So when will the Kid Zone closures begin? | Page 9 | Inside Universal Forums

So when will the Kid Zone closures begin?

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On a somewhat unrelated note (but don’t feel like making another post), I’ve heard F&F is the last screenz ride for a while. Did they actually get negative feedback from the “GP?” That’s the type of thing I feel would only be noticed/bemoaned by the “fans.”

Allegedly Kong’s guest survey scores were low, which yes, made them shift gears for everything post F&F
This kinda sucks to hear. Eventually UO is going to need to offer something that completely destroys the (false) notion that Potter is all they have to offer. Those were some awesome ride design permits. Hope they still actually get built and don’t go by the wayside because of disputes.

On a somewhat unrelated note (but don’t feel like making another post), I’ve heard F&F is the last screenz ride for a while. Did they actually get negative feedback from the “GP?” That’s the type of thing I feel would only be noticed/bemoaned by the “fans.”

I have to think Secret Life, if it's what I think it'll be; may be that answer of them being able to do more than just Potter..
I know they can, they just have to break themselves a bit...
Woodbury & Thierry Coupe getting away from screen rides is like a junkie trying to get off of heroin. SLoP could be their methadone fix. SLoP is about as far away from the pure screen attraction that you can get. It certainly would send a good signal to all.
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Sheesh, another Nintendo delay would be... dang. I'm okay if a delay means that they're expanding the plans, but it sounds like it's not related to that, which just makes this a damn shame.
On a somewhat unrelated note (but don’t feel like making another post), I’ve heard F&F is the last screenz ride for a while. Did they actually get negative feedback from the “GP?” That’s the type of thing I feel would only be noticed/bemoaned by the “fans.”
I'd be shocked if they didn't. Even when talking to casual fans/locals, I get lots of comments that there's waaay too many 3D/screen rides. They're completely bemoaning F&F too, LOL. That's why I'm convinced that F&F won't even satisfy the GP.
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What I was told (and who knows how true it is) was Nintendo wanted more. Whether that means bigger, more detail, larger size, more attractions, or all of the above I couldn't tell you. The impression was that they were being as demanding as JK/Warner Brothers, which I thought was the case from the start, but apparently has thrown a wrench into the works of actually getting things built since they won't sign off until they get it to their specifications. Once again, I got this from someone who has proven to be correct on things they've told me in the past.
What I was told (and who knows how true it is) was Nintendo wanted more. Whether that means bigger, more detail, larger size, more attractions, or all of the above I couldn't tell you. The impression was that they were being as demanding as JK/Warner Brothers, which I thought was the case from the start, but apparently has thrown a wrench into the works of actually getting things built since they won't sign off until they get it to their specifications. Once again, I got this from someone who has proven to be correct on things they've told me in the past.

YAAAAAAAASSSSSS get us more rides Nintendo.
What I was told (and who knows how true it is) was Nintendo wanted more. Whether that means bigger, more detail, larger size, more attractions, or all of the above I couldn't tell you. The impression was that they were being as demanding as JK/Warner Brothers, which I thought was the case from the start, but apparently has thrown a wrench into the works of actually getting things built since they won't sign off until they get it to their specifications. Once again, I got this from someone who has proven to be correct on things they've told me in the past.

Hmm, and is that going for all the versions of SNW, or is that just Orlando?
What I was told (and who knows how true it is) was Nintendo wanted more. Whether that means bigger, more detail, larger size, more attractions, or all of the above I couldn't tell you. The impression was that they were being as demanding as JK/Warner Brothers, which I thought was the case from the start, but apparently has thrown a wrench into the works of actually getting things built since they won't sign off until they get it to their specifications. Once again, I got this from someone who has proven to be correct on things they've told me in the past.

Wonder if they compared the updated plans to the original plans and realized how much was cut.
Woodbury & Thierry Coupe getting away from screen rides is like a junkie trying to get off of heroin. SLoP could be their methadone fix. SLoP is about as far away from the pure screen attraction that you can get. It certainly would send a good signal to all.
Well, it's been said before, but there is certainly nothing wrong with screens or 3-D...It's just the stopping and staring at the screen that is getting a bit annoying to many

I truly believe projection allows for backdrops and realism that wasn't possible years ago with static backdrops
To think this may end up taking longer than Pandora did (counting announcement to opening) is kinda crazy. I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end, but the supposed delays are annoying.
What I was told (and who knows how true it is) was Nintendo wanted more. Whether that means bigger, more detail, larger size, more attractions, or all of the above I couldn't tell you. The impression was that they were being as demanding as JK/Warner Brothers, which I thought was the case from the start, but apparently has thrown a wrench into the works of actually getting things built since they won't sign off until they get it to their specifications. Once again, I got this from someone who has proven to be correct on things they've told me in the past.

I mean, that’s the best possible outcome. If they want more, I’m good with waiting

Wonder if they compared the updated plans to the original plans and realized how much was cut.

I mentioned this before, but I don’t see things as being “cut” from the pitch. Yes there are less rides, but the rides that were there are significantly more involved than the pitch.

I dunno what they want “more” though, especially if Pokemon is coming. Unless that means Zelda in IoA by 2021 as well
I mean, that’s the best possible outcome. If they want more, I’m good with waiting

I mentioned this before, but I don’t see things as being “cut” from the pitch. Yes there are less rides, but the rides that were there are significantly more involved than the pitch.

I dunno what they want “more” though, especially if Pokemon is coming. Unless that means Zelda in IoA by 2021 as well

Food for thought, what if Pokemon was pushed up to launch alongside SNW, so that way; more is added at the same time as Mario and Co?
My impression, taking game design and Japanese culture into consideration, is that Nintendo was ok with blocky pre-vis and rough outlines.

Think of the early art leaked for Mario Kart and how blocky it was, and how some areas don’t quite make sense.

When you design a video game you start out similarly but everything goes through many levels of build and revision. Nintendo in particular redoes things until they think they’re perfect. Tons and tons of unused assets lurk in their game codes because they redid a character, texture, etc...

Meanwhile, building for a theme park it does have this sort of refinement, but to a lesser degree. Once certain things happen, you have what you have. Like when they build the show building - the ride can’t get longer. They install the track and the ride system isn’t going to change. Pour the concrete and the basic shape of the scene won’t change.

So.. go to Nintendo with a plan for Mario Kart based off the early artwork that is solid enough to start basic construction. Anything that would fall into the “oh, well, we’ll figure that out” - like an effect, the timing of a scene, etc... will raise red flags and cause them to pause things.

Think of when Maelstrom was built originally. Ride length was argued between the various parties for budget reasons the whole time. In the end, it was supposed to have a shorter track but move slowly. Turns out, water doesn’t work that way, and the ride vehicles went too fast - negating planned scenes and dialog.

In a similar situation I can see Nintendo going “...but have you figured out the vehicle speed yet?” “Oh we’ll tackle that when...” “No. Figure out the vehicle speed and show us the script and we’ll decide if it meets our standards.”

Nintendo won’t have a ride that is 2 months from opening but the WiFi doesn’t work so the vehicles keep getting lost.
My impression, taking game design and Japanese culture into consideration, is that Nintendo was ok with blocky pre-vis and rough outlines.

Think of the early art leaked for Mario Kart and how blocky it was, and how some areas don’t quite make sense.

When you design a video game you start out similarly but everything goes through many levels of build and revision. Nintendo in particular redoes things until they think they’re perfect. Tons and tons of unused assets lurk in their game codes because they redid a character, texture, etc...

Meanwhile, building for a theme park it does have this sort of refinement, but to a lesser degree. Once certain things happen, you have what you have. Like when they build the show building - the ride can’t get longer. They install the track and the ride system isn’t going to change. Pour the concrete and the basic shape of the scene won’t change.

So.. go to Nintendo with a plan for Mario Kart based off the early artwork that is solid enough to start basic construction. Anything that would fall into the “oh, well, we’ll figure that out” - like an effect, the timing of a scene, etc... will raise red flags and cause them to pause things.

Think of when Maelstrom was built originally. Ride length was argued between the various parties for budget reasons the whole time. In the end, it was supposed to have a shorter track but move slowly. Turns out, water doesn’t work that way, and the ride vehicles went too fast - negating planned scenes and dialog.

In a similar situation I can see Nintendo going “...but have you figured out the vehicle speed yet?” “Oh we’ll tackle that when...” “No. Figure out the vehicle speed and show us the script and we’ll decide if it meets our standards.”

Nintendo won’t have a ride that is 2 months from opening but the WiFi doesn’t work so the vehicles keep getting lost.

I don't think the blocky design was the problem but I think more so what you are getting down at the bottom. This actually was a great Rolling Stones Article about how Nintendo thinks when it comes to creating games and you bottom part ties into it nicely.

Inside Mario's Galaxy: Why Japanese Games Are Back on Top - Rolling Stone
Universal needs to be careful, because the way people are currently sick of 3-D and screens, the next thing they might get sick of is more Potter.

I trust Nintendo, they'll make sure this is done right.