1 part that is now worse is right after the scene where scream goes to jump on your vehicle & is pulled back by Doc Oct & he says "Out of the way the're mine!". Originally, your vehicle would turn completely away from that screen, before the laser effect would project onto the Statue of Liberty's head. That made it seem like it was coming from DOcs gun. Now, you see him shoot the canon & can clearly see where the real light beam is coming from before the vehicle turns. So if they just had the RV turn about at least 1 to 2 seconds sooner, you wouldnt see the actual light fixture beaming out that green light & would be seamless again.
I also forgot to mention something else that has changed since last time I rode. During the ascending up the building scene right after getting blasted by the anti-gravity gun, the building window projections come on about a few seconds too late, wheras before you couldnt see them turn "on" or "off", & you can also see them turn off as soon as your done climbing right before entering into 1 of the 1st large curved screens, I really hope they fix this, its just impossible to ignore.
I also agree that the fall seems shorter, but Ive gotten used to it. Also, has anyone already mentioned that they changed the voice that tells you the vehicle exit instructions to Stan Lee?
So while it has been greatly improved, with that came I guess some sacrifices, but I just hope they still plan on tweeking it hence why the lighting effects were different or changed in between my past few visits. As it stands now, I give the ride about an 8 out of 10. If they fix the above issues, Id give it an 11 out of 10.