Yes and no. I tend to enjoy more movies at home, which I feel is a growing trend. Some of my favorite movies are movies that I saw at home or in my various film classes. Alien, Back to the Future, Psycho, The Warriors, Spring Breakers (don't judge me!), Enemy, Snowpiercer, Nightcrawler. Those are all some of my favorite films that I saw either at home or at class sitting in god awful chairs and being barely awake. Compare that to my favorite films that I've seen in the theater, Toy Story 3 (not counting 1 and 2 since I was a child, hell, Toy Story was my first theater movie), Scott Pilgrim vs the World (don't judge me!!) Gone Girl or The Social Network. Every movie I see in the theater that gives me a so-so feeling, I tend to rewatch at home, where my opinion usually changes more positively. If anything, leaving a theater loving a movie is quite rare for me, that doesn't happen until I rewatch it at home.
The theater experience isn't one that I overly enjoy, though seeing a movie at the Alamo is a more positive experience than say going to the old AMC/Regal/UA theaters I used to go to, but lets not get into that. I'd been the spokesperson for the Alamo enough in this thread