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Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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Well I poured through the patent, and couldn't find anything. It does mention other special effects in the cabin, presumably ran by the cabin PLC. It doesn't seem to have been shown in the patent, but rather included in the idea of it being "susceptible to various modifications and alternate forms".
^ The doc states that is is run by 'screw actuators'. These might be hydraulic or pneumatic but I suspect the former. While out of my league reading a patent such as that, further investigation on the terms used suggest it is possible that the actuators may create the vibration as well. They are rugged little puppies. Conclusion, the ride vehicles are basically built like a swivel backhoe with all of the hydraulics for the backhoe itself located underneath the swivel. It is heavy Industrial machinery.

BTW: that item labeled #64 is where all of the audio and control signals for the lap bar etc comes through. It's called a slip ring. :stunned:

^ I know right? :lol:

I think there is also a vibrator somewhere on the car that goes off. Why I think that is because in the behind the scenes, then the Scoop gets "Shocked", the car wasn't shaking enough to be noticable. All it did was tilt in some directions.

Now, I don't know what they did in the new program though.
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I just got back from Universal Studios where Spiderman had a 130 minute wait. Let me just tell you... I am still processing everything that happened. Jaw droppingly amazing awesome incredible... simply stunning.

I can't use enough superlatives to express how incredible this ride is again. It felt like a new attraction. Pictures coming soon.
New video from Universal:

I just want to start with an all-encompassing WOW. I got three rides in today since I came late and the ride had multiple malfunctions. Towards the end, though, it got it's game back together. The experience in my hindsight alongside my opinions is as follows:

So, of course the exterior and queue have not been changed. They sport some new paint, but everything is as it was before, and it still works.

And then you begin the ride. You notice right away as you look up as Spidey's shadow that the SCOOP's movements are much more direct and focus more time on each scene. This new feature, as are most others, is omnipresent throughout the ride, and perfectly accomplished.

So you encounter a much more noticeable streets of New York feel (with a cat-dog fiasco underway) and proceed afterwards to encountering Spidey, at which point your eyes just look at everything and start taking it all in. And there is definitely a lot to take in, including that stitching on the tip of Spidey's finger, for which I was adamant in spotting.

The following scenes with the Syndicate just make the ride all the better. The previous perspective issues are literally seamless now, and the details just keep your eyes focused and in on the scenery. The slowed down yet still fast paced movements are just so much better and they help riders adjust to the feeling and visual aspects of each segment of the storyline so well.

The ride progresses beautifully, from the perfectly disgusting detail of Scream's face, to the fire at the tip of Dr. Octopus' tentacle-arm thingies (for lack of a better term - I'm not as avid a fan of comic books as I am of Harry Potter...), to the looming towers of New York.

But then the real flourishing moment of the ride occurs: its climax. The buildup, with its PERFECTLY pumped up score and seemingly more dramatic storyline, works up perfectly to the moment in which you're taken over the streets and blasted through the screens and along for the fight. Not to mention the levitation scene, which, if the rising effect worked before, it is nothing compared to how the ride truly feels like it's escalating.

And then, you hit the curved screen. This scene just literally envelops you and sucks you into the condensed juice of the plot. It has you grabbing the SCOOP because everything is just so visceral. I recall the dementor scene for a comparison: the mood is there, the sounds are there, the visuals are in your face, and the movement is just so disorienting and yet focusing that the ride-feel just leaves your mind for a while and you feel truly within the scene. And then the trademark fall, the recuperation, and the resolution. And you're just baffled.

There is just one way to describe both Forbidden Journey and this updated Spider-Man: baffling. Universal Creative does it again, and tenfold.
Just to clarify on the vehicle's motion base:

I have actually stood in the maintenance bay and watched the vehicle run the profile (and I've spoken to an engineer that works for the company that made the vehicles). There are 6 jackscrews. Each one is powered by an electric motor along side the shaft. The motor and shaft is connected via a belt drive. There are no pneumatics or hydraulics on the vehicle, because those systems can leak. More specifically, if hydraulics were to leak onto the track, the vehicles would loose traction and cause E-Stops.
Alright, just got back from the parks today and let me tell you. Completely new ride.

To answer some questions..

-Yes, the falling bridge effect is working perfectly now.
-Stan Lee appears three times.
-The ride went down about 4 to 5 times for extended periods at some points.
-The wait was at 130 minutes at 6:35
-The old water effect holes on Spidey's hand in the facade have been covered.
-There's a great new color changing LED light that bathes the entrance area. Gorgeous at night.

Got to ride it six times today and it was amazing even with getting stuck on it twice. Got to ride Spiderman backwards which was interesting. Our Scoop stopped moving in the HobGoblin scene and we basically did the whole ride from the opposite of the usual perspective. Also got to experience a silent version of the ride during one of the breakdowns. It was pretty hilarious. They gave re-rides and re-admission passes by the handfuls though.

The ride itself looks like it did on opening day. Fresh paint everywhere. The ride itself is fantastic and feels longer cause of the new actions and scene effects. All the villains really got a heavy dose of kickass. The best scene is going to go to the Doc Ock brick wall scene. The struggle between the scoop and his tentacles is really amazing with tires squealing and huge jerking motions. The biggest change is the audio. Its so clear and crisp. The finale scene is incredibly more believable now. Especially with the new teetering off the edge of the building effect. Its honestly amazing. Really really amazing.

Spiderman returns to the throne as best Theme Park attraction at any park.

Oh, and two other things. Keep an eye out for all THREE Stan Lee's and a huge thank you to Universal for setting up social media tables right across from the attraction. They took our picture with a great professional camera and instantly uploaded it to their facebook page. Not only that, but they had six laptops set up and set to facebook ready for you to log in and upload/tag the pictures they just took for you. All free of charge. Great use of social media and really classy way of giving something extra to the guests at the park.
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There are 6 jackscrews.

Well, that must be why I posted the words 'screw actuators'. Understandable that they are electric. How is the vibration created? That was the point of the discussion after all.

Alright, just got back from the parks today and let me tell you. Completely new ride.

Well written review King_K. In hindsight, I think your opinion was what I was looking for tonight.
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I have two theories:

1- The motors quickly change direction over again to make the cabin shudder.

2- There's a separate sound card that is synched with the profile instead of the audio system. It has speakers that make direct contact with the cabin walls. Supposedly this is how they did the vibration effects on BTTF. I believe they may still use this method on Simpsons.
2- There's a separate sound card that is synched with the profile instead of the audio system. It has speakers that make direct contact with the cabin walls. Supposedly this is how they did the vibration effects on BTTF. I believe they may still use this method on Simpsons.

Ooooooh... DUH!!!! Hadn't even thought of sub woofers! Think of those a-holes that pull up next to you at stop lights with those things. I sit there wondering why their car doesn't fall apart in place from the intense rattle. I hope that is how they do it as it is so simple and brilliant.
Now that I think about it, it could also just be a series of small industrial vibrators. Since those are mechanical, and the vibration is synched with the profile, I think this is the most likely answer. The vibrator doesn't have to be big (get your head out of the gutter) as long as it's on the right frequency.
Well written review King_K. In hindsight, I think your opinion was what I was looking for tonight.

Glad I was able to help. It really is an amazingly new experience. Something I didn't touch upon was the new soundtrack. It sounds great and begins as soon as you turn that first corner. Really gets you pumped for what coming and plays throughout the whole ride. Complemented the action perfectly.

All of the Scoop's new sounds effects range from Scientist doing diagnostic tests to screeching tires.
Glad I was able to help. It really is an amazingly new experience. Something I didn't touch upon was the new soundtrack. It sounds great and begins as soon as you turn that first corner. Really gets you pumped for what coming and plays throughout the whole ride. Complemented the action perfectly.

All of the Scoop's new sounds effects range from Scientist doing diagnostic tests to screeching tires.

Just out of curiosity, is the soundtrack the same, or is it completely new?
The music is definitely much more updated in terms of the kind of styles it uses throughout. There were some very heavy bass kicks in the more intense parts, and the electronic feel of today's digital music landscape was laden. A nice touch is that, during the free fall drop, there wasn't any intense music, and the absence of it makes the seemingly out of control feeling of it all seem actually out of control. It pushes the senses in certain parts, making you crave the action. Definitely fitting for a state-of-the-art attraction.
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