Is Rockit a Success or Failure? | Page 22 | Inside Universal Forums

Is Rockit a Success or Failure?

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Is Rockit a sucess or failure?

  • A success

    Votes: 179 51.4%
  • A failure

    Votes: 118 33.9%
  • Still too early to tell

    Votes: 51 14.7%

  • Total voters
Maybe, but if it also keeps guest safe...

I'd rather go through the minor, and it is minor, inconvenience of going through a metal detector than getting something dropped on my head.

No, what roller coaster do you have to go through a metal detector to ride?...seriously, this makes a terrible impression on first time guests...

I'm not going to go through airport security just to get on a ride...if the ride is experiencing that many people getting hit by objects the ride needs to be shut down and reevaluated

There are tons of coasters with vertical lifts and over crowd moments...this is so 2006 Universal...ridiculous
Unfortunately you can't fix guests not securing hazardous items (or for that matter purposely trying to hurt people). For me knowing that all of my stuff and everyone else's is safe and secure in a locker allows me to enjoy the ride a lot more. I am constantly paranoid riding Everest, Space Mountain, or especially Rockin Rollercoaster.
No, what roller coaster do you have to go through a metal detector to ride?...seriously, this makes a terrible impression on first time guests...

I'm not going to go through airport security just to get on a ride...if the ride is experiencing that many people getting hit by objects the ride needs to be shut down and reevaluated

There are tons of coasters with vertical lifts and over crowd moments...this is so 2006 Universal...ridiculous
Agree 100%. Aren't there nets? Just add more if it's that dangerous. This ride just needs to be taken down or rethought like seriously, a burden on the entire resort

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Do you think they could possibly theme the metal detectors?
lol they could blast music....unlike the ride vehicles
Why would they need to theme the metal detectors? You are going into a giant futuristic concert. I don't remember the last concert I went to and didn't get wanded or metal detectored.

This is just the kind of themeing we need!!!
seriously, this makes a terrible impression on first time guests...

So is getting very badly hurt. It's also bad for Universal when they get sued.

I'm not going to go through airport security just to get on a ride

That's easy, don't go on it. Though, I also saw some people saying that they also had them installed by The Hulk as well, though some people later said it was just Rockit. If they were testing them at the Hulk, I guess you're missing out on two Universal attractions.

Once again, the scanners AREN'T THERE ANYMORE. So let's just relax and keep our emotions in check.

The excuse that Rockit is "designed badly" resulting in items falling from the pockets of riders is nonsense. Is Dragon Challenge also designed badly? Because a guy lost his eye due to idiots throwing coins on that ride. Nothing in the world is moron proof. If there's a chance that people are going to get hurt because of people carrying loose items onto the rides, either by things falling out or stupid people doing stupid things, then Universal would be smart to force people to make sure their pockets are empty and the only way to do that is with metal detectors.

We don't know what this test was for, but if it was Universal trying new ideas to keep guests safe, that should be something that's commended, not chastised. It's such a SHAME that Universal cares for your safety!
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So is getting very badly hurt. It's also a bad for Universal when they get sued.

That's easy, don't go on it. Though, I also saw some people saying that they also had them installed by The Hulk as well, though some people later said it was just Rockit. If they were testing them at the Hulk, I guess you're missing out on two Universal attractions.

Once again, the scanners AREN'T THERE ANYMORE. So let's just relax and keep our emotions in check.

The excuse that Rockit is "designed badly" resulting in items falling from the pockets of riders is nonsense. Is Dragon Challenge also designed badly? Because a guy lost his eye due to idiots throwing coins on that ride. Nothing in the world is moron proof. If there's a chance that people are going to get hurt because of people carrying loose items onto the rides, either by things falling out or stupid people doing stupid things, then Universal would be smart to force people to make sure their pockets are empty and the only way to do that is with metal detectors.

We don't know what this test was for, but if it was Universal trying new ideas to keep guests safe, that should be something that's commended, not chastised. It's such a SHAME that Universal cares for your safety!
It's the fact that they keep wasting time, energy, and money on this stupid ride...and the fact that guests had to go through metal detectors to ride an attraction..

They better not return
Totally agree with UnniversalFreak, and I apologize for sounding combative. Why should metal detectors bother anyone so much if they are there for your safety? Yes the ride has had issues in the past but many people still say it is one of their favorite rides, and it has gotten much better uptime wise.

I think Universal has done a far better job than any of the other parks when it comes to safety and ensuring your personal property isn't destroyed. It may be inconvenient if you don't follow the rules, but I really don't care about how someone who could cause harm intentionally or unintentionally is inconvenienced. Every item dropped is a problem for Universal, be it guest safety, extra hours clean-up, lost and found reports, or ride maintenance. Everybody complains when their favorite ride is down or altered for the worse including Dragons, Cat in the Hat, Dudley, or even HHN. Just because other parks don't do something like this doesn't mean it is the right way to handle the issue.
I'd rather have metal detectors than having an awesome roller coaster get permanently changed because of one or two jerks.
Nothing says world-class theme park like metal detectors at the entrance of a rollercoaster.
Nothing says world-class theme park like metal detectors at the entrance of a rollercoaster.

Hear hear! More netting is needed, not metal detectors. I say they burn Rockit to the ground...which would be no easy feat. :lol: I've never ridden such a brutal testicle smasher in my life.
This policy isn't only in place for guests on the ground. It effects guests on the ride too. If a loose item flies back from the front row and hits a guest in the back it can seriously injure them that way too. I think everyone is just shocked that they took it this far. But in a few years after they get the kinks worked out we will get used to it.

I think they are working on a more permanent solution than the cheap looking walk throughs. I heard they want to make it into a nice little portal that guests walk through and make it look presentable and themed to the attraction. They also cant afford to continue staffing these the way they are right now. But the whole thing is still in testing phase and they are continuously looking for ways to tweak it. What we see now is not permanent.