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Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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Is this where you stop and pose with a rope or something? You are supposed to look like you are swinging? That was there in October when I was there. I didn't buy the picture so I have no idea what it looks like.
Is this where you stop and pose with a rope or something? You are supposed to look like you are swinging? That was there in October when I was there. I didn't buy the picture so I have no idea what it looks like.

is that why that Team Member stands there... I never really gave the time to care but I was always thinking why in the world half way thru the line is a team member just standing there
is that why that Team Member stands there... I never really gave the time to care but I was always thinking why in the world half way thru the line is a team member just standing there

Yes. When I was there in October, they were stopping everyone at that point having them pose in front of a green screen and one of the people in the party would hold a rope. I don't recall if they had you pose as if you were swinging or not, but they are taking pictures in the queue. As if the line and wait time for Spiderman isn't long enough. I remember telling them I didn't want to stop to take the picture but they kept insisting. So i just did it, and walked away.
Yes. When I was there in October, they were stopping everyone at that point having them pose in front of a green screen and one of the people in the party would hold a rope. I don't recall if they had you pose as if you were swinging or not, but they are taking pictures in the queue. As if the line and wait time for Spiderman isn't long enough. I remember telling them I didn't want to stop to take the picture but they kept insisting. So i just did it, and walked away.

every time i've been in there they just stand they and dont stop or offer you anything
I don't think they'd close it for long because it's just updating the video and making sure everything is well synchronized. Unless they also take this time to make any more enhancements? The ride is pretty great as is, so I wouldn't think so. They might do some paint touch ups and clean up, but that's stuff they probably do regularly.
Ok thanks my Grandma is going to Universal for the first time in May and i'v told her about the ride and this an Popeye are the ones shes most excited about lol
Been here all week, and most of the screens are already switched. There are just maybe three screens not switched. Or maybe the projections are switched and not the screens or whatever. But it looks a lot better.
Been here all week, and most of the screens are already switched. There are just maybe three screens not switched. Or maybe the projections are switched and not the screens or whatever. But it looks a lot better.

Does it look like new HD film? Or is is just a better looking version of the old film? I wonder if they are using the new projectors and screens with the old film. What do you think?

Did it look like this?

Or, more like this?
let me point something out they cant use new projector with old film (because the new projectors are digital and wont project film)

I've noticed it looks better as well its most likely a digital version of the old animation (which used to be projected film)

they are probably switching out the film projectors for digital ones one at a time.

then all at once they will upgrade the animations.
Its still the old film Felipe.

I figured. Are there any rumors flying around of when the switch will happen?

let me point something out they cant use new projector with old film (because the new projectors are digital and wont project film)

I've noticed it looks better as well its most likely a digital version of the old animation (which used to be projected film)

they are probably switching out the film projectors for digital ones one at a time.

then all at once they will upgrade the animations.

The old film was actual, physical film? I thought the old was also a digital projector, just a lower resolution. :shrug:
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The old film was actual, physical film? I thought the old was also a digital projector, just a lower resolution. :shrug:

nope it was (or still is) film. (skip to 1m51s in the video to see the film projector)

same with T2 3D unless it was switched and i dont know

but BTTF was a digital projection from a master laserdisc i believe.
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nope it was (or still is) film. (skip to 1m51s in the video to see the film projector)

same with T2 3D unless it was switched and i dont know

but BTTF was a digital projection from a master laserdisc i believe.
That video is awesome. :rep:

I don't think they'd close it for long because it's just updating the video and making sure everything is well synchronized. Unless they also take this time to make any more enhancements? The ride is pretty great as is, so I wouldn't think so. They might do some paint touch ups and clean up, but that's stuff they probably do regularly.
Don't forget, they'll also have to update all the set pieces to make sure they fit with the new look of the video.
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