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Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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Rode it today and the fog effects for when Doc Oc shoots you and the blast for when Hydroman gets fried are working now. The only thing that was broken was the ladder Spider-man jumps on at the beginning.
Rode it today and the fog effects for when Doc Oc shoots you and the blast for when Hydroman gets fried are working now. The only thing that was broken was the ladder Spider-man jumps on at the beginning.

The ladder effect was working both times I rode it today. It is all a matter of when you rode it on a day like today was. I think they are just really getting all of the bugs worked out of the new vehicle pacing.

Also notice in the POV video there was no garbage man screen in the Maste Wanadgement garbage truck, but the screen was definately working both times I went on it today.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs... Seems like we are talking about Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey's early stages again! :lol:

--- Update ---

I just found this video of the ride with the lights on and it showed the Hydro steam blast working:


Very wierd seeing this video without the ride score audio and the lights on.
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hahaha. That was me when this happened earlier today. There was a major backup of Scoops and eventually they unloaded them all and cycled them through. The fall at the end seems so much shorter now than in the previous version. It is going to be a lot harder for people to notice the Not an Exit joke on the storm dream.
So I rode it yesterday, early in the AM and everything went perfect. The 3-D screens were amazing, and it really did feel like a new ride.

My girlfriend (God bless her non-theme park saavy heart) was wondering if she would notice anything different before we rode. I told her to keep a sharp eye out and let me know after. :lol:

She was impressed.
I don't understand something about the ride stop vid above. Someone (a long time ago) said on here that the screens and effects are triggered by the ride vehicles. Well, if that were the case then why are all the screens playing over and over again even though the vehicles are stopped? Hmmm...
I'm pretty sure the screens run on some sort of timed loop, and the vehicles all sync up to them. That's why there's an untimed moment of pause before you begin the show ("Don't Pass" sign under the train). The vehicles probably trigger the effects, though. Or I just don't know and I should get a job as a ride op before I say anything. :lol:
I don't understand something about the ride stop vid above. Someone (a long time ago) said on here that the screens and effects are triggered by the ride vehicles. Well, if that were the case then why are all the screens playing over and over again even though the vehicles are stopped? Hmmm...

I don't see anything indicating in that video that the screens play on a timed loop. It seems to be true that sensors on the bus bar or other where do infact tell the projections when to start. The reason you see with the last scene, or hear other screen scenes and effects before it going again is because the next scoop is coming and has hit the trigger for the screen to start. The issue is the other and more important safety sensor is telling the vehicle it is to close to the next one, thus stopping it. Just the safety of the ride system overtaking the show quality.
^ The video shows the roof bump fall scene twice and no vehicle is moving. Once in the middle and then again near the end of the vid. That suggests a loop of some kind.
What is happening is the scoop behind them is on its way. It has already entered that second to last scene that he turns around and films. You just can't see the Scoop due to the way it is intentionally designed. It is not in the scene where it is supposed to be(just like the scoop the camera man is in filming the very last screen is not exactly where it is supposed to be due to vehicles in front of it backed out of the loading station. The scoop is getting far enough to trigger the screens, but due to the traffic, not far enough to keep moving.
Splatter is correct. This is where the vehicle going into the last dome screen stops. Skip to 3:30.


--- Update ---

I'm pretty sure the screens run on some sort of timed loop, and the vehicles all sync up to them. That's why there's an untimed moment of pause before you begin the show ("Don't Pass" sign under the train).

The vehicles ARE timed to be 18.5 seconds apart. The longest scene takes about 17 seconds to reset. Having everything looped is just too complicated for a ride like that. Why do it the hard way when the vehicles can just hit proxy sensors in each scene?
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What is happening is the scoop behind them is on its way. It has already entered that second to last scene that he turns around and films. You just can't see the Scoop due to the way it is intentionally designed.

Aaah... out of the bajillion times I have ridden I have never seen a back up before and was therefore unaware of it. Is this usually due to a handicap load/unload?
Usually, yes. Or if they're running a lot of vehicles they may not be able to keep up. However, they rarely turn the lights on for this. They only do it for Ride Stops that take longer than a few minutes. So something probably happened, most likely a vehicle faulted out.
I was there yesterday morning and what happened there was the ride had a simple tech difficulty and with many scoops on the route there was a backup. This caused me to be loaded for my second ride(after a similar situation) and had to get out of our scoop with everyone else as they shut show off and lights on. So there was on Scoop left to unload right before the Pass/don't pass elevated train area. The Team Members working the load area were talking and I overheard that the car with guests still in it could not unload because the computer system was not reading it as load station safe to evacuate, or giving it permission to ride path for special unload using that procedure. They had to wait on an override but it seemed they decided just to Cycle every single scoop until the load platform was completely empty. I have a picture of this just because I thought it looked so odd.
I rode it yesterday afternoon!! :happy:

I was there a little after 7:30pm. There was a 50-min wait and they were using the overflow queue. I was trying to be a good theme park geek and I was going to go through the full queue... but after waiting around 15 minutes in the overflow queue area, with the line not moving at all, and a little hyper kid hitting me and his mother not telling him to stop... I just went on the single riders' queue. This one was moving slow, but at least it was moving. I saw a lot of Express people go by, which is probably why the stand-by queue was moving so slowly.

Anyways, the wait was worth it! I thought the enhanced Spider-Man was AWESOME!! I sat middle row by the door, and had a perfect ride! All screens, audio, and effects of fog, water, fire, ladder, falling bridge, etc... everything worked and it was great! Also, it really is true what everyone says that you can barely tell where the physical sets end and the screens begin. Totally seamless, and really impressed by the HD and the 3D. I didn't notice the music much, so to me that means that it complemented the ride really well and it didn't distract from the action. All around, a truly awesome ride! Very impressed and very happy with the enhancements!

Hope Uni keeps it up! Lets see if they get HD or maybe even 3D HD in Forbidden Journey. If they do as great of a job as they did with Spider-Man, I'd love that!
Just throwing it out there that DM will be using 4K as well.
I believe when the scoop is going backwards after the fireball explosion if you look up you can see the infastructure iron work theming of the bridge appear to be damaged.