more and you realise its the greasiest most disgusting thing you've ever had. If you're totally blotto, you may consume half a portion before realising this.

It could be because I'm Scottish but you're using the word greasiest like it's a bad thing.
:topic::geek: Hulk is being replaced by a giant kebab stand?


Last one I swear.
Now the queue for hulk is not that big I wonder will they add on to the back or something to match that of fj. Either way the screens and which ever movie they decide to play in the new queue are going to be killer I can guarantee it. Hulk is going to come back stronger than ever. And a new first Half after the launch is not impossible..makes me wonder?? I need a spoiler.
Yeah that sounds awesome. On the other hand I just have to say that After hulk, Dragon challenge needs to be worked on. Maybe some kind of netting could be incorporated? I'm sure universal is creative enough to come up with something. These coasters need to duel I really don't like the them alone. Everyone knows that some stupid teens were throwing items at the near miss parts of the coasters. It just sucks that it has to be this way.
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I'd love to see Dragon Challenge duelling again. I've taken my wife to Universal twice and she's never got to experience it. On their own, I think they're just two average coasters, nothing special.

Does anybody have a timeline of when this is meant to be complete? If Mako is opening in summer 2016, I'd imagine the track will be starting to fabricated soon?

You'll also never guess what I had for dinner tonight.
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I'd love to see Dragon Challenge duelling again. I've taken my wife to Universal twice and she's never got to experience it. On their own, I think they're just two average coasters, nothing special.

Does anybody have a timeline of when this is meant to be complete? If Mako is opening in summer 2016, I'd imagine the track will be starting to fabricated soon?

You'll also never guess what I had for dinner tonight.
A "greasy" gyro (kebab, &*@ on a stick) .
I wonder if they add purple? Or does hulk still wear the purple trousers?
Purple track w/green supports? I could see that being more sexy definately. But I'm really going to be bummed If that roar is gone seriously dude. Like there's nothing like hearing that all the way from the exit of the escalators, it just gets my blood pumping everytime.
They're beefing up the footers, I'm guessing. Gotta hold heavier trains for the on-ride audio.

And the batteries... Interesting fact is that I assumed I knew what kind of batteries they were using on Rockit only to find out I was wrong and I had never even heard of the kind of battery tech used. (some of you tech types may have heard of this before so don't make fun of me)

The batteries used on Rockit are capacitor batteries. These batteries get their power as a static charge, and that is how they are recharged so quickly. Problem is they don't hold a robust amount of power... depending on the draw, it can be very short.

I feel certain these will be the batteries used on Hulk. :)