So when will the Kid Zone closures begin? | Page 8 | Inside Universal Forums

So when will the Kid Zone closures begin?

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Nothing on KidZone closings surprises me anymore. I recall, way back in Fall 2014, when visiting Universal, I told Alene, lets go and walk through Kidzone since Insiders are saying it's closing down after HHN is over. Well, it's now November 2017 and it's still open. I guess Barney has more pull than anyone ever thought. He probably knows Spielberg real good. :lol:
If they pushed closing another year (which would be moronic), they could still get it up for 2021 with a Diagon-like schedule. Demo of KidZone will be easier than Jaws, so it’s possible.

But man, they better hope Mario Kart works like they hope it does. It’s way more complicated than Gringotts, and we all know how the first few months of that went.

Also, if they somehow bungle this project after how great all the plans are, I’ll seriously be bummed
Nothing on KidZone closings surprises me anymore. I recall, way back in Fall 2014, when visiting Universal, I told Alene, lets go and walk through Kidzone since Insiders are saying it's closing down after HHN is over. Well, it's now November 2017 and it's still open. I guess Barney has more pull than anyone ever thought. He probably knows Spielberg real good. :lol:

It’s almost like Universal is run by dunderheads :look:
the way i see it is if Nintendo land was coming anytime soon they prob wouldn't be building more harry potter stuff.

Here is the thing, people on the forums have said that their timeline consists of two potter attractions, for each park.

We already have one confirmed, and one from other individuals saying that it's in development. The other being Ministry of Magic.

And not even that, if I am not mistaken; there were people mentioning of the Ministry at some point in-between the Timeline of Diagon Alley opening.

As far as I see, The Ministry of Magic has always been a thing for Universal Creative. The question is/was of when instead of if.

And that from what it seems, The additional Potter supplemental attractions will open before Super Nintendo World's first phase.


Speaking of SNW and KidZone, wasn't it kinda alluded in the past that this would be similar in a timetable for Diagon? If that's the case, they may of decided that it'd be better to just keep KidZone active for the time being while other projects begin physical development.
My biggest concern for Nintendo is Japan. That project is just sitting dead with dirt piles. Why is nothing happening there? What are they waiting for?

To be fair in regards to Osaka, arent't they primarily focusing on infastructure for the entrances and the land itself before they do anything else?
To be fair in regards to Osaka, arent't they primarily focusing on infastructure for the entrances and the land itself before they do anything else?

Well, first we have to look at the grand announcement date. How many months have passed since then? I feel we are way past the time that infrastructure should be completed in Japan .

Then we turn our eyes towards Orlando and everything just seems to be sitting quiet. Now, I was told sometime back that Nintendo, yes Nintendo, was taking a backseat to more Harry Potter. But geez!
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I could understand HP jumping ahead of Nintendo to go up against Star Wars in Orlando. HP is a proven power house & it's almost guaranteed it will keep Universal competitive in the upcoming battle. Nintendo "should" be strong, but until it opens and actually delivers, it's still an unknown factor on whether it will be in the Potter accomplishment stratosphere....Now, if it's truly stalled in Japan too, that would surely indicate there are issues in some aspect of the attractions. I guess we'll have a better idea in a few months when we see what happens in Japan.
I've been hearing murmurs that they've run into issues with the MK tech (AR goggles I assume.) But ya know, that could just be people guessing since there's a lack of action.
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I wonder if this is why Nintendo hasn't really made any progress in Japan yet? Maybe a snag with the approvals from Nintendo across the board.
I wonder if this is why Nintendo hasn't really made any progress in Japan yet? Maybe a snag with the approvals from Nintendo across the board.

Infrastructure always takes the longest, especially when it's the first of 3. They were digging and doing ground work for 14 months at Disneyland (for SWL) before anything interesting started happening. That same ground work took much less time at DHS the 2nd time around.
Japan infrastructure is going to be different than Florida. Japan's has to be earthquake proof in addition as typhoon proof so there may be some more issues than anticipated.

Infrastructure always takes the longest, especially when it's the first of 3. They were digging and doing ground work for 14 months at Disneyland (for SWL) before anything interesting started happening. That same ground work took much less time at DHS the 2nd time around.

Honestly, I think this is pretty much why. Hollywood and Orlando also have other projects that "should" begin as soon as possible, so that way while Kidzone is gone; there would be things arriving shortly thereafter.

And that the work that Osaka is doing will most likely benefit not only Orlando on the hurricanes, but Hollywood on the earthquake infastructure both resorts need to have before SNW could open.

After looking at @AliciaStella and her post, what if it's more of a mixture of a few things, as opposed to the one?
Well, first we have to look at the grand announcement date. How many months have passed since then? I feel we are way past the time that infrastructure should be completed in Japan .

Then we turn our eyes towards Orlando and everything just seems to be sitting quiet. Now, I was told sometime back that Nintendo, yes Nintendo, was taking a backseat to more Harry Potter. But geez!
I've been hearing murmurs that they've run into issues with the MK tech (AR goggles I assume.) But ya know, that could just be people guessing since there's a lack of action.

So...could all this be related? Nintendo development has hit a technical snag, and so MoM and SLoP and such has slid into the Nintendo timeframe?
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Who told you Japanese don't like water rides...that's totally not true anymore. Hints why they are making a spa theme park in addition USJ succeeded with the drenching of people which totally increased their attendance during the summer

I think it depends. The reason why it's rumored Japanese people don't like to get wet at theme parks is because they use it as an occasion to dress in nicer clothes than what we wear in the U.S..

I know they have some flume rides at other theme parks that are enclosed completely in glass or clear plastic so they get to splash down, but not get wet.

On the other side, though, they do have a JPRA in Osaka and people get wet on that ride.
This kinda sucks to hear. Eventually UO is going to need to offer something that completely destroys the (false) notion that Potter is all they have to offer. Those were some awesome ride design permits. Hope they still actually get built and don’t go by the wayside because of disputes.

On a somewhat unrelated note (but don’t feel like making another post), I’ve heard F&F is the last screenz ride for a while. Did they actually get negative feedback from the “GP?” That’s the type of thing I feel would only be noticed/bemoaned by the “fans.”