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Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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Experienced this last night for the first time and could not stop myself from saying WOW over and over again. It's incredible. Can't believe how crystal clear the picture is, the newly added effects (that finale feels SO different!), and I even love the new soundtrack. Spider-Man has truly been remixed for the new decade. Heading over to the park this morning to get in a few more rides. While everyone goes towards Harry Potter, I'll be on Spidey again and again. lol

Also, I waited about 45 minutes at 7:30pm yesterday. The line just did not let up.
The glasses are thicker looking but not heavy like I thought they'd be. So much better than the last ones. The biggest thing I didn't like about the old spidey was the 3-D thing with the glasses because I couldn't focus on the images and nothing had the 3D effect for me. The new spidey though was exciting! It looks like riders will hit walls and are out of control without the odd "this is 3D" gimmick because it doesn't look like things are popping out but rather you are interacting with the events. We can also hear the vehicle itself which is great :)
If this was brought up in the beginning of this thread then I did not see it. Is there any correlation between the high-res spidey suit and the new yet released film's Spidey suit? Were they 'co-produced' in any way?
Nope. Not really. It is still based on the 90s cartoon/queue video for the most part. as with the rest of the attraction, most of the art and design structure came from there.



Other than the typical obvious general idea there is not too much in comparison for design.

So remember that conversation about what causes the car to vibrate?



This was posted in the Amity Demolition thread.

It's "six Aura seat shakers in each car, with control coming from Panasonic amps."

So Teebin wasn't too far off when he guessed it was just speakers.

That's a great article, but this part makes me sad:
Finally, in March of this year, after four years of planning, design, and construction, The Amazing Adventures had a soft opening for park employees and their families. Toward the end of the process, during a team barbecue, the huge model everyone spent hours poking their heads into was given a final sendoff by driving a bulldozer through the middle of it. Despite the complexity and sheer size of the project, Trowbridge and company pulled it off.
I think it's also really interesting that even though they are part of the audio system, they are triggered with the motion profile.
Yeah, and here I was all twisted in a dither on how they created the effect; as if it was some secret creation of NASA. :blank:

I read something in an article awhile back. I think it was one of the designers that worked on MIB. He said that they don't really make something new unless they need to. If they have a certain need, and there is a product that meets that need, they use that product instead of wasting valuable time designing something from scratch.

It makes a lot of sense, and that's what I do when coming up with concepts for our haunt attraction.
I went yesterday and when I went to place my glasses in the bin, the TM took them from me and said, "Hey! Don't throw that in there! Give them to me!". I wasn't even throwing them in there, I was just placing them in.
They are very strict about the glasses now, they don't even like if you try to put them in.
I read something in an article awhile back. I think it was one of the designers that worked on MIB. He said that they don't really make something new unless they need to. If they have a certain need, and there is a product that meets that need, they use that product instead of wasting valuable time designing something from scratch.

It makes a lot of sense, and that's what I do when coming up with concepts for our haunt attraction.

I was kinda joking by making an outrageous overstatement. :wave:
It is funny all that effort into them not even wanting the glasses placed into the bin and yet they left the spiel about placing the glasses into the bins provided at the end from JJJ's assistant in the scoop audio. In a few months I am betting the TMs will care much less about the glasses.
I read something in an article awhile back. I think it was one of the designers that worked on MIB. He said that they don't really make something new unless they need to. If they have a certain need, and there is a product that meets that need, they use that product instead of wasting valuable time designing something from scratch.

Quick someone forward this on to WDI!!
I read something in an article awhile back. I think it was one of the designers that worked on MIB. He said that they don't really make something new unless they need to. If they have a certain need, and there is a product that meets that need, they use that product instead of wasting valuable time designing something from scratch.
But..but..but that involves working with other companies :ears:
I believe Steve Jobs said something similar in an interview one time saying something like "we are not experts in everything so we do business with others who are experts."