Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading | Page 41 | Inside Universal Forums

Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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Wait, are we talking about some new perk for staying at the hotels and you get a photo where they have always taken photos, or are we talking about on-ride photos. Doesn't JP already have on-ride photos? (i really detest vague posts)
From Jim Hill:
There's all this -- plus the attraction's completely overhauled queue area. Newly propped and freshly painted, the newsroom of the Daily Bugle now features a photo opportunity. Where IOA visitors can quickly sit down at one of the news desks and then have their picture taken. So that they can then pretend to be just like Peter Parker and be a stressed & oppressed employee of over-bearing newspaper publisher J. Jonah Jameson.

I'm guessing this is the photo-op they were talking about.
Ok, so the suggestion here is that they are attempting to squeeze a nickle out of Spider-Man as an on-ride photo looks dumb. JP already has such photos but they want more nickles from that too?
I wonder if the upgrades are to the Rex photo op next to Thunderfalls Terrace. Its a great photo op and could easily squeeze some cash out of there. They will probably do something along the lines of what they had in front of the old boneyard at the Studios.
^:inquisitive: Wait, are you saying that Uni might charge for something people can already go in front of and take a picture?
^No not necessarily more along the lines of a "professional" photo option with a kiosk or hut that also sells Jurassic park gifts including loads of photo accessories. Then again whats stopping them from making it almost an up charge type deal? Its far fetched I know but certainly not impossible. Also don't forget about the trike, they could some how turn that into a photo op as well. TAKE YOUR PICTURE WITH A REAL LIVE DINOSAUR!!! Only $39.95!!! :lol:
That's how the T-Rex used to be when it was in the Studios. Anybody else remember that?

Yep and the piece of track on the ground as well as the Ford explorer from the first movie on top of it. It was a great set up. I have a copy of that and the Kong one somewhere.
Kind of a waste of an attraction though really. Mainly because something moving is going to look just like any other large photo op on a still camera.
Kind of a waste of an attraction though really. Mainly because something moving is going to look just like any other large photo op on a still camera.

Well then, let's create a 30-60 second HD video encounter that is uploaded to the internet immediately and viewable as a thumbnail movie unless purchased on-site or online. Trike moves and blinks and everything. A lot of people would buy that.
I was there earlier this week and noticed a different procedure for handing out the glasses. They have team members handing out the glasses to guests. They had a TM in the loading dock near the bin in the standby queue handing glasses to guests as they walked by. There was also a TM in the single riders and express queue handing glasses out. They didn't want guests picking them up at all. They were still pretty strict about handing them back to the TM's when you get off the ride.
I was there earlier this week and noticed a different procedure for handing out the glasses. They have team members handing out the glasses to guests. They had a TM in the loading dock near the bin in the standby queue handing glasses to guests as they walked by. There was also a TM in the single riders and express queue handing glasses out. They didn't want guests picking them up at all. They were still pretty strict about handing them back to the TM's when you get off the ride.

I had this happen to me on my last trip in March. On my first three or so rides, a TM handed me the glasses. The rest of my rides, I was able to get them myself.
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I was there earlier this week and noticed a different procedure for handing out the glasses. They have team members handing out the glasses to guests. They had a TM in the loading dock near the bin in the standby queue handing glasses to guests as they walked by. There was also a TM in the single riders and express queue handing glasses out. They didn't want guests picking them up at all. They were still pretty strict about handing them back to the TM's when you get off the ride.

I can confirm this is what they are doing consistently now - they did this all day today. Poor girl at the exit seemed stressed trying to grab so many glasses carefully/delicately at once. Yikes!

Upgrade was very impressive, I love the character redesigns. I liked the new soundtrack, too, though I understand why others might not. There was one shot change that I didn't care for - the first big flying scene where you get "webbed down." It's much less chaotic and loses momentum. Everything else? Prime. Especially Scream.... call me perverted, but she kind of has an ass now. :lol:
Just went on the re-vamped SPiderman for the first time today. The whole queue looks brand new and the ride itself is actually better than it used to be, just gorgeous! I got to ride it 3 times, but I could have gone on it A LOT more. It's just that good. My favorite scene is still the one where Doc Ock bursts out of the wall and fights with The SCOOP, and yup...still love the SCOOP (Especially the new sound effects. movements, and test audio while you load).