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Jurassic World

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And? I don't care about all that critic-focused stuff, especially with this movie. 99% of the time I'm sitting down and tossing my brain out the window to watch a movie, unless it's something like Schindler's List or a documentary.

Was it fun? Check! Dinos? Check! Dinos eating people? Check! Takes place in the Jurassic Park "world?" Check! An awesome soundtrack that holds up to Williams' brilliant work? Check (seriously, Giacchino knocked it out of the park)!

That's the overly-simple checklist I had for this movie, and it delivered beyond my expectations. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and expect to have just as much fun the next time I watch it (likely next week). Is that mostly fueled by nostalgia? Heck yes it is, and given how much I listen to the original soundtrack, now the new soundtrack, and watch the first 3 when I can (I really need the box set) I don't expect that to change anytime soon. In other words, to heck with the critic stuff. :lol:

I just think you look back at JP and it had a lot of great CRAFT. It still had a lot of logistical "huh" moments, but it was so well made and had great character interaction. This was adequately made. There was no thought for tension or build-up. That's what made the first film (and parts of the second) so enthralling. You could feel the suspension build and then just let rip. I didn't feel that in this film. If I had, I could've gladly overlooked the nonsense in it. Well-crafted genre movies have that effect. This one seemed happy to get by on nostalgia.
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I just think you look back at JP and it had a lot of great CRAFT. It still had a lot of logistical "huh" moments, but it was so well made and had great character interaction. This was adequately made. There was no thought for tension or build-up. That's what made the first film (and parts of the second) so enthralling. You could feel the suspension build and then just let rip. I didn't feel that in this film. If I had, I could've gladly overlooked the nonsense in it. Well-crafted genre movies have that effect. This one seemed happy to get by on nostalgia.
Honestly, the only good JP movie in the original trilogy was the original movie. JW is the first sequel that actually BELONGS in this franchise. Yes, the script is weak at point and there's some things that just don't make sense. But it's incredibly better than 2 or 3.

My only problem is how it ended.
It didn't feel like it ended in a good place to pick up with a potential sequel. The movie ended with wreckage and the park in shambles, leaving them with a PR nightmare on their hands yet again, just like at the end of the first movie. Since imo they left off in a weird spot, it means to have a sequel and go back to that world, they will need a convoluted story/plot that likely doesn't make a ton of sense (see JP 2 & 3) to get back there.
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Unfortunately, I feel like this is a pretty accurate, non-biased summation of Jurassic World:

I also hate that they used the Divorced parents minor storyline again. It was absolutely dumb and non-essential to the plot in anyway, only used to evoke feelings.
Saw this yesterday well Jurassic World.

- Awesome innovation for a place in the world period.
- Chris Pratt really made that movie. Other characters besides the kids and the actual Dinosaurs not so much.
- Very intense at times which translates well for a theme park.
- Very clean story line for the most part

Dont go see this in 3D either.
And there were many many theatres sold out MOST of the day for this movie Yesterday at the theatres I was at.. Really curious to see what the final numbers are and how it will translate for Universal.
Projected 204 million opening weekend, but analyst are saying it could be higher depending on audiences desire to see Game 5 of NBA finals. Worldwide, it's hit 511 million. Jesus...
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Why do people feel the need to overanalyze things that are clearly intended to just be fun? Wait, crap, we do that every day. I don't know what to think anymore.

I hate that if someone doesn't like something they are "overanalyzing" it. I see a lot of movies. A lot. Like 2-3 a week. And I love my popcorn as much as the next guy. I am an avid B-movie collector. I didn't overanalyze Jurassic World. It just didn't do enough to make me overlook it's weaknesses. Trevorrow's action direction would've been good enough if the script wasn't so weak. Or if Trevorrow had managed to pull a rabbit out of his hat and find some of the magic that Spielberg was able to achieve, then the script could've been terrible and I still would've enjoyed it. As it was, I was constantly frustrated by what COULD have been a fun film. Moments like Owen and Claire on the brontosaurus fields and the opening of paddock 9 made me believe there was a good film in here somewhere. It was just killed by the silly militarization plot, weak characters, and lack of genuine suspense.
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I hate that if someone doesn't like something they are "overanalyzing" it. I see a lot of movies. A lot. Like 2-3 a week. And I love my popcorn as much as the next guy. I am an avid B-movie collector. I didn't overanalyze Jurassic World. It just didn't do enough to make me overlook it's weaknesses. Trevorrow's action direction would've been good enough if the script wasn't so weak. Or if Trevorrow had managed to pull a rabbit out of his hat and find some of the magic that Spielberg was able to achieve, then the script could've been terrible and I still would've enjoyed it. As it was, I was constantly frustrated by what COULD have been a fun film. Moments like Owen and Claire on the brontosaurus fields and the opening of paddock 9 made me believe there was a good film in here somewhere. It was just killed by the silly militarization plot, weak characters, and lack of genuine suspense.

Think he was referring to the video. :lol:

Then again, I don't think it was fair to call everyone liking the film blinded by nostalgia of the first. Pot meeting kettle type thing.
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Then again, I don't think it was fair to call everyone liking the film blinded by nostalgia of the first. Pot meeting kettle type thing.

Especially when there are people who are seeing JW and coming out loving it and they never saw JP, let alone have strong emotional connections to it. If anything, I think it's the people who have strong feelings about JP that might end up hating this movie because it doesn't live up to the expectations of JP, even though you shouldn't be going into this movie comparing it to the original.

mainly because it kept pulling me out of the film with silly things like Mercedes close-ups

I find it funny that people complain about the product placement in this movie (despite making it realistic to a theme park, as well as making a joke) but they don't seem to mind the Barbasol can in the original, or the Jeeps, or the Nikon cameras in The Lost World, or the JVC cameras...etc etc etc. It seems people don't mind product placement when its in "classic" movies, but modern movies it suddenly becomes a big distraction.
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My apologies if that's the case :lol:. But I was poking holes in the film while watching as well, mainly because it kept pulling me out of the film with silly things like Mercedes close-ups and D'Onofrio being a troll.

The movie was far from perfect as far as film-making but it was perfect to me because I had a lot of fun watching it. I honestly think "blinded by nostalgia" can cut both ways. As Teebin said, before JP - the film did things that no one has ever seen before with dinos and CGI, so we're always going to hold it in high regard. There are some things that are hokey in the first one, but we look past it because it was a freaking dinosaurs coming to life. With JW, they weren't trying to outdo JP. They even reference it in the film with a few meta-lines like "The first one was legit". I think Trevorrow was trying to make a worthy sequel that added to the canon but realizes the film was never going to match the magic of the first.
Think he was referring to the video. :lol:

Then again, I don't think it was fair to call everyone liking the film blinded by nostalgia of the first. Pot meeting kettle type thing.

Fair enough. In my defense, I was referring to people who said the plot (specifically the main militarization plot) was bad but it was still great. The "overanalyzing" argument IS made a lot for anyone who doesn't like a crowd pleasing film. It's a go-to automatic disqualification of any criticism. "Well you just over analyze movies."

As for living up to the original JP, that's another way to discredit those who don't like something. "Well you shouldn't have expected it to live up to the original. That's why you didn't like it." I didn't expect it to live up to the original. However, when you are part of of a film series, I think it's apologist to say you can't compare it to the other films in the series. We as an audience use that measurement all the time. Several people on this board have said "not as good as X but better than Y."
Fair enough. In my defense, I was referring to people who said the plot (specifically the main militarization plot) was bad but it was still great. The "overanalyzing" argument IS made a lot for anyone who doesn't like a crowd pleasing film. It's a go-to automatic disqualification of any criticism. "Well you just over analyze movies."

As for living up to the original JP, that's another way to discredit those who don't like something. "Well you shouldn't have expected it to live up to the original. That's why you didn't like it." I didn't expect it to live up to the original. However, when you are part of of a film series, I think it's apologist to say you can't compare it to the other films in the series. We as an audience use that measurement all the time. Several people on this board have said "not as good as X but better than Y."

If you don't like it, you don't like it. :lol: My point was the first one was something real special. If JP came out today, or even 10 years ago, would it have made the same impact? That was sort of the point I was making.

Over-analyzing....eh. It's meant to be a fun film. There are some things that are fair to pick on, but that video NBT posted was just all sorts of nitpicking.
If you don't like it, you don't like it. :lol: My point was the first one was something real special. If JP came out today, or even 10 years ago, would it have made the same impact? That was sort of the point I was making.

Over-analyzing....eh. It's meant to be a fun film. There are some things that are fair to pick on, but that video NBT posted was just all sorts of nitpicking.

Thank you. I didn't like it. I was just making a point that you can not like something and not be overanalyzing or be comparing it to the original. It's funny because I do NOT overlook the flaws o the original and forget the "hokey" parts. Not one bit. But Spielberg did such a good job crafting it that you are able to when you watch. That was my point.