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T2:3D - Battle Across Time Memorial Thread

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Time to poke some bears and post this:

Fast and Furious delayed to 2018 and possibly beyond. T2 is rumored to be possibly heading out. This could be an easy install in a soundstage... or a theater with a badly aging 3D show.

As much as I wouldn't want that to happen, it's in pretty bad shape at the moment. You all are free to throw fruit at this post in disgust/anger now. ;)
Time to poke some bears and post this:

Fast and Furious delayed to 2018 and possibly beyond. T2 is rumored to be possibly heading out. This could be an easy install in a soundstage... or a theater with a badly aging 3D show.

As much as I wouldn't want that to happen, it's in pretty bad shape at the moment. You all are free to throw fruit at this post in disgust/anger now. ;)

Let me place it as this;

  • Could be a people-eater
  • Not that many screenz, heavy emphasis on Live Actors/Animatronics
  • Replacing an aged attraction based off of a franchise that has been fairing badly the past few year's

I am really curious to what the reception of this "Experience" is so that way, if it's extremely positive; then I would not be shocked to see T2 leaving by the end of the year, and Universal fast-tracking this to open around the Summer season.

It happened with TF, and considering how popular it is for HHN; it makes sense to have it take the Year-Round mantle.
Would T2 be enough space? I remember it being a pretty small area.

I'm very curious what will eventually take T2's spot. It's stuck in Hollywood, which thematically doesn't fit that much. But, honestly, that whole part of the park feels very classic (some may say dated) and might be due for an upgrade.
The only thing that gives me pause is that TWD replacing T2 doesn't do crap for capacity, in fact it worsens it in a spot that will need it badly for years to come. That's why I think the smarter play would be placing it in a soundstage, but I'm not sure how much Universal is willing to give up one of them for good. I mean... they DO still film in them from time to time.
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It depends on how they use the space.

From what I can gather; T2 is about 0.87 acres (37,500 sq feet). TWDA at USH is about .32 acres (13,875 sq feet).

There is quite a bit of space that they could use for this attraction, it just all depends on how they handle it. They could also extend the building to the outdoor overflow of T2 for Orlando's version but who knows at this point.
Time to poke some bears and post this:

Fast and Furious delayed to 2018 and possibly beyond. T2 is rumored to be possibly heading out. This could be an easy install in a soundstage... or a theater with a badly aging 3D show.

As much as I wouldn't want that to happen, it's in pretty bad shape at the moment. You all are free to throw fruit at this post in disgust/anger now. ;)

I could see TWD using up an empty space before it took over an attraction...It is basically a haunted house so it could really go anywhere..

Terminator eats a ton of people per hour, you know when a show lets out...I'm also in the boat of having something where guests can sit and relax for a bit (Just not the F&F idea)

Being a huge fan of the show, I'd actually like to see a ride made out of it...buuuttt
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Could a TWD walk-through in Orlando not just exist as kind of a 'pop-up' attraction for a few years in one of the HHN tents behind Simpsons? Still leaves T2 to mop up people, but adds a popular and relatively cheap addition to the line-up for the foreseeable future? (ie - whilst it remains popular)
It can't be in a tent maze. It's a permanent installation that has to be constructed in a building, such as a soundstage for instance. It has multiple animatonics and complicated lighting rigs, plus ceiling and high-detail scenic elements. It's cheap, but cheap for an actual theme park attraction, not cheap in the HHN house sense. And yes: Aiello's team does an amazing job with HHN, but they are still temporary mazes ran only for five hours a night in less than a month, with significant downtime.

That said: I don't think it will replace T2 due to capacity. The only reason Orlando would bring it in is to solve the capacity issues that F&F was originally supposed to. Thus it needs to add, not replace. And I think a soundstage is the place to do it.
It can't be in a tent maze. It's a permanent installation that has to be constructed in a building, such as a soundstage for instance. It has multiple animatonics and complicated lighting rigs, plus ceiling and high-detail scenic elements. It's cheap, but cheap for an actual theme park attraction, not cheap in the HHN house sense. And yes: Aiello's team does an amazing job with HHN, but they are still temporary mazes ran only for five hours a night in less than a month, with significant downtime.

That said: I don't think it will replace T2 due to capacity. The only reason Orlando would bring it in is to solve the capacity issues that F&F was originally supposed to. Thus it needs to add, not replace. And I think a soundstage is the place to do it.

But, but, that would mean we have to lose a soundstage house
It depends on how they use the space.

From what I can gather; T2 is about 0.87 acres (37,500 sq feet). TWDA at USH is about .32 acres (13,875 sq feet).

There is quite a bit of space that they could use for this attraction, it just all depends on how they handle it. They could also extend the building to the outdoor overflow of T2 for Orlando's version but who knows at this point.

It would definitely fit. It would also pair well with the Horror Makeup Show. They could use the additional space to relocate Monster's Cafe and possibly start adding in other classic horror themes throughout the Hollywood section.

Obviously all this room can't be used. IIRC the building in the bottom right corner is for parades?

This is Kong sized though.

Now if only there was a franchise that was based in LA/Hollywood that would use that same kind of tech...
The bui

Obviously all this room can't be used. IIRC the building in the bottom right corner is for parades?

This is Kong sized though.

Now if only there was a franchise that was based in LA/Hollywood that would use that same kind of tech...
The building at the lower right is the EPC trailer where all the costumed characters get changed. Not sure where they could move it to...
I'd rather ride something than walk through it. Seems like more of an "experience" that way.

Normally, I would agree with that (free of context, if given the choice between a ride or something else, I'd probably choose the ride), however, I do think that another smaller attraction - which isn't like anything else in the park - would be a good thing for USF.

But I'd much rather they just keep T2 if the other option is a Walking Dead walk-through.