Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading | Page 47 | Inside Universal Forums

Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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The new HD upgrade is great! The ride really looks awesome.

Do the glasses have a small RFID chip in them? I mean if the coke freestyle cups can have a chip in them, I don't see why the glasses couldn't.
Dolby 3D glasses, by default, have an RFID chip in them. Whether or not Uni has systems in place to check for the RFID chip I do not know, but I doubt that they do. Last I heard, they are handing the glasses out in person, one by one and collecting them once again in person. There are no pull bins or deposit bins.

One chief reason they are expensive and handled by employees is because the lenses are REAL GLASS.
Actually after thinking about it, it makes more sense that they are not tracked electronically. 1st, if they were, the signs would say "Alarm will sound if glasses are taken off property". Even the Transformers sign that says alarm "may" go off. A little too vague for me to take seriously.

2nd, they wouldnt need to have TMs handing out glasses to make sure you only get 1 pair instead of taking several for yourself, & than another TM at the end of the ride literally having you hand them over individually instead of just letting you drop them in the bin like before they switched to the new galsses. I mean if there was an alarm, they woudlnt need to do all that. So again, "tracked" doesnt have to mean that it is electronically, it could be anything, & the signs could also just be a deterant to prevent people from trying to take them.
^ Too, they don't want to play alarmist police state at the theme parks. It would set a bad tone with the hapless guest.

(Think of how it feels when you walk out of CVS or Home Depot and the alarm goes off; guilty. They don't want people feeling that way)
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^ Too, they don't want to play alarmist police state at the theme parks. It would set a bad tone with the hapless guest.

(Think of how it feels when you walk out of CVS or Home Depot and the alarm goes off; guilty. They don't want people feeling that way)

Exactly. I think it's this simple. The person loading vehicles counts ("tracks") how many glasses per vehicle along with the vehicle number, than they relay that info to the TMs unloading people at the end of the ride. So for exaomple, the unloading TM knows that vehicle #36 has 6 glasses, so they count "track" the number of glasses coming off said vehicle, & if the number comes up short, than they know somethings up/someone out of that group from that ride vehicle didnt give back there glasses. Now wether or not they would stop that gruop to start questioning them is another story.
^That's impossible with the setup they have now, FYI.

I love watching you guys try to figure this out haha. You're over thinking it waaaayyy too much.
^That Load is constantly communicating with Unload every 20 seconds. well, not impossible, but do you see the person at Unload console always on the phone? Does the person collecting glasses have a headset? Nope.

This is how it works: They force everybody in a narrow path that goes right next to the person collecting glasses. They then take them from every rider. The end. Everything else, even the signs, are just deterrents. There might be a sensor on the exit ramp to detect glasses, but I saw no such device or modifications that suggest something of that nature was implemented.

They just collect the glasses. The end.
^That Load is constantly communicating with Unload every 20 seconds. well, not impossible, but do you see the person at Unload console always on the phone? Does the person collecting glasses have a headset? Nope.

This is how it works: They force everybody in a narrow path that goes right next to the person collecting glasses. They then take them from every rider. The end. Everything else, even the signs, are just deterrents. There might be a sensor on the exit ramp to detect glasses, but I saw no such device or modifications that suggest something of that nature was implemented.

They just collect the glasses. The end.

This is the main reason Despicable Me requires so many ride attendants.
^That Load is constantly communicating with Unload every 20 seconds. well, not impossible, but do you see the person at Unload console always on the phone? Does the person collecting glasses have a headset? Nope.

This is how it works: They force everybody in a narrow path that goes right next to the person collecting glasses. They then take them from every rider. The end. Everything else, even the signs, are just deterrents. There might be a sensor on the exit ramp to detect glasses, but I saw no such device or modifications that suggest something of that nature was implemented.

They just collect the glasses. The end.

Right, that's what I initially thaught all along before even reading this thread, but I too saw that people were over thinking it talking about chips & tracking devices & what not, so I was just putting out there that if anything/worst case scenario, if they do in fact track the glasses, that would be how, nothing fancy, & I already said the signs were just deterents.

& all though I do agree that all they do is collect the glasses, as far as howd they communicate, what about a text board of some kind, or walkie talkies? Isnt one of the TMs behind that podium at the end looking at a computer screen? As many times that Ive rode, now I cant remember!!!
^No screen, just some buttons:

-UL2 to UL1
-Advance UL1 to buffer zone
-Station Stop
-Lamp Test
-Console Enable

They are also writing down the rider count of each vehicle.
That's what I'm known for. Just ask Teebs and HTF. :thumbs:

Shoot me a PM if you have any questions on ride tech stuff.